Do you think she thought she was doing a good thing?

Do you think she thought she was doing a good thing?

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I don't know. She's good like that

It was all set up retard.
Tell them to do something stupid so you can talk about it in the media instead of something they dont want to talk about

Of course, she doesn't realise how out-of-touch she is.

do people really wear turtlenecks around the house? does she have a choke fetish or what?

Yes, most people have an inflated sense of ego.
It's just that a celebrities is so much larger than that of a normal person if they were to be compared, so that when it is put up to the light it looks like gross narcissism.

Because it was a genuinely moving gesture during a time of stress and duress? I don't know why so many people are giving her shit for trying to give people a little comfort and inspiration during dark days.

>bunch of Jew celebrities singing ‘imagine no heaven’

Not even trying to be subtle

>so I heard this trumpet

She is Jewish. She knew what she was doing.

Yes, she and her friends honestly thought that seeing their famous faces would make people feel better about being prisoners in their own homes.

>Thinking there's actually a heaven
Shiggy to the highest order

She was probably told it would be a viral hit and she needed to do it to stay in the mind of the public so people don't forget about WW1984 or she would be in breach of contract

If life is meaningless and there is no afterlife then I’m going to spite it by believing life does have meaning and there is life after death
Atheism is boring and if I’m wrong I won’t know
>watch 1:59 for a surprise

I think she thought it would gt her attention. And look what happened.

Haha ok


i thought this bitch was american wtf is this accent

based af

You don't get to say that unless you actually went to /sp/ in that time

>she thought
>she thought
>she thought
>she.......... thought

lmao based celebrities dabbing on dying children

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Bash Ben Shapiro as much as you want for all i care, but he's right, that song is garbage.

She thought the same thing she thinks at every waking moment: DEATH TO PALESTINEAN CHILDREN

the ol kansas city shuffle


Life has a meaning but it doesn't lie in a book written by a bunch of jews millenia ago.

Women and gems believe they are a gift to the world...not a burden, as every smart person know, they are out of touch with reality. Fuck these beast user

Life has no meaning other than what you give it.

someone give me the jist, what did she do?

>she thought
she has the forehead of lucy the australopithecus. I'm sure she can "think" but not with the same depth as a contemporary human would.

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Am I the only person who thinks she looks high as shit?

She and other actors sang Imagine and pretended that by doing so, they were helping the world to cope with the Coronavirus pandemic.

That song is very useful in finding out who's a brainlet NPC and who isn't.

Probably more than what 99% of the normal public is doing though, no?

>everything idiotic thing a celebrity does is actually 4d underwater chess
Ok dipshit. I guess OJ is playing the long con on us all lol.

not even. its simple 3d, retard. they been doing it for 20 years


Actors think the public worship them, because the media are worship them like gods.
What they are starting to realise thanks to social media, is the public don't want to be lectured to by the most privileged people in the world.

If they had a room level IQ, they wouldn't be on social media engaging with normies.

It does nothing, so it's impossible to do less than nothing.

>a song about no possessions when millions are facing unemployment and possible homelessness during a pandemic
>sung by a millionaire that people constantly throw free shit at
I can’t figure it out either.

>women need makeup to be beau-

>something stupid so you can talk about it in the media instead of something they dont want to talk about
They already have Corona to do that

>does she have a choke fetish

all women do

They're singing a song about no heaven or religion whenever everyone's parents are dying.

>life is meaningless if you don’t believe in heaven

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>celebrity discussion

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>Hearing a shitty overplayed song sung poorly by a bunch of assholes
wow what a relief

Is there a more annoying song that you can’t stop hearing despite never intentionally playing it?
Bohemians Rhapsody is the only other contender

that song is an worldwide classic... The Beatles cmon

bro, do a basedjak of my reply!

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yeah fair enough i guess they didn't think that through, huh.

found the overweight asian

Nah she intended to mock suffering gentiles. I guess it's not so funny now with all those cases in new york and israel.

>I got assblasted because you proved how idiotic my post is
Cry more faggot.

>bro, do a basedjak of my reply!

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>I got assblasted because you proved how idiotic my post is
Cry more faggot.

Should have sung "Hey Jude" together it's a much more uplifting song from the Beatles.
Also should have got the celebrities to sing in the same key and actually stay in time because the disjointed tune and timing really threw the whole thing off.

Prove it.

These lyrics were out of line.

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>liberals hate it because it's a bunch of super-rich elites singing about how the world would be better if there were no possessions or borders while hiding away in their super-expensive houses with their mexican slaves tending to their every need
>conservatives hate it because they're singing about how much better everything would be if there was only communism and atheism despite the virus coming from, and spreading directly because of the incompetency of, a communist country that's so atheist they have reeducation camps for the muslim population
>non-political people hate it because it's an awful cover of a mediocre song
In a weird way they kind of did unify everyone, just not in the way they expected.

post the girl from 1:59

Well, didn't anyone at all enjoy it? Where's the backlash coming from?

Keep crying faggot.


>Hey jude, be affraid! I was made to break free from your chaaaaiiinnns

Imagine wasn't a Beatles song, it was made by John Lennon and The Plastic Ono Band.

>Keep crying faggot.

Everyone's always dying. So this whole thing is all because people can't cope with the inevitable?

Keep crying faggot

>Keep crying faggot

>if millions of people all end up in the hospital in critical condition at the same time what’s the big deal?
It’s all so exhausting...

Spotted the edgelord

yeah have fun with that pandemic thing i'll be quarantined in my mansion. ahhh im going insane XDD!

Keep crying faggot.

This is a 10/10 in Israel? Yeesh

>american education

She just wanted attention. One of the good things about this is that people are openly hostile towards celebrities now

More than likely on a heavy dose of klonopin

well, almost

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>Keep crying faggot.


Remember this post when you cant even go to your moms funeral.

post a girl who looks better then

What do you mean, doing more? lmao
All you have to do is stay in your home and you're doing 100% of what you have to. They literally did their "please look at me" video to help themselves cope with the fact that they can't get attention right now, meaning they're handling it worse than the average person who is doing whats necessary just fine.
They've already broken and thought they'd disguise a desperate attention grab as helping, and you actually bought it.


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Posting 2D is cheating

People who follow the specific celebrities on Instagram liked it, but they'll pretty much like anything they do.
Literally everyone else hated it.