How to go from left to right?

How to go from left to right?

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Other urls found in this thread:

a decade of pretending to like video games and being mad at them
also, marrying a whore

It's crazy how quickly they took this video down. Always knew there was something going on behind the scenes.

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>marrying a whore

i get hating videogames.
how do you that she's a whore though.

By selling the company you've owned your entire life for peanuts.

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Jesus, can’t believe youtube let this fly

it's easy pal

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This is what has taken over the channel.

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Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
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Fuck kikes
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Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
>Fuck jannies

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How are you guys liking the rental reviews? I've tried sending them a few suggestions of my own, but so far no luck

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Which one has accomplished more?

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Who is the guy on the right?

By selling his soul.

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Doug Walker

We need to go back

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rick beato


This. Those fuckers wait until the very end of a hunger games thread to delete it and blue ball us


What the fuck is this bullshit? They're going to do themes for every month? I haven't watched this bullshit in months, and every time I even try I close it within five fucking minutes.

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I haven't followed Nostalgia Critic much, but I bet he has more under his belt. James' main complaint is that he "has no time" what with his family and all. Not a terrible excuse tbf, but there are tons of people with families that hold down full time jobs and get things done. Don't think James has finished that book he's been talking about for years now. Hell, he can barely finish a movie in time for a review.

That excuse only works if he otherwise has a full time job.

>May will be GAY and they'll review only fag films

he fell for the getting married meme and his life got 10x worse

dude nobody fucking watches this channel anymore, please please PLEASE do not give him views. he does not support what you love anymore;.

Justin Silverman, Animation's Sexiest Fat Man


I'm pretty sure the analytics stated their viewership are 8-14 year olds. so they embraced it and go for that market specifically.

it seems to work very well for them.

i'm not mad. those videos just are not made for us.

When did AVGN peak?

>James' wife's name is April
Is this a subtle dig at her or what lol

Once Bootsie and Kyle left shit started going downhill real quick.

>monkey shines
fucking retards

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fuck really? what happened? He was so handsome.

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why did they leave anyway?

That looks nothing like James. How the fuck did he do that?

Same reason Gainax, id Software, and any other small creative group of friends splits up: money.


I thought Kyle left because James and Mike moved away from New Jersey.

From what I've heard Kyle (guitar guy) ended up starting his own construction/carpentry business. Bootsy and Mike had a falling out which hasn't been explained real well, but there was mention that he wasn't being compensated fairly for how much effort he was putting into editing and producing videos.

A lot of the hate gets pushed onto Mike, but honestly it's James' channel and the way I see it he has a major fault in it. Can't help but think he wanted to maximize his own personal profits and took advantage of his friends in the process.

Kyle's coworker spilled the beans in an ama that it was over James not paying him for his work, which included rebuilding an identical nerd room in James' new house that Kyle didn't see a dime from.

Wow that's fucking shitty. James is a damn jew.

Mike Stoklasa you reddit faggot.

RLM is huge on Reddit who the fuck are you trying to impress

by letting people like this in your life

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James had his first transmogrification after college and couldn't follow his dream just working boring video editing jobs, he felt aimless, this is where he had his first noticeable weight gain. Fortunately AVGN and YouTube swooped in and vindicated his talents.
Second JUST was after the movie failed to propel his career forward. He's been JUSTing ever since.

how nice of James to dedicate a month to his wife

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Those guys seems based, so letting those guys in your life would actually make you go from right to left

SPOILER: they aren't

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How are you guys feeling about Mike coming out as a tranny?

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No one, but your filename makes it glaringly obvious where you come from.

Pretty much. I unsubbed after Bootsy left.

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Why did they need to build a new room?

It's the nerd room it has a specific look. Would ruin series continuity if it was different now.

james is autistic

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Nostalgia Critic > Angry Video Game Nerd

James also did not pay Bootsy for Board James. Bootsy left a post on Reddit and said that Mike Paid him for editing and James did not pay EITHER of them for Board James.

So basically James never gave Kyle or Bootsy payment for anything they did.

Both valid points

Mike's big dong was posted in the comments here

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