Literal culture milestones that zoomies miss that changed media

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"Zoomies miss"? Anyway, you got the wrong film. Media was really changed by The Lion King 3.

What is the cultural milestone equivalent of this for zoomers? Frozen?

literally nothing

>Lion King 3
that doesn't exist?

>cultural milestone
you mean plagiarism? the reboot/sequel whoring culture?

Literally anything that isn't capeshit. Zoomers have no culture.

Frozen...? How?

>zoomies missed
Zoomers grew up on this fucking movie, haven't you heard of DVD?

I don't know. You tell me what it is.

I saw this once as a kid and never had a desire to see it ever again. I didn’t hate it, it just didn’t leave any kind of impression on me.

>Zoomers grew up watching Charlie Chaplin and other media of bygone generations
if only

A lot of the "cultural event" is the hype surrounding it at the time. While you can't even imagine it, I still ask, what is such a thing for your generation? The only thing I can think of is Frozen.

Nothing, movies that impact like these will never exist again thanks to internet and people watching a lot of stuff all the time, the closest one is Frozen, but Frozen didn't influenced nothing that came afterwards

*like this one

Frozen came and went with that single. It’s not a good movie. Literally just snow tangled.

I still regret not nagging my parents hard enough to see Home Alone and Jurassic Park at the cinema. Missed out on genuine cultural touchstones.

>Zoomers grew up on this fucking movie
they literally didn't, idiot.

literally proving his point.

It’s this and it’s fucking awesome

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Batman 1989
Jurassic Park


Or I guess pic related changed media forever too... 2001 release? Is that a zoomer year?

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Fuck, I totally misinterpreted OP.

Lion King 2 was better

That's easily a millenial movie. Zoomer media would start in the mid to late 2000s, since they'd be like ≤4 in 2001.

Where you live it may have been titled The Lion King 1½.

>grew up


people born in 2004 are old enough to drive now user

not old enough to vote or even matter though?

but in a car you can go wherever you want

that doesn't mean they grew up

I was born in 2002 and I voted in the primaries you ancient fucking retard

For the loser? lmao

That doesn't mean it's a zoomer movie though. That's like saying Tom and jerry (40s-60s) is a millennial show because they saw its millions of reruns, even though it's a boomer show.

For some reason, Zoomers seem to emphasize stuff that came out when they were 0-4 as being their prime childhood. Whereas previous generations emphasized ages 5-12 moreso as their childhood.

For example, I saw a meme saying "1997-1999 borns are the All Star generation", even though the oldest Zoomer would've only been 2 (unconscious) when that song came out.

>2002 was exactly 18 years ago
No, no you didn't.

This. People aren’t cognizant of pop culture until at least age 5.

>For some reason,
Because it wasn't actually their prime childhood but they want to pretend it is so they can fit it on sites that they shouldn't be posting on because they're permanently new

True but Zoomers keep claiming stuff from when they were 0-4 as being "Gen Z culture", which is odd to me. Maybe to make themselves seem older/more old school?

>even zooms know that the 00s were shit

we're already 1/4 of the way through 2020 gramps

I was born in February you stupid fuck

there is literally no way you registered to vote and were able to participate in the 2020 primaries at this moment if you were born in 2004 you dumb faggot.

I know you "didn't vote bro" and are just pretending.

Probably. To be fair, I suppose I consider movies that I had on VHS as a kid part of my childhood even though I was too young to experience them when they were first released in theaters.

except zoomers have seen this in live action instead of dated 2d animation, along with most good disney films

try again

>cultural milestone

Whatever you say old faggot

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I feel sorry you weren’t around to experience the early 90s era of Disney animation in theaters, user.

My sympathies. What a shit tier month to be born in. Thank god I was a based July baby.

AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA get a load of this fucking soi faggot jesus you're serious aren't you HAHAHAHAHA

>muh soi soi soi
>90's Disney wasn't a juggernaut

Disney Renaissance is all shit except for Treasure Planet and Atlantis

Based contrarian right on cue.

>Disney Renaissance is all shit
are you getting paid to be contrarian?

based movie with awful soundtrack

it's the truth
of course I didn't expect you to accept it

is this supposed to prove something?

>try again
does talking like a reddit faggot make you feel special or something?

Atlantis looks great but got hampered by a confusing plot. Treasure Planet is from that shitty early 00s era of combining traditional animation with bad CGI.

Don't think lion king counts but in many ways BWP did both through the found footage style that wasn't new but still far from mainstream before the BWP and the guerilla marketing for a mediocre film about kids walking in the woods it influenced filmaking for nearly two decades after

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and they're both kino

>confusing plot
It's pretty straightforward for the most part. The only confusing stuff surrounds the crystal and you don't really have to know why it's doing what it does.


>no Fox and the Hound
>no Tarzan
>no Hercules
>most good disney films

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Yeah that I voted dipshit

Lilo & Stitch was easily the best Disney animated movie from 2002. Treasure Planet didn’t deserve to flop as bad as it did but it was disappointing.

For the loser? lmao

Lion King didn't cause shit beyond memes, degenerates, and ripoffs
consoomers remember it, and that's the only reason why you hear about it anymore

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I don't agree with you at all

>I'm a trumpfaggot

To each his own but I have a hard time believing I’m in the minority on that opinion. Lilo & Stitch is a far more charming film.

>launched an entire career of disappointment
>created the stupid twist ending
>created the very first spoiler memes the internet had ever seen

>I'm a faggot

Forgot pic

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it's probably a popular opinion but I still don't agree with it

Why didn't the elephants wage war against the lions? Why did all the herbivores accept a carnivore as their king? What was the lion kings tax policy?

No duh. You’re a contrarian.


why did they need to be animals at all?

just wanted you to clarify

Nah I voted for Bernie, I guess I'm part of that strong youth vote

Sad, if trued