C-c-corona virus

>c-c-corona virus....
>duuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh ohhhhh nooo.....
>*vomits bile over every reporter in the room*

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Other urls found in this thread:



nothing but respect for MY retarded president

Is he transforming into a fucking fish?

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Just noticed that he does have an Innsmouth look.

Upon completion of the transformation, a Deep One becomes immortal by the way. You know what that means.

Back to work, wagies

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>he has to go to Yas Forums to bitch about politics

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Where is there any bitching in this thread?

four more years?
also fucking kek at america having this man as their supreme leader at a time like this

I can't believe approval rating is going up. He is going to win in November isn't he

The moderation team for Yas Forums is taking money from the CCP
One of them is also in the army
Please do your country a service by reporting this to the FBI tips page

is this how he pays back all of the biased reporters?

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>C U T I E P I E

he looks like a german grandma

>no one cared who I saw until I put on the mask

why does he make himself orange

Well unfortunately here in Freedumbland we only get to pick between 2 people for POTUS for some stupid fucking reason (anybody else running has basically 0 chance), and he was unironically the lesser of two evils. Still sucks though. Im just not gonna vote anymore. Our whole system is fucked.


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It is hilarious to me people believe this is a legitimate system.

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>yfw Republicans unironically want people to die for the Dow Jones

You're not fooling anyone you worthless NEET piece of shit

the jig is up, Bob Dylan just blew out the Freemason Industrial Complex and we ain't stopping!

How in the name of Christ does this:


Get high approval ratings?

Walk us through it. He sounds fucking retarded and in most countries would be laughed out of the building for this shit.

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There's an increase of 40,000 suicides for every one percentage point increase in unemployment

>billionaires realize workers are responsible for making all of their profit
Workers seizing the means of production when?

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clearly photoshopped

It is so obvious the little faggots ITT that are hyping up hysteria are simply communist weak pieces of shit

like this right here. I hope a bus hits you and you die a slow painful death, statist shit bag

sounds fine to me, you're just a huge faggot

seems based, what's your beef?

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>Workers seizing the means of production when?
What means of production? Everything is made in 3rd world countries

Almost like people have been consistently underestimating him for the past 5 years and their conspiracies about Russians and other shit have no bearing in reality.

This doctor looks computer generated

I hope ALL social conservatives die of double Ebola brain cancer

source or fuck off

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Why dont YOU get to work then faggot? Probably never worked a fuckin day in his life.


Lefty statists rest in piss

>he says while posting a tweet from the author of this

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Lmfao holy shit

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You need the mind of a businessman like Trump to understand.

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There are no new cases. There are no new deaths. Everything is fine. Go back to work.

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cope harder I'm gainfully employed

What kind of idiot doesn’t have health insurance? He was asking for it.

>coronavirus happening this late into his term guarantees he's going to win
holy fucking based. the stars will always align to make sure he stays president

That would be fucking great. He just starts spewing bile and then this guy tears out of his body and declares dominion over earth.

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All lefty statists deserve to have their heads caved in on the spot

bullshit you peniless, worthless piece of shit

Why does the Wuhan flu make incels seethe much?

>a difference of two deaths
>"grossly underestimating"

I unironically want 4 more years of Trump. This guy is hilarious.

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Pathetic NEETS and incels want this quarantine nonsense to extend as long as possible so everyone else is as worthless and pathetic as they are

>unironically quoting buzzfeed
Go back

Irrelevant to the content of the vid.

Explain why it's 'based' that the leader of your country can barely string two sentences together and sounds like he has dementia.

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I still can't believe he wears orange spray tan so he can look "healthier"

Now put it next to real diseases lmao. Who tf dies of TB?

are you going to link us to r/coronavirus next?

What country are you from?

>lesser of two evils
Hundreds of thousands if not millions of people are going to die because of his retarded handling of the coronavirus

Every media outlet has already retracted this story slowpoke shill, the guy drank fucking fish tank cleaner and even the Washington Post issued an apology.

I can’t believe this senile faggot is gonna get us all killed

>millions of people are going to die because of his retarded handling of the coronavirus

This is how you know this shit is being pushed by fucking teenagers from reddit

>What country are you from?

UK. People rip on our PM for being a bumbling fool but he's like fucking Churchill compared to yours.

How could yellow fever possibly kill you

Who’s the leader of your country user?

TWO whole unreported anecdotal deaths? This is a coverup of massive scale. There might be TENS of deaths that just happened that the bureaucracy hasn't managed to officially record, there is no excuse for this immense incompetence.

All statists deserve to have their heads caved in.

>t. seething purple haired faggot

Boris and Trump are both based, pussy

You're going back to work on Monday, aren't you? Doesn't matter if you nuked 10 times. Go back to work.

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By him supporting quarantines and closing off flights from China and Europe? Okay Chang.

“People” like this never stop seething

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dude it had an A in it so ate some Arsenic, how is that not Drumpf's fault?

We are at ~2200 deaths as of today and most of those are in the last week. Do you think this is just going to end tomorrow?

>80% of people have mild or no symptoms
Yeah sure "all of us". Cases are already leveling off in Washington state which was ground zero for American infections.

Boris is based.

Donny wouldn't last two fucking days over here.


H1N1 killed 1,000 a month dumb fuck

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Biden isn’t president


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I don't think libs realize how much this is going to backfire. Even Pelosi walkd back the whole green new deal shit they tried to pass. AOC was praising Trump's plan even

We will not even come close to 1 million dead.

Boris has a first from Oxford in classics and he had a reputation for being a slacker. He's literally a genius who plays a fool on television.

His blunders are doing things like quoting Kipling in Burma and having bad hair, nothing actually foolish.

>AOC was praising Trump's plan even

Slave away for me wagie. It's your only purpose.

You sacrificing your parents yet?

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Seethe harder when he wins 2020 with ease

I was going to hope it killed you next, but then I remembered it only affects weaklings and old farts, and twinks like you would have a minor fever for two days at worst.


We aren't even going to get to H1N1 deaths

>The little statist coward is still trying his appeal to emotion cry baby nonsense

The amount of seething you two fags are doing is honestly funny lol

>H1N1 killed 1,000 a month dumb fuck
when it was peaking YOU dumb fuck

Again, do you think this is just going to end tomorrow?

>says the whiney little weakling from plebbit having to samefag his own thread about Donald Trump for the one millionth time

>leftists now support keeping boomers alive
Can you faggots stay consistent for 10 seconds?

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>You must go and die for the economy. Trust me bro I was on The Apprentice.

You first Jesse


theres also an AOC tweet where she posts the hopeful eyes emoji but I can't be assed

Exactly. Yet Americans think he and Trump are the same.

Imagine Trump on Newsnight or QT. He'd be out of the job within days. Literally dementia-riddled grandpa-tier incoherence.

How do Americans not call it out?

Top kek. You better watch your mouth naziboo. Wouldn't wanna see you wind up on a world star comp


You won't die though. 80% of people don't even realize they have it because they either have no symptoms or symptoms are extremely mild. Only if your symptoms are bad enough to be hospitalized, do you have to worry, and even in that case a majority of people recover.

he does
he looks like one of the doctors on the old surgery video games I used to play on PCs

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In it's entirety you silly little bitch. You dont think this virus will peak either?

By Easter people will realize millions of people *arent* going to die, and are going to cave in your fucking skull if you try and protest ending this gay ass quarantine

No one is afraid of you ANTIFA scrawny tranny fags

Someone is yet to reply to this.

Is this how leftypol copes with bernie getting blown the fuck out? It's been nothing but raids this week.

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>TB still number one with a bullet
the longevity is amazing

Seethe harder lolbertian

He's starting to look like a mancubus

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The death toll will be at LEAST 10,000 by Easter

I know its surprising to NEET teenagers that people have a life outside of sitting on the puter all day


I dont give a shit about politics. EVERYONE that is normal hates you multi colored hair faggots

>Literally dementia-riddled grandpa-tier incoherence.

You're talking about Biden now.

It’s amazing how quickly they got completely btfo in their “le kino where the hero comes back” threads when Super Tuesday happened, they’re still seething because they know he’ll never come within an inch of the Oval Office again.

keep crying and seething for the next 4 years. it has been really effective. your rhetoric and upvote efficacy: impeccable. you've made so much progress. bernie can still win if you just keep spamming these headline screenshots on Yas Forums. that's really why trump won.

Gif is actually outdated. Corona passed TB two days ago.

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I didn't make this thread lol take your meds

Nah, by then people will realize the WHO stats are utterly unreliable, and will resort the actual numbers of MILLIONS who are infected to compared to the few thousand that *actually* died from the virus

Because we’re actually allowed to own butter knives here.

just goes to show, grind and you will level up.