How bad is it?

How bad is it?

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Allow me to answer with a direct, verbatim quote from the series:
>Our foremothers came to this system looking for an answer to the riddle of the Eightfold Stars.

It's 3.4 roentgen

Bad, but not horrible.
New pasta?

There's a scene where Patrick Stewart turns the audience and tells them science fiction is stupid. Seriously.

its worse than that hes dead jim
dead jim
dead jim

>how bad is a series made for propaganda purposes
does it matter?

I wonder what other past one episode characters they can bring back and then kill off five minutes later

At least a 3rd of the episodes do NOTHING.

Romulan Tasha

It's not star trek.

As bad as everybody predicted.

Attached: fake geek girl bloggers versus star trek, picard to be last jedied.png (627x543, 329.61K)

Its worse than discovery

It's not true. That's impossible

I dont get why everyone suck Sir Patrick Stewart and Sir Ian Something dick's. They only've been in capeshit

How young ARE you?

It's not bad, people just hate because it is popular to hate anything Disney on this board

>Post scarcity economy
>Replicators can make anything
>A character lives in a trailer and gets mad at Picard for having a villa
Its bad

Get gender reassignment and then become a statistic, you discord tranny.

Any light skin male really.

search your feelings, you know it to be true.

It's OK. There are good scenes and good ideas at play - Data is given a much better sendoff than he was afforded in Nemesis, Hugh is revisited quite well, Riker and Troi get a lot of screentime which is cool. There's a couple of new characters that are actually good too, like Captain Rios and his crew of EMH holograms that each represent part of his personality.

Unfortunately it feels plodding with the story spread out over 10 episodes, yet barely fleshes out any of the concepts, before rushing into a conclusion that feels jumbled and poorly structured. It also suffers from trying to be too dark and 'modern' and it doesn't give hardcore Trek fans enough of the stuff they really want (post-Nemesis Starfleet and state of the galaxy stuff, characters)

That said it did murder Icheb graphically which was amazing. What a shit character

Only the first and last episodes matter. Even the weirdly tacked-on ending for the final episode will feel more normal if you skip all the episodes in the middle.

I would have no complaint with Data showing up as the brain in a jar, if there had been any mention at all that he was living that way before that point.

Anton Yelchin and John Cho and Q's son and Wesley Crusher and Icheb are relentlessly handsome.

Like all those guys form Marvel

Why can't modern writers just do something without undermining it a few minutes later.
>Picard dies in the end
>But then they bring him back in a robot body
>But then he is still dead anyway because they show his ghost

It's series where main theme is female empowerment. Picard is in it just to sell the product. That was the idea from the very beginning.

What about when Data's Brother turned off that evil synth woman with the touch of a button or when the captain of the junker ship sang a tune and stopped Soji from taking over the ship. That was pretty disempowering

They never showed his ghost you retard.


>you can simply copy your mind in a new body whenever you want
Congratulations writers, you just fucked up the entire society of the Federation and copied Altered Carbon. NO concept of the Lore in any way, just as Abrams Trek where everything is just around the Corner, taking only a 5 minute trip.
Imagine fucking up characterization even worse than Nemesis did.

He was in uniform right besides Data when he died you retard.

Its not his Ghost you Moron but Picard in Datas memories

Confirmed for being a retard.

That was Data's image of Picard in his mind. Just like how Picard saw Data in his dreams at the beginning of the show.

What a retarded video

>Picard loves exploration, ancient cultures, archaeology, new discoveries
>Doesn't enjoy reading science fiction because he doesn't get it


it's amazing, and it is star trek through and through. i have watched star trek since the 70s, nothing has changed at all, apart from being to properly and explicitly explore the themes only hinted at originally. and the ending was rather sweet.

the nature of existence
what is a life worth living
mortality is valuable
difference is to be treasured
irrational fear should be faced and defeated

all themes in TOS.

Picard dies and comes back as an android.


Attached: Picard Self Insert Donut Steel.jpg (1280x720, 157.78K)

Okay, it's in 99% about female empowerment.I should be more specific. Thank you for pointing that out.

its weird that her character started off really poorly written but was actually ok by the end

alex kurtzman i swear to god i will beat the shit out of you

They kill the original Picard and replace him with a robot that has his memories, this is different from how transporters work since in Star Trek lore they don't kill you.

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Started with loads of boring filler but the end of the season was classic TNG Star Trek, just like TNG.

Not gonna lie I felt that too. However I cannot forgive that ending shot.

They don't bring him back they copy his mind.

That Picard at the end is just a clone with his memories it's not the real Picard, for it to be the real Jean-Luc they would need to transfer his mind not copy it

Raffi and Seven sitting in a tree...

This. I was really pissed at this. So he's been alive all this time... but now we're really kidding him. They dangled his character (and all of them really) and gave them shitty futures.

The whole series feels like an episode exploring a messed up alternate future. Except it takes 10 episodes to get there. Then makes it real. I feel it breaks the ST universe in a lot of ways.

Real Picard would understand what science fiction writers of the past were trying to achieve. That line is just Patrick Stewart showing his contempt for the franchise.


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Data is not alive at all. They even mention, back in Episode fucking two, that most of Data's memories and other stuff he downloaded into B4 were corrupted or lost in the process. And Data mentions in this last episode, what Picard is seeing what taken from that.

The Data Picard talks to isn't the complete Data, its one small fragmentary part of his memories that didn't get lost or corrupted during the mind transfer.

destroyed Trek far more than Discovery did
I'm convinced they designed Picard to bitchslap everyone that hated Discovery. Only logical explanation

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What was fucking stopping them from transferring Data's mind into a new body?

K i l l i n g Icheb


This scene pissed me off more than it should've. Glad he got into Starfleet tho.

That shit did not acted like just a part of a memory. It was a full blown mind.

Its more proof that these jews do not care how much money they lose. They are invested in destoying every great male charact/story.

Made no sense. Not like he can't be healed losing a fucking eye. Put him in stasis if he was in so much pain. Just fucking retarded

Kinda like how a transporter works, eh?

That ignores all the other injures he clearly had.

The OG Actor mocked STD as woke he had to die after being recast

picard is canonically gay for Data now

didn't 7 once bring Neelix back to life using the nano drones in her blood? wouldn't Icheb be able to heal himself since he has those nano drones?

This fuk nu-trek,fuck nu-wars ,i hope whoever wrote picard burn in the pits of hell.