What rules should a ghost follow to be more effective?
What is the endgame of the ghost?
getting everyone to leave it the fuck alone
they should suck my cock (but only if they’re an attractive white/ black female)
Why are female ghosts so much scarier than male ghosts?
Because you grew up with an abusive mother and absent father.
Most ghosts are the result of them dying a virgin and since we can't interact with them physically, simply masturbating if you see one would probably fulfill their business on earth and they would move on after.
depends on how the ghost lived and died
a generic haunted house ghost doesn't want new people moving into the house or messing with his things though
have you not seen The Ring / Ringu, this bitch literally wants the opposite or she kills you
need a japanese ghost gf lads
Remove murder mystery solving. My least favorite ghost movies always try to make it some sort of mystery to be solved. Just make it a fucking ghost.
Why do people in horror movies think that they always need to put the ghost at peace?
seems to happen in zombie and alien movies too
>"maybe we can reason with it" *gets brutally maimed*
Best guess is the directors or writers don't want to use psychic humans or supernatural rituals.
To be fair, IF you are going to have the ghost beatable your options are limited
>ghost finds peace
>human with psychic ghost powers banishes it
>ancient ritual to trap the ghost
>ghostbusters tech
is there ever a movie where the people simply fuck off and learn a lesson?
Pretty sure she just wanted to kill regardless. Only reason the main character in either version of the first film live is because they showed a copy to someone else.
Yeah, usually haunted house movies. Like The Shining. That's not really beating the ghost though more escape.
Ghost villain done right
>is actually beatable
>you don't get to see the ghost
>actually folllows the established rules
>protagonists actually had to ask help from 40-50 spiritists/exorcist from all around japan and they all have to work together
>gets btfo
like real ghosts and demons. movies pretty much never get it right. They always over do it to become not scary or realistic. and i'm speaking from experience and yes I know you don't believe me and no I dont care.
greentext time?
unironically a good question. Wish i had the answer.
it doesn't really matter whether I believe you or not, you do sound qualified to write a ghost story.
let's hear it.
its because people grew up believing in the notion that women are 'motherly' and nurturing, and its the exact perversion of that is what bothers you.
because they aren't normally threatening while they are alive so it fucks with your head, child ghosts have a similar effect.
also they can be creepy looking but you won't want to look away from them either because they're women which makes you eat more creepiness.
Because women can be much more petty and vindictive than men, and can keep it up longer.
A male ghost would be more likely to do big things infrequently, a female ghost would be small shit constantly with big punctuations here and there. Think about how a women nags and gossip in a relationship.
haha can you imagine a nake ghost with boobs haha, and she's all like "oooOOoo suck my ghost tits" haha
>Demons pretend to be women, particularly young girls because its basically bait to catch you off guard. If you ever see an apparition of a little fucking get out of there.
I just figured out why Asian ghosts are scarier than ghosts from other countries, and not because they're better movies because honestly its rare.
but its because asian ghosts tend to be minimal in their design, see Kayako and Sadako for example, they're pale and look human but unnaturally so, any contortion or deformity they have, they have for a reason
I lived in a house that was fucked up haunted for a year and a half.
I wish that's what happened.
just want to let you guys know that if I become a ghost I'll be a nice one
care to elaborate?
in some movies the ghost will follow even if you move. Sinister and the paranormal activity movies are examples of this.
Then theres the american ghosts.
They look human at first then suddenly goes over the top with the teeth and the claws, and they end up looking monsters instead.
I think that the two has a distinction, if something has claws and fangs, we innately know that its a physical thing ,and most physical things can be beaten, so it suddnely becomes less scarier as compared to literal apparitions
maybe there could be something in the plot that makes them weaker if they're outside of where they died or are spiritually bound to
>because they showed a copy to someone else
but that's my point
bonus points if they have glowing eyes.
so ghosts now need to see in the dark?
What if, say a ghost dies in a house, she cannot physically wander or influence the physical things in that house unless a mirror is broken in that house?
to be fair this would be more terrifying irl because nothing actually looks like that
I prefer the japanese ghosts in films though
she'll do nothing for ages until an alcoholic moves in
thats exactly my point, its terrifying but not not 'ghosts' per se. they're monsters.
Nothing sexual, but I'm a horny guy, so I can get on board with trying to fuck a ghost.
I was told the place was haunted when I moved in, but nothing happened until I'd been there for 3 months, then had one incident that escalated over the course of 12 hours. Then nothing for a month. Then it really started and became this constant haunting. Daytime, nighttime - didn't matter, and it seemed to learn new tricks and get stronger as time passed.
It was pretty scary.
as with all things in horror, they must exhibit unreal qualities, the impossibility of what's occurring.
Ghosts, spirits, phantasms, curses, devils, they're all tied to cultural customs. All of the aforementioned tormentors should follow the rules of their respective culture, since that's the reason they ever appeared to the people, for disrespecting the culture. Following the cultural norms and paying respects to it, one can avoid being hurt by these otherworldly beings.
A story where a being just torments for the hell of it and not because the aggressor crossed the line, is lazy, does not help contextualize the predicament, after which one just zones out because they can't really connect with it, because once again, everyone shares the culture, if the horror is embedded in the culture, everyone can connect with it, hence it becoming more effective.
>dark energy
>paranormal experts
>nothing actually looks like that
plenty things look like that, big sharp teeth and beady evil eyes are scary to us Because primordial man was eaten by shit like tigers and wolves
i agree with that user's point about it being a physical fear, that type of design would work on a movie about something like a wendigo/skinwalker and shit like that but ghosts need to be more subtle unless it's something directly tied to the legend that spawned the ghost
>ghosts can pass through people
>ghosts can pass through objects
>ghosts can pass through walls
yet ghosts never fall through floors or surfaces
there you go, retard.
I hope you are taking your meds now.
mental innit? It's almost like they are supended in the air, like floating or something.
im so into asian broads id even do the plain girl from Shutter
my irrational brother
the coolest ghosts emerge from a shadow on the floor
they wear special slips in their shoes which tether them to the mortal realm
Maybe they become more hysterical in death
My grandma's farm was haunted. She had this fancy room that was only used for parties and special events. We were never allowed in during any other time. There was s big brown leather chair in the corner. I've seen a woman sitting on it on multiple occasions when I was alone in the house. My mother told me she's seen het for years when she grew up there. I asked my grandmother about it after I eaw it the last time, but she was already suffering from dementia by then. All she said was that the neighbours often stopped by for coffee, which makes no sense whatsoever. Ghosts are lame.
the ghost was classy and just wanted to drink some coffee in a fancy room while being left alone
lol any time someone in my life has told me face to face a story about a ghost, i have to really work hard not to imply that i think they're stupid and/or crazy in my response.
Ghosts don't need to follow rules all the time, you just need to make things internally consistent.
>someone has had an experience they can't explain logically?
>heh... i'm too intelligent and nihilistic for this *puts on fingerless gloves*
I really don't like ghost movies because the supernatural is usually just a crutch for a lazy screenwriter to write whatever he thinks is "scary" with no rhyme or reason. Throw in a scene where some asshole explains the lore, concoct a retarded plan to beat the thing, then follow through. Usually a kid's involved, and almost always THE GHOST IS STILL ALIVE!!!! It's even worse that so many people still believe in ghosts and prop up these garbage movies that would otherwise disappear from theaters in a week or two.
Must be ghosts then. Out of the trillions of people who have lived and died, not to mention the countless other living things, only one ghost per state is allowed. Plus they stopped renewing licenses when recording technology improved 20 years ago, so even fewer around today than usual.
Pretty much. I never saw it do anything, and nobody else has either that I know of. It's like there's a glitch in reality where an afterimage of a lady sitting there is displayed at random intervals.
I don't think that's what he was getting at. He just said he saw some crazy shit while admitting it wasn't reasonable.
Not him, but I think the problem is that stated "the farm was haunted" as if this is an incontrovertible truth.
There are plenty of things we can't explain logically, perhaps even scientifically- but that doesn't mean we should attribute them to the paranormal rather find a rational explanation.
Yeah, however ghosts don't exist, so it's gotta be something else then, huh? I'm not some fedora-tipping atheist, but I do know that when we die, we certainly don't come back to life in some kind of intangible form to fuck with people in our old stomping grounds.