kinos about reincarnation?
pic unrelated
Kinos about reincarnation?
>nazism was left wing
he's right about greta being a propaganda figurehead but the nazi comparison is retarded since using children in political propaganda is probably older than time
also i would cum inside greta so hard our children would look normal since she only has that face due to fetal alcohol syndrome and i wouldnt let her drink like her mom did and you can tell shes pretty cute under the FAS so our children would look cute
It was always a progressive left wing movement. They just always turn into a totalitarian dictatorship once the people give all their rights up in the name of progress.
>muh right left dichotomy
Why do the Bogdanoffs even allow you plebes to discuss politics if this is the best you can do? Not like your opinion will change anything anyway
>discouraged smoking
>championed animal rights
>hitler turned vegetarian during the war
>essentially socialist, but only for their own citizens
I don't know how it gets missed.
Most people aren't yet "smarks" & still think the storylines are real & not just distracting larp.
It's hilarious when actual politicians like AOC are dumb enough to sincerely buy it's all real, though.
woah its almost like Aryan women are the most beautiful and will influence your thoughts and opinions the most
>right winger calling leftists nazis for the slightest thing
we've gone full circle
Oh my fucking god those clearly deformed ass tits.
Jesus. Mournful.
they're just stuck in budding due to veganism fucking up her puberty
i'm sure they'll fill out more when she gets pregnant
One nip is clearly much higher than the other, and the lower nip looks like the tit is already developing fried-eggs-hanging-on-a-nail syndrome.
all women have mismatched tits, they're just more noticeable here because they're small and puffy.
who was in the wrong here
the street urchin
I'm not at all saying I wouldn't suck the remaining life out of them, just that it wouldn't be as satisfying.
Not sure how his response is related to her saying stop is he saying your trash don't tell me what to do?
You have to have a really low IQ to find any of D' Souza's tweets interesting, complete windbag, many such cases.
Basically stop biting the hand that feeds.
It's amazing the mental gymnastic that Poo-in-the-Lou D'Souza will go to to equate Nazis and Confederates with today's Democratic Party.
How stupid do you have to be to believe that?
You just have to be incredibly ignorant of Nazi history to disbelieve it.
Or are you saying there's no "groups" of people the modern left would love themselves to outright purge?
Henry, I know she looks the part, but she is way too old.
based Indian parenting
kek, they still deny that the democrats founded the KKK, saying some "they were the republicans then & it's switched now" bullshit.
Lmao, politics in America are a joke and so is this post
>lumpy tits like that at 16
absolute kek
So Yas Forums is left wing now?
How is this not child abuse along with turning her into some brainwashed child soldier taught to hate.
You can make the point that Greta is propped up as child propaganda without relating it to the fucking nazis
These are your breasts on veganism.
Oliver Twist.
But I thought nazis were based?
So you're saying there's nobody the modern left would straight purge?
No specific group(s)?
They were the pioneers of many of these propaganda techniques. Technically freeways are also a Nazi invention. We should attribute that to them openly as well.
Source on her mom saying Greta can see co2 in the air?
Damn, my boy's going full retard now. Sad to see.
No, the point is child propaganda is bad itself and doesn’t need to be equated to what the nazis did to convince or show people it is bad. Your highway analogy is dumb because no one ever talks about the negatives of highways while linking them to nazis. Also the Roman’s invented the highway, Germans invented the autobahn
Maybe if they finished what they started.
>So you're saying there's nobody the modern left would straight purge?
>So you're saying
Hahaha oh man how the fuck did you get that from my post? Jesus fucking christ, he's retarded.
that seems dumb she didn't ask you to save her bro just sounds like hes triggered
>the point is child propaganda is bad itself and doesn’t need to be equated to what the nazis did to convince or show people it is bad
You cpuld also say racism is bad & also doesn't need to be equated with naziism....
>the Roman’s invented the highway, Germans invented the autobahn
Now think on which of these civilizations had cars. Don't see many Roman style freeways in the interstate system.
>Lmao, politics in America are a joke and so is this post
Oh, right, sorry, you had no counterargument at all & just wanted to laughingly brush it off & pretend like I'm retarded without explaining any of the whys (because you're unable to).
She isn’t his daughter. His response was a ‘joke’.
>she didn't ask you to save her bro
Fate is a cruel mistress, we all suffer under her whips with pleasure or pain, there is no other choice.
Having automobiles and cars aren’t the criteria for something being a highway. Also yes you can make points about racism being wrong without referencing nazis. People obviously had arguments against racism before the nazis existed
>Having automobiles and cars aren’t the criteria for something being a highway
In the modern sense, yes, it is. Romans had fucking carriages, the highways they built were not at all capable of handling auto traffic.
Hence the need for a reinvention.
>yes you can make points about racism being wrong without referencing nazis
Then those who do should be given an equal amount of shit. All about equality.
Lmao, you're just making wild proclamations about how much the Democratic party wants to commit genocide. What the fuck is there to debate here?
>the Democratic party
I said "the modern left".
You suuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre there's no one group the modern left would purge? No subset of any group? Perhaps racist statements getting made nobody sees any problems with?
>"the modern left"
Go ahead and define exactly what that is for me buddy
Big government is left wing, small government is rightwing
Pretty much anyone who ascribes themselves as left wing on twatter. Their ilk.
people who want to replace white americans with non-whites