What's his best documentary?
What's his best documentary?
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Wangs of Redumption
How do I get hair like that? mine is too wavy and I get a shitty afro.
Wings and TempleOS, easy.
That ongoing Chris-Chan documentary reminds me of this guy. Both are great.
he was good until his fanbase became infested with redditniggers
Final Fantasy House
star citizen revisit when? his video on it did NOT age well
When did making documentaries on spergs and tards become a thing?
Yeah, I just started that Chris-chan docu-series this week, on part 17 currently
the henry darger one was really interesting, had never heard of the guy before it. also utopia mouse experiments. only one i didn't care about was the cat cafe lady, also didn't watch the hurdy gurdy one but he made that more for himself than anyone else since he plays that instrument
how old are kiwifarms and ED?
>also didn't watch the hurdy gurdy one
It's actually pretty interesting, but definitely not to the scope of some of his other stuff, but still pretty neat
what did I miss? is that thing actually coming out?
That one on the throne made of trash was so fucking cool
the one about the insane NEET pedophile artist that got abused on a labor camp insane asylum when he was a child was intense, that guys art is so fucking disturbing
which one was this??
It definitely gets into a lull, but that's because source material at the time has a lot of shit that bogs it down. Not all of Chris-chan's life has the same pace.
this isn't even that fucked up anymore due to the desensitization of the internet
I think he's confused, that was an atrocity guide video.
How is Spoony still sustaining himself? His patreon doesn't make 400 bucks a month, where is he getting money? Did he move back with his parents?
I find The WCT is underrated. He re-hosted The Comprehensive History at one point, but his own Randy Stair and Thaddeus McMichael documentaries are just as good, especially the former.
Local museum had an exhibition of Henry Darger's work, it was fucking amazing tbqh.
Based and redpilled, the Henry Darger episode was amazing, the story behind the artist and the art itself are super interesting, probably my favourite as well, he doesn't too many episodes on outsider art, except for maybe TempleOS, would like to see more episodes like this
isn't all of his work naked children either with dicks and butterfly wings or getting horrifically tortured? guy should've been put out of his misery, he had a horrible lonely life spent all his money at the zoo got bullied by an old nun at work and spoke to himself in multiple voices/personalities in his room.
the rat utopia experiment said a lot about our society unironically
no it didn't you commie
The wingsofredemption one was seriously something else. Didn't know anything about him beforehand, but I want super fucking into it by the end.
I think it gets boring because of the trolls. Its more or less the same thing over and over again
>hurr pretend im gurl chris love me
>uh oh here comes the bad guy and he has taken something, better make those comics!
>chris just clueless as to whats going
Its still a great documentary, the guy is committed. I would love a DSP style one personally.
The upcoming one about idubbbz
Thanks for the recommendation, watching the Randy Stair one right now.
I haven't seen his video, but it's even more of a blatant scam than ever
It was insane how good that documentary was, his telling of Wing's battle against Syndicate was like he was reading the transcript of an actual battle from a real war, amazing channel
>Thaddeus McMichael
it took me a second to piece together it's the dakimakura guy. what a story, though.
>becomes a neet who's into anime
>gets busted for cp
>ends up in prison
>gets out and realizes how much he likes being around people
>actually has a job and turned his life around
all for the low low price of becoming bisexual
No. He was actually more of a writer first, the art largely just illustrates his manuscripts, which, in the case of In the Reals of the Unreal, goes all the way from domestic scenes and landscapes to pure fantasy to extreme violence during the war scenes.
the problem was generated by scarcity you faggotoid brainlet, if anything it's evidence against communism
Never even reply to my posts again or i'll grab your head between my fingers and pinch your microcephalic skull like a grape
for me, it's The Worm Has Turned | A Jim Norton Documentary
>I would love a DSP style one personally.
Fuck yes. His life is a series of on-going story arcs that never let up. It would up on a cliffhanger as of this moment, though.
is there that much about DSP that would warrant a docu like this?
You could make one about the bankruptcy arc alone
Yes. I'm fairly sure DSP manufactures his own drama to stay relevant, though.
wow that's how he looks? he looks like a total faggot
will it include the moment i was a millisecond away from being summoned by him through my red soap while cosplaying as Solaire during his first "playthrough" until his gay-ass chat flipped their shit and scared him away? /dsg/ was trying so fucking hard but couldn't overcome the faggotry until he got to oolacile and got his ass chainstabbed.
>expecting a sperg who makes youtube documentaries to look like good
So get a straightener
he clearly doesn't when you fags live for his shit all you lolcow fags are the same spergs that just obsess with random losers on the internet
>to look like good
Lmao, kill yourself
Hi Phil
What's next on his channel? This dude btfo Hollywood and Netflix docs and his research is dauntingly based
The one about the instrument was fascinating
This one or TempleOS.
EH, I like him but the first part of the Final Fantasy House video was lifted straight from a Vice article.
you unironically wish it was phil you dream of it
Funny as that would be, I'm happy to accept a white knight pretending he's above it all.
he just doesn't look how he sounds
he's a competent narrator, didn't expect a trap behind it
Looks like Cara and Dane had a baby
The problem i find with the chris chan one and the randy stair, is that, its not a documentary really. Its more of a chronological archive.
A documentary is condensing info down to an enjoyable and presentable 1 hour of information that you can finish in one sitting.
I think they do a good job of archiving, but lets just be honest, they only call it a documentary because an archive wouldnt get as much attention
be white
I love the rise of the mini documentary in recent years, it's even better when it's about weird characters on the internet. It has a sort of unnerving but compelling close to home feel.
The one about the indian cult in america that used biological warfare
>didn't expect a trap behind it
Take a break from Yas Forums buddy
>the indian cult in america that used biological warfare
my mother was on that ranch
>i'm glad I spent my life correcting people's grammar and spelling
>A documentary is condensing info down to an enjoyable and presentable 1 hour of information that you can finish in one sitting.
Why? It's not like online producers are limited by TV slot limitations.
This but I also loved Rajneeshpuram the most, this shit deserves a movie.
I feel like that kind of topic is better for a true crime podcast that adds their own commentary to it
Knudsen's objective and grounded approach falls flat when he's covering ridiculous criminals that deserve mocking
I would like an in-depth documentary on Jason Genova like Geno's Chris Chan series
>1 hour of information
weirdly specific and sort of incorrect. Most modern documentaries are feature length or a mini-series.
I love how varied they are as well. Something like Feature History gives you the cliff notes with some humor thrown in, for example.
You can watch DankNet for this, he's the Janoy's biggest fan.
its not about being limited, its about how you enjoy events.
Reading a history textbook vs Reading Raw Material
These 10+ part online documentaries where the narrator goes 25 seconds without speaking is not a documentary. its more of a guided archive
Post some redemption documentaries
I love Invictas history documentaries, learned so much about Rome through those
oh man that one was amazing, I hated that guy even before the game was released since I suspected that it'd be another Spore and I warned anons about that.
Then I see that vid and I start respecting Shaun and understand his lies.
Still looks like a product you pour over you sushi though
TempleOS and Wings are both great, definitely what you'd refer potential new viewers to.
Sort of underappreciated is the Final Fantasy House. That shit was disturbing on a more grounded level, the abuse and obnoxious behaviour was presented so well I could imagine what it was like to meet these people.