What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Warner Bros doesn't know what people want.
dunno lol
Trashy slutty white girl is a flawed character idea from the very beginning
It has no place in movies and nobody but coomers watch that shit
>What went wrong?
was never right, you fool
About to have her third iteration of the character now. Gunn may make or break it.
Yet the Oscar winning Suicide Squad was a hit and Birds wasn't. Dummeh.
Female director
If Hollywood wants to make feminist films, they should make them. If Margot wants to play feminist characters, she should do it. But it needs to be an original character. Taking a beloved character and fucking it up doesn't make anyone happy. Today feminism means women are flawless. But what makes Harley so interesting IS her flaws. She's an intelligent doctor who can't help but get sucked in by the lunatic anarchist. As far as sex appeal Suicide Squad got it right with the whole "I'll sleep with who I want, when I want" brand of feminism rather than the "fuck the male gaze" brand that only appeals to Twitter. Why am I writing a fucking book? I need to go to bed.
I liked it.
I expected nothing from this movie but Harley doing quirky shit and I got that.
Also expected the feminazi propaganda to be much stronger but it was bareable, so yeah...
an overrated fridge?
I’d honestly prefer this to She looks cuter and sex might be more fun
Fun sex > “””Hot””” sex
Why do they need to be "original characters?" If they want to fuck up Harley Quinn and make her a feminist and a lesbo, it's their fucking character and their fucking money. I ain't gonna watch, fuck that shit, but it's their ball and they can take it home and shove it right up their ass for all I care.
Her face now looks considerably beat from smiling so much. Her age is showing, it's not cute anymore.
>Sex with a clown girl
Safety's off on the rifle
If he drops his standards low enough, maybe a girl will finally touch his penis!
Dude, if a chick like this approached me I would run for the hills. She must me the motherlode of Daddy issues. You'd have one fun night of sex and you'd spend the next year wishing you never met her.
You see user, films are made to make money. Shitting on your fanbase tends to make less money.
Goddamnit I have a fucking motherload of mommy issues and I’d kill to myself if I don’t get to at least experience growing out of it with someone else together
There is nothing sadder than a dysfunctional relationship, which is what people with issues have. It's not worth the sex, believe me. The only thing that makes men look like losers from afar more than looking like virgins, is looking like you have a completely dysfunctional relationship because it's the only pussy you could ever get.
both trash
>posting the after pic first
Well, Harley was initially a very tragic character. A bright young doctor being turned into a violent criminal by a manipulative psychopath. Suicide Squad and Birds of Prey tried to downplay the tragedy of the character in favour of marketable quirkyness. So they basically flanderized her into a violent blonde bimbo.
Like, the new movie is called "The Fantabulous Emancipation of one Harley Quinn" but she isn't really being emancipated, fanyabulously or otherwise. An emancipation would be her going back to being Harleen Quinzel, leaving her life of crime and violence behind. But instead she's still that fake persona her abusive ex boyfriend MK Ultra'd her into and the movie never seems to acknowledge how fucked up that is because it's just trying to be a light hearted action comedy. I'm sure a Snyder or Todd Phillips styke DC movie wouod have taken that subject matter more seriously.
I prefer Suicide Squad's Harley outfit but Birds of Prey was actually a better movie. Maybe it was because I was expecting it to be absolutely terrible but I found it okay. It wasn't 'good' but at least they improved on the garbage that was Suicide Squad. It also would've worked a lot better as a first Harley movie because the villain makes a lot more sense, just a guy who likes flaying people instead of a goddess with superpowers. It also has more jokes, which its predecessor was really lacking. I liked it more than some Marvel movies, which is kind of what it tries to be - a light-hearted action flick.
Also Robbie does look a lot older than she did in SS, even with all the make-up. Probably doesn't help her look all that much.
Margot Robbie is a shitty actress
It's called Cameron Diaz syndrome.
First: The choice of directors was poor. She clearly didn't have a strong vision or understanding of what makes Harley popular.
Second: They let the star also be top billed producer. That's almost always a bad thing
Third: The only story that's interesting with Harley when she's not with the Joker is when she's with Poison Ivy.
only works on pre-wall girls
I do get her obsession with a good egg sandwich
Tried to make a movie for females but forgot what movies women wanna watch. She made a movie trying to be lel so relatable but women don’t want that. They don’t want a mirror of their pathetic, empty, alchohol and bestie wahmen filled lives. Having her character as another basic white bitch who gets drunk, loves food and dogs and is so random wasn’t something women wanna watch. That’s already their lives women don’t want to see their reality reflected to them in all it’s sad irrelevance. They want the fantasy. Everyone does. But women especially don’t wanna look at a character and have it truly reflect them. A movie like the joker resonates with truly lonely men who saw its truth and could handle it. Birds of prey had truth but no woman wants a truth like that shown to them
Well a retard on the right got elected which was a cue for both sides to take their retardation to new levels lol.
At least she's back to looking hot in the next one
How tf did she get so popular?
A jew made Robbie a producer in exchange for a blowjob.
Nothing, she's totally cute.
Is Yas Forums ready for Margot Robbie's tank girl?
Will she be starring in it? If so, sure.
Roller derby outfit is the best one
She decided to dress and look like a retarded 12 year old. No men will be attracted to her and women will simply feel uncomfortable when looking at her.
*Bumps you with her cute butt*
Actually I like this look as well
Not pairing up the team until the end of the movie.
Making Cassandra Cain an unlikable and unsympathetic character.
Not having a tighter story.
Trying to make an inventive setpiece battle, but not choreographing it fully.
Truncating that torture sequence song (should've lasted at least 2-3 minutes).
That said most of the action was badass in this movie, especially from Harley. Where did she learn all those moves?
And this
Plus this
So basically every outfit except her main one
Allowing too much actor influence. This is Margot Robbies movie in all the worst ways you can imagine. She supposedly worked on it for three years before WB came onboard.
No, I liked that one too.
Some idiot(s) thought SS was "successful" because of Margot and Harley
They finally went back to red and black. I hate the pink/baby blue combo.