ITT: Real men's movies, for men

ITT: Real men's movies, for men.

Attached: heat.jpg (1353x2000, 427.4K)

Anything Richard Gere

Attached: large_6O54LSXUFHBbpiINs1bHZBudx2o.jpg (400x600, 65.35K)

Women wouldn't understand the gratuitous tits and ass of the women and the homoerotic subtext of the men.

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Why did he cut the pizza with a scissor?

Attached: conanposter.jpg (696x1044, 88K)

the true patrician way to eat pizza

Attached: Commando.jpg (256x389, 22.36K)

Same reason as this.

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Attached: Death Wish 1974.jpg (1069x1600, 448.95K)

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you could honestly post bronsons filmography as a whole

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Attached: HardTimes.jpg (509x755, 96.31K)

Damn that guy looked old as fuck 60 years ago, how did he last so long?

Attached: tombstone.jpg (259x384, 17.49K)

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Attached: 222.jpg (630x1200, 87.54K)

Attached: mud-poster.jpg (1400x2100, 878.91K)

already posted

Attached: manwithnoname.jpg (400x500, 51.03K)

This movie fucking SUCKS. The faggy female drama, the shitty acting, the pacing, the NO, NOOOO, NOOOOOO scene. Fuck this movie. Certified garbage.

it's a fun time stop being an autist

Attached: POINT-BLANK.jpg (480x696, 66.78K)

Terrible trigger discipline

*people assigned male at birth

Attached: SEVEN_UPS.jpg (768x768, 97.27K)

fuck, well have this then

Attached: wages_of_fear_poster.jpg (592x841, 105.65K)

every man with a soul loves these movies.

Attached: ramboII.jpg (1000x1500, 237.76K)

this is just a plain old good movie wtf user u sexist m8

Attached: sierra-madre.jpg (1200x1194, 364.34K)

Attached: AirForceOne.jpg (259x383, 18.94K)

No, it's shit. I saw it for the first time recently and I can't believe people actually enjoy this movie. It's so bad. Over acted. The scene with Earp and the girl on the picnic nearly made me shut it off. Shit movie.

Attached: Duellistsposter.jpg (256x388, 15.79K)

you call that trolling?

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jesus christ, only in america

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I'm trying to find the Blade Runner poster, not the one with the guy running on the knife, but the one that's a knife running. But I can't find it.

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Attached: rollingthunder.jpg (645x1000, 101.64K)

this is a stacy movie, the dream of all escort.

i thought i was the only one to have watched this such a classic film

give one reason why you shouldn't do that

Attached: das-boot-vintage-movie-poster-original-german-a0-33x46-6993.jpg (2974x4152, 2.13M)

even as an american i have no idea why anyone would choose to spell judgement with only one e

Police Story

Attached: 1559840929170.jpg (1064x1600, 314.64K)

Absolutely based, best post in this entire thread.

Attached: thiefcaryard.jpg (1600x865, 162.31K)

Great movie about anger, revenge and misanthropy.

Attached: Runaway Train 1985.jpg (500x696, 112.9K)

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