What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

And why did he hate Eli Sunday so goddamned much?

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He was a John Huston impression.

He recognized another conman

This. Basically.

Eli was profiteering from these people through religion.

>Muh church

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He could not sanction his buffoonery

the highest of kinos and not a single nigger on site

He was too based and HW became cringe after he became deaf.

actually the true factor that makes movies kino is how many speaking lines women have


also very based in this aspect

All excellent and true posts, well done ladies.

Daniel Plainview was a good person because he was a violent, atheistic capitalist who helped to build America. The good news of the film is the absolute defeat of Christianity at the hands of real progress, since Christianity is coterminous with the sort of weakling that Eli represents. Plainview (that name choice) represents the complete triumph of reality over fiction.

euphoric brainlet take. Daniel was sore because he saw all his flaws exacerbated through Eli his loss of faith equivalent to Eli's cynical charlatanism

kek, that's why he dies as a lonely drunk without any kind of happiness

Nobody dies happy.


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i too was a angsty teen once

it was all the 'people' that were the problem.

Eli was a lying weasel.

He hated Eli because he is another leader that he has to battle against.
Both Plainview and Eli hold sermons.
Eli praises the Lord while Plainview praises mammon.
But the difference is only of literary appearance.
They are both self serving men. Plainview is a better endeavor-er.

The events of the movie leave Plainview to take revenge against Eli for besting him with his follower Bandy. Which then the movie ends.

His obsessive work ethic and success drove him away from normal people.
He began to feel superior to normal people and resentful of how they dont appreciate or understand what allowed him to succeed or set him apart.

In learning to exploit people he sees the same exploitation in Eli, but considers himself more benevolent since he works for his success and creates prosperity in the communities around his wells where Eli creates no corporeal good.
He can't directly attack Eli though, because he truthfully occupies a morally weak position.

He's a rich man frustrated by his inability to get into heaven.
He does more good in the world than the church, but can't confront his own inner demons.

Ladies and gentlemen... I've traveled over half our site to be here tonight. I couldn't get away sooner because my new meme was coming in at /sp/ and I had to see about it. That meme is now flowing at two hundred replies and it's paying me an income of five (You)s an hour. I have two others bumping and I have sixteen baiting on Yas Forums. So, ladies and gentlemen... if I say I'm a meme man you will agree. You have a great chance here, but bear in mind, you can lose it all if you're not careful. Out of all anons that beg for a chance to shitpost your boards, maybe one in twenty will be meme-men; the rest will be redditors trying to get between you and the meme-men - to get some of the (You)s that ought by rights come to you. Even if you find one that has memes, and means to shitpost, he'll maybe know nothing about memeing and he'll have to hire out the job on a hotpocket contract, and then you're depending on a jannie that's trying to rush the job through so he can get another hotpocket just as quick as he can. This is the way this works.

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An incredibly stupid post. Daniel did not need to "avenge" any personal loss of faith, because since he was an intelligent man, he never had any to begin with. Rather, he correctly and violently put down Eli, but there is another point. A commonly accepted banality about Eli is that he was a totally cynical huckster, but there's almost nothing in the film to suggest this. Eli was crazy. Crazy enough to believe his own bullshit, perhaps.

no, and you should stick to marvel movies

rewatch the movie, you probably didn't even realise paul dano was playing two different characters.

Not him and it's brain-dead stupid for you to contest the assertion that nobody dies happy. Do not say: oh so-and-so grandma went away peacefully. No. Nobody dies happy.

what if you fall asleep happy and someone shoots you in the head while you sleep

>paul dano was playing two different characters

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He was a conman that believed he was doing nothing wrong, but when he encountered another conman he saw the wrong the other conman was doing and wanted nothing more than to kill him. He also killed the guy that was pretending to be his brother. He was a conman and hated conmen, which is why he self destructed at the end.

An abjectly stupid non-argument post. I am not the same poster as the longer poster you cited just now.

Paul Dano played only one character: Paul and Eli Sunday are the same person, which goes directly to the insanity of the character. Before you start sputtering about what occurred during production, you should know that the author is dead and that only the completed film controls. And the film itself clearly shows that this is the case.

Being unconscious, you are not happy at the moment of your death, although of course it's a relatively pleasant way to go, I'll give you that.

What if you are awake and happy, and then someone shoots you and you die?

>A commonly accepted banality about Eli is that he was a totally cynical huckster, but there's almost nothing in the film to suggest this

How about Dano's performance?
Eli is very performative and insincere.
He's abusive of his family.
Immediately assumes social control over the town.
He abuses his position as the preacher to beat Daniel under the pretense of religious rite.
At the end he comes to Daniel under a false position of power to "trade" for money but immediately begins to cry when his weakness is revealed.

There is also an implicit contrast with Paul.
Paul is humble and honest and curious about the world enough to leave home.

Eli is an incredibly dishonest character. To the point where it's inconceivable that he isn't aware of his own flawed character.

You experience an instant of unhappiness. Stop being stupid, please.

What if the bullet destroys pain receptors in your brain before you can even process the event, and you're only left with pleasure centers as you instantaneously die?

death is just a negative thing for certain cultures. once you find peace in your life, you are no longer afraid of death. at least that what i experienced

>They are both self serving men

Commie lib detected. Eli left his church at the height of its prosperity to do missionary work in god knows what hell hole. He gave elderly people in pain and on deaths door hope and shouldered their families burden. He attempted to make his own family rich but his stupid stupid father failed to negotiate with Plainview.

Meanwhile Plainview went as far as to live in shacks and work on site for efficiency and frugality until his elderly years, so he could amass a fortune for an ungrateful son. Every well he drilled brought in jobs and stability to economically harsh towns. He immediately hired and promoted a stranger to the second most powerful position in his company because they shared a relative and were on hard times. They are far from perfect but calling them self serving understates the complexities of these characters and disregards the analogies and themes of the film

Now you're reaching because you know you're caught.

This is another incredibly stupid post. Yes, people know death is coming and make some sort of peace with the fact, but this is no succor for the day, the minute. Witness current events.

>Now you're reaching because you know you're caught.
What if though?

kek, that wasn't his son. and he wasn't ungrateful for leaving his abusive ass alone. wtf are you smoking.

Dont agree with this. He wasn't so much a conman and more of an opportunist that took advantage of people. He had actual skill and knowledge of oil drilling, and the money it brought to the towns did help them build. On the other hand, Eli had no skill other than bullshit and people chose to believe it and support him.

you are neurotic as hell and are projecting your own anxieties onto the world. not everyone is as emotional fragile as you. i am very peacful right now. if i die, i die. what's there to be afraid of?

Classic paul dano


what the fuck do you know?

>Paul Dano played only one character: Paul and Eli Sunday are the same person
based retard

It isn't that I'm neurotic. On the contrary, you are lying to yourself. You may also be overplaying things a bit. The point is that if you know that you're dying and have enough time to register same, you'll be frightened. You're not some stoic (given the wrong perturbations), because no human is, once pushed far enough. There is nothing the least bit neurotic, paranoid or inaccurate in correctly pointing out that humans fear death, or in pointing out the total lack of dignity in the process of death itself.

His adoptive son, which he totally regarded as his own son, up until the point he betrays him to start a competing drilling co. The kid he adopted just because his dad died for the company he owned and compassion for an orphan. And oh yeah, his dads super abusive for...sending his kid to an expensive private school with teachers who specialized in deaf children? Letting him vent his rage and punch him several times when he returned? Never attacking and scolding him even when he burnt down the shack they were living? He was far from an abusive father. He was relentless in a vendetta sure but that doesn’t make him an abusive father or self serving

we dont know that, he's still alive at the end of the movie, unlike Eli

>all these overblown posts
He hates Eli because that little faggot kept getting in his way.

Daniel is actually very protective of children.
He saves that girl from her father's abuse.

>And the film itself clearly shows that this is the case.

...explain. I’ve always had the sense they were going for this but not sure why

>Not him

All right, Houellebecq, time to leave the kids alone.

They're two separate characters.

Daniel even tells Eli what happened to Paul at the end of the movie.
He made something of himself and started a few oil wells of his own.

>being this brainlet
the twin never went to plainview. it was eli the whole time

you could be having a nice dream

It’s summed up pretty perfectly when Daniel talks to Eli at the construction for his new church. Daniel says his employees can’t work full shifts and go to church every day, that it causes them to be tired and distracted. They are competing for resources and people are the commodity

was i the only one who didn't realise til the ending the H.W wasn't his son? i just thought the dude at the start was nursing him while plainview was working

you are assuming too much. i am not lying to myself. honestly, i used to be like you and thought i know for sure how people react in certain situations. it was part of my neurotic need to have security about the world as a young person.

it's very unlikely that out of all the people who have died so far, not one has experienced bliss and happiness while doing so. fear of death is a very recent thing and a result of a society that has moved away from spirituality and replaced it with a dogmatic belief in the scientific process, which doesn't offer any kind of peace.

some people just dont really fear death. How do you explain suicide

9/10 laughed audibly quite hard

When Daniel and H.W. scout out Little Boston for the first time, they meet Eli. As Eli leaves, the two give each other a very clear "wasn't that the same one...?" glance. Okay, so this must be Paul's identical twin brother, but still.

A central theme of the film, when one is paying attention, is confused male family identity. H.W. is not really Daniel's son. That one weak-looking guy from Fond-Du-Lac is not really Daniel's half-brother. And the Bandy grandfather and grandson are confounded. The Paul/Eli question fits well with these confusions.

The strong Aryan man is automatically repulsed by the Christcuck weakling.

>death is just a negative thing for certain cultures
death is objectively a bad thing, its not a cultural conception

>Eli Sunday : Shut your mouth, Abel! It was your stupid son! It was Paul who told him to come here. I know it. He went to him, and he said "My stupid, weak father will give away his lots. Go and take him." - and you let it happen.
>[lets go of Abel]
>Eli Sunday : From a stupid father to a stupid son.

now shut the fuck up

>. fear of death is a very recent thing
no fucking way man

some people have been deluded into thinking death isn't really the end, but people have still always feared death, its natural and inevitable

abuse isn't always physical. daniel valued sucess and money more than his relationship with his step-son and relationships with people in general. that's why he perceived his step-son trying to step into his shoues as competition.

he was a good provider for his step-son, when it came to money, but he failed to create a healthy nurturing environment for him. what's so sad about this is, that daniel is able to show affection and care for his step-son, but he always values his business more and so he stands up after a while and heads back to work. he's a lot like rich fathers.

It could have been Eli’s plan to go to Plainview as Paul, sell him the location for his families oil fields, and then double dip by negotiating drilling rights and bolstering his congregation

>he thinks the suffering stops when you die

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there is no conclusive evidence that proves that death is the end.

Yes it is, you ignorant shit.

Check out the book, "Don't Sleep, There Are Snakes" if you hope to understand just how clueless you really are.

Top kek
That would be a real kick in the balls

He is pissed some one fucked up the blocking of hs plainsman hat and it looks like something retarded from Vivian Wedgwood

While on location in Marfa, Texas, No Country for Old Men (2007) was the neighboring film production. One day, Paul Thomas Anderson and his crew tested the pyrotechnical effects of the oil derrick fire, causing an enormous billowing of smoke, intruding the shot that Joel Coen and Ethan Coen were shooting. This caused them to delay filming until the next day when the smoke dissipated. Both this film and No Country for Old Men (2007) would eventually become the leading contenders at the Academy Awards a year and a half later.
how was 2007 such a kino year?

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>you probably didn't even realise paul dano was playing two different characters.
It took me two viewings to realise this and I hate myself for it lol.

Bad misread on your part, this dialogue doesn't confirm what you think it does, ESPECIALLY since it occurs in (almost) isolation. It's just the Eli character in the heat of anger. Please let me know the piece of dialogue where the father acknowledges his son, Paul. It's the crazy man acting out, because in an equally crazy moment of crazy, Eli went to Daniel and represented himself as one "Paul" to bring some economic activity into town and to make live more interesting. In fact, the final scene can correctly be read as Daniel also exacting revence on his always-perceived insanity of Eli. Daniel always had it in mind that Paul and Eli were the same person but he could never be fucked about this detail, except to fuck with Eli when he was at his weakest, and good too.

>intruding the shot that Joel Coen and Ethan Coen were shooting
would've been cool if they just left the smoke in the background like some sort of easter egg, if they knew it was gonna be such a great film they probably would have, fucking idiots

>Now you're reaching because you know you're caught.

He's actually right -- nerve impulses travel at a fraction of the speed of a bullet, around 40 mph vs 800+ for a bullet. If you're shot in the head, the brain is destroyed before the pain impulses from the broken skin even begin to travel down the nerves.