how do you feel about the way alcohol is portrayed in movies?
How do you feel about the way alcohol is portrayed in movies?
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Not bad
makes me feel like a pussy. is that what you wanted to hear?
Not as bad as how it's portrayed in real life
Alcohol is cool and I wish I wasn't an asthmatic so that I could smoke while I drank and look even cooler
I want to be able to drink 300-500euro whiskey bottles everyday. And not get too drunk. I wanna slam whiskey like in da movies.
It's portrayed well in trailer park boys
I don't drink alcohol, it makes people dumb and aggressive. Movies generally portray it as cool, which is unironically bad.
Don't even @ me.
>character downs a glass of whiskey with no notable effect
Irks me when I get woozy after one shot desu
>these are the incels you share the board with
>he goes on a board full of incels
Theres nothing I love more than my days off during the week (shift worker) In the summer
>wake up
>big breakfast
>baileys coffee
>ceasar or margarita in my hammock
>mow the lawn and admire my work
>BBQ some lunch
>wash my car
>do random yard work or fix up stuff around the house
>sit on the front porch while the suns going down
>watch sunset and drink whiskey
Alcohol if used right can be incredibly therapeutic
Alcohol is for subhumans.
non-whites can barely handle their booze in any way you tryhard autistic
This is actually scientific fact. Whites developed a tolerance to alcohol as we used to drink very low alcohol drinks instead of contaminated water through the ages. Places like China and India boiled water and drank it with tea leaves.
I agree, I don't want to get drunk, I just want to sip expensive whiskeys.
t. Ex-drug addict, current chad
It's true. Minorities are lightweights. Get too drunk and do dumb shit or fight or puke everywhere and die
Boomers can wake up and start drinking at 6 am and keep a good buzz going all day til they go to bed. My dad would crush a 24 throughout the day at our cottage and still manage to maintain the property, go fishing, bbq all day, bon fire. And be completely fine
>bored during qurantine
>drink after not drinking for a while
>drink a bottle of wine and 4 pints
>still feel bad 2 days later
I didn't throw up or anything nor did I do anything retarded (just got drank, ate some food, went to bed) but I still feel dehydrated
Impressive, but are we talking those cans of small beer and bottles? UK cans are usually 440ml, fuck knows what that is in imperial but it's not too shy of a pint
Are you letting fresh air in? And not got heating or AC on? Being housebound can make you feel dehydrated because of dry air
young people can do this too but people who would drink like that tend to smoke weed now which will put you to sleep before you drink 20 beers.
Normal cans. hes been a big fat party animal with a beer belly his whole life. High tolerance
On one evening/ day?
That's a lot, bro. And after a certain age, hangovers can take two days instead of just one
If you drink every day you will fuck up the lining in your stomach and get stomach bleeds.
In the span of like 3 hours or something. I'm also in my late twenties and tb.h I don't really enjoy drinking anymore, I just binge drink on occasion for the sake of it
Got the windows open now as i'm doing some spring cleaning
I hope corona-chan doesn't break into my house and violently murder me
some movies use it very well.
3 fucking hours? No wonder you feel like shit. Maybe have gatorade but only time will help you.
Get on my level drinklets.
that sounds so comfy
Downing shit is easy. Dealing with the consequences is what's interesting.
I think the same way about spicy food. The true challenge is the next day, or at night when you can't sleep because the million billion scovilles are cramping up your insides.
>Drinking piss
the fuck you got a midge hand with toe thumbs
I've been drinking beer literally every day for about 8 years and this hasn't happened yet *glug*
I think most people would have trouble downing that concoction
That's my aperitif. What do you drink? >Inb4 cropped Google screenshot of expensive whiskey.
The brewery that made my favourite beer closed years ago. This shit image is all that you can find online.
>All life is pain
>>Inb4 cropped Google screenshot of expensive whiskey.
fuck you got me
>tfw you have one or two glasses of whiskey with some reading at night and realize that you've cruised through half a bottle without noticing and a third glass is looking pretty nice but you recognize the inherent danger in this thought so you call it a night, realizing full well that the second half of the bottle is waiting for you tomorrow with the exact same decision and temptation at the end of it
>drinking poison
I bet you faggots suck dic- I mean smoke too?
>is an incel
ohh wow what a shock
>dude it's like poison lmao
how underage do you have to be to think this is something profound. Reductionism is peak brainlet.
>not smoking or drinking makes you an incel
t. incel
Alcohol is unironically for NPCs, degenerates who can't cope, and faggots. Just do heroin nigger it's better in every way and the withdrawal won't put you into seizures.
>be bartender for 3 years
>got to drink on the job
>spent many weeks perpetually drunk
>never got hangovers
>withdrawals were something different
I never want to go back
>dude alcohol isn't poison
It literally is, it can be used as medicine but the amounts teens like you drink in your basement are counting as poison, unless you can prove me wrong?
>n-no u are underage!
post body
Alcohol is unironically for NPCs, degenerates who can't cope, and faggots. Just do heroin nigger it's better in every way and the withdrawal won't put you into seizures.
Its literally a neurological poison. It shuts down your brain section by section because your body is practicing triage. Your brain deems things like keeping your heart beating more pressing than being careful about being rude. As you consume more alcohol your brain shuts down further and further until boom.
But dont think about it. Pot is bad
>no argument
How embarassing
You first, princess
>this retarded fake pot versus alcohol dichotomy
why do teenage stoners do this? I've been smoking spliffs for four hours. You know who doesn't drink? Opiate abusers.
Based and truthpilled
Any proof at all on that.. at all lol. Unless something has changed the opiod/meth/alcohol triangle is still in effect in the midwest, great lakes and south regions
Weed withdrawal
>Insomnia, sweating in sleep, being irritable
Alcohol withdrawal
>Shakes, seizures, nausea, death
BZZZZT! That's the bell, a knockout for your "argument" and time for you to go to a twelve step program.
>calling others incels
you sound like a homo
>If I post KEK, maybe I won't get laughed at
HAHAHAHAHA So, how is alcochol good for you, incel?
It's not a rule of the universe but I was a tour rat hippie for about a decade and in and out of that scene generally people who drink don't use opiates and junkies don't drink
do you have any idea how much of a meme tier alcoholic you have to be to suffer life threatening withdrawals? I don't give a fuck if you smoke pot. I smoke pot as well.
The triangle by the way is a cycle.
People wake up feel like shit take opioids, go to work, start crash in the day take meth, start tweaking hard on meth drink to take the edge off go to sleep wake up feel like shit repeat. People live like this for decades.
You sound like a faggot, it's not like you were ever invited to a party anyway lol
>is good for you
I thought Otis on Mayberry was the way it should be: it was funny, but there were always consequences.
It goew against almost all statistics. Unless something has changed in the last 5 yearsish. I havent seen the most recent stuff that much.
I could be wrong. Look it up
Do you think hat life is a movie lmao?
>People live like this for decades.
no, they don't. Speedballing on meth and smack combined with binge drinking is a ticket to the grave.
So you do agree that alcochol is just poison for weak people?
>heh I know it's bad for me, but I DON'T GIVE A FUCK! MOMS GONNA FREAK
I already knew you were a teen