While I'm over here wagecucking for pennies.
Pretty soon every thot on earth is going to have an onlyfans account how do we stop this?
all women should be shot dead
this I wish I could hate them to fucking death
Nothing stopping you from finding out where she lives and killing her, OP. Not that I'm advocating that lol
Supply and demand. Stop paying for their premium content your fucking whipped niggers. Preferably quit porn all together and ascend
she probably gets more per month than him at this point. how long till she leaves him?
what a bunch of simps
Be honest anons, if you were paid $24k a month, would you also post non-fully nude pictures of yourself?
>how do we stop this?
Kill all men
>not even real tits and ass
wtf there is much better thots to spend your money on
No shit. This was their whole plan and you reddit internet warriors fell for it
Also make sure to report this guy tot the fbi page
you guys are paying for porn?
>a bunch of simps and other whores liked her page to show support
>that means her subscribers has gone up x5
report to IRS for tax evasion
I don’t get it. How do they make money...? Adspace?
Life as a woman must be really hard.
why not make your own onlyfans if you're so jelly?
>gets $288k per year just from shitty low-quality phone pictures
probably. it's like living life on easy mode
No you pay 10 bucks a month and you have access to her tit pics
It's subscription based
people literally give money to jerk off to nudes on snapchat
just go to Yas Forums
guarantee you a lot of those fags pay these whores money for pictures
monthly subscription.
What the fuck is wrong with some women where they literally do not have to work another day in their life because of luck and they still resort to whoring themselves
Of course I would. If you can do it, it's easy money. The people who pay for it are idiots.
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Yeah clog up the IRS with bullshit tax complaints? Whores aren't stupid, they know to file their taxes.
you mean all simps should be shot dead
you can get tit pics by googling tit pics for free
>throwing money at a girl when u could throw a stone down the street and hit any 10 just like her PLUS she has a bf
tf is wrong with simps they payin to wait their turn or what lmaooo
Why won't you call them cucks, tranny? Is that not PC?
You would be an actual retard not to.
Zoomers are retards that give money to ethots and fortnite streamers.
Go scream "ok, boomer" some more you fagtards.
I’m not sure about you guys, but how can you get off to the girl pitying you making you pay for pics?
It’s literally ONLY hot if they send them to you willingly. Else you might as well google images of random breasts.
This one goes over my head.
A zoomer in 2014 = "You pay for porn, gramps?!"
A zoomer in 2020 = "Take my money!"
Remember folks. No one is more oppressed in the West then the Western white female.
you doth protest too much annie
yeah, thats why they were cryin when it happened before. all this shit is unreported. just report them and youll see the tears.
They oppress themselves more than anyone. No white women were getting beheaded by Moroccans until feminism.
If Simps weren't simping, women might be better behaved.
good for her
but i dont like the 180 she pulled with people
i guess desperate times?
Pretty much. They also don’t know how to torrent or even visit streaming sites. When they were the age that would have learned that they had ready Netflix and shit so they never learned
Reminder to the mods that you should either accept that these threads belong here or you should give us our own board alread.
>Supply and demand.
What's the economics term for a good you can consume almost infinitely? Like the opposite of a hair cut.
Porn is simultaneously scarce or not scarce depending on how you categorize it. The problem is some cumsoomers can't be satiated. and they can almost immediately rebound and pay for the next exciting thing. They're addicted.
tech was a mistake.
>their plan
I can pretty much guarantee she's not with him by the end of the year.
I'm thinking shes based
White simps die out in one generation. No one else is paying thots online enough to live.
>mfw I pay a chubby 35yr old Latina hooker $200 for 1hr of sex
Am I getting scammed?Should I just only fans 2 girls for $20?
She's the only girl I've had sex with since they closed backpage. Can't find another hooker without risking getting caught in sting or getting mauled by a pimp.
You realize coomers like yourself give them that money right?
Islam will fix this.
Reminder you can hit this with spamming or complaining about Yas Forums policies
lol, yeah basically
Do you faggots know you can pay a hacker to set up a verified onlyfans account
Then just upload some random Yas Forums slut or something and retarded simps will flock
all women are whores
This exactly
These women won the genetic and temporal lottery and they are cashing in. The problem is beta males that pay for boutique titties in the face of all the shit that's freely available.
i hope corona killes them all
And once she establishes herself even more she'll dump Icuck lmao.
Boomer here.
When I was in high school and a guy took a girl out a few times and didn't get anything sexually from her, we called him a fag and said he was getting used and he would dump her.
Now guys literally throw money at girls and get NOTHING at all with the hope of NOTHING at all.
Social media really fucked you up.
Jannies can't stop us
>Paying for porn
It doesn't matter
They can now go around to leftshits who have absolutely nothing to do thanks to chink flu and show how they're being harassed by "right wing trolls"
This shit is only going to increase the "sex workers are people" meme
That’s a good question and a necessary one now that we live under the shadow of the Coomer
subscribing to actual porn stars' onlyfans makes even less sense since you can watch them everywhere for free
E-thots are a joke among my zoomer friends, but none of us have admitted to paying for it. Personally, I would never go that low. I don't think as many people are paying for nudes as you would think, or even that they're all zoomers, or else these bitches would be making like an extra 300,000 per year minimum.
Fuck life. I have to slave away 8-7 5 days a week for barely six figures and this bitch flashes her tits and makes that in a couple of months.
What makes it even more pathetic is theyre fully clothed, yet somehow thirsty coomers can still jack off to it.
What do you do other than post in these threads like a cowardly shitskin? You're not making these reddit threads
It's not specifically porn they are paying for, its female attention.
So many issues like this, suicide, loneliness, depression, incels, etc would be resolved with a stronger sense of community but there is no political drive for that, in fact we are actively working against it with the decaying nationalism and Faith.
Don't blame the girl, she's just a profit-maximising individual.
Blame simps for paying for it.
Or better yet, blame the culture that created simps.
>or even that they're all zoomers
Nobody over 30 is doing this shit. They grew up with FREE porn. FREE porn that you can still find today. So the idea of paying for nudes only is mind boggling to them.
I love Belle Delphine but I would never give her money. It's so easy to get all her shit for free.
get fucked incels
men have big dick energy
Of course, but i wouldn't be surprised if people were critical of me.
How chubby we talking? Never resort to paying a women for sexual stuff unless it's physical.
Are you guys really attracted to this?
>no tits
>stupid fucking hair
>elf ears or whatever the fuck else she wears
seethe much? i aint defending simps, but jesus, you simp a sports team or somethin or other, youre no better
It means you've got to get out there and nab yourself a camwhore sugarmomma.
Be proud of your work. We have a saying that goes “There’s no such thing as a shameful job”, you live a life of dignity and I hope you wouldn’t trade yours away for some money.
seems like a cope to me
Uh oh
is it time to make a angel thread janny?
>liberals in the ‘60s
“Fight the Man, man! More power to the people!”
>liberals now
“Fight the whites, man! More power to the government!”
The fuck? When did the left become Nazis-lite?
yeah she does look pretty fucking stupid you're right
>all those likes
God what did we do to deserve this. Women are truly scum of the earth.
"Simps" are just men exhibiting an unrefined, warped masculine instinct to provide for women they find attractive, in the vague hopes that it'll put them in their good books. Now consciously they know just paying her onlyfans won't give them any attention, so they do it for this base transaction, but unconsciously, there's obviously more desire there than pure, monkey-brained cooming; otherwise they'd just look for regular porn, not lewd pics of this girl they recognize and probably have crushes on. In a way it's tragic, you are NEVER going to kill this instinct in most men, but some women legitimately should know better. It's a big step to say to yourself "I'm gonna let people see me naked for money lol" and any woman that decides to cross that threshold is not right in the head. Even if you want to make the argument that it's some form of warped femininity, it's not an act of desperation from her like it is for these men, it's pure opportunism and advantage-taking.
I'm not defending these dudes, they disgust me, I'm simply saying that the onus isn't on them, much. Men have been "simps" for centuries. Unaffluent women with nobody might sell their body because they have no other choice 100 years ago, but it wasn't a fondly looking upon profession. It wasn't something women CHOSE or WANTED.
Now they do.
nigga u gay
she's skinny, has long hair, and no tattoos. That's all it takes to be above 99% of other girls.
When stupid people feed wild animals like bears, they become dangerous. We have to kill the animals. But people keep feeding them anyway. Does it not make more sense to put down the people feeding the wild animals?
Every guy who gives e-thots money should have it taken away from them by the government.
Don't care.
collapse imminent
I have a literal big dick even if I have medium dick energy which I do. I don’t give a shit
There's nothing spammy about this at all.It's not complaining about policies, it's complaining about retard jannies when this clearly fits within Yas Forums. Ian Carter is accredited as an actor, director, writer, and producer on IMDB, and celebrity gossip is posted here all of the fucking time without getting deleted. If you need to make some arbitrary line in the sand about this, then make another fucking board. It's not policy, it's jannies being selective and deleting based on feelings.
That's literally a 60 year difference, dummy. The liberals of then are nothing like the liberals of now.
post dick
How the hell do they verify? I remember this place I used to go on called hackforums, and they used to have a section on "ewhoring" which is a very similar concept. I know it was probably exaggerated but some guy said he made a few hundred dollars in a few hours.
Those likes were given by the men, they, along with the thots, should be shot dead.
>t. cuck
Use tinder you fucking retard
>it's complaining about retard jannies
There you have it
The redditor admit it
I'm not sure. I don't really get it either.
I've never paid for pics, even asking for pics feels a bit iffy, I want them to get horny and send me pics because they want me to get horny, that I find hot.
The best guess I can come up with why they pay for subcriptions and such is that they feel like they have a connection with this woman who is unattainable otherwise, maybe there's some primitive response in them that tells them that they're "providing" for her like a male should, so part of their brain is saying "nice dude, that's your breeding sow now"
just because your tits are bigger than hers doesn't mean she doesn't have any