What do we think season 10 Yas Forums?

What do we think season 10 Yas Forums?

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Pretty good

It was great. Better than Season 9 overall. LD’s still got it. Probably the last season though.

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Pretty...pretty ...pretty..pretty good

He should do one more season back in NY

The John Hamm episode was hilarious


i never watched curb before this season and it put me on to the show. i had previously just assumed it was just some the office-tier sitcom

I was hoping Odenkirk would come back as porno phil.

Attached: Larry David.png (545x617, 43.06K)

good season. one of the best, actually
shit ending

you have been missing out

How do people stand JB Smoove's voice? I wanna cut that nigger's throat every time he opens his mouth.

Fantastic season, incredibly underwhelming finale
No fucking way

Pretty good and got much better near the end once the wedding was out the way. I just wish Larry would win.

New Funkhouser is sucks.

how can one jew be so based??

Attached: ewwwtrannies.png (686x393, 457.06K)

You open that throat, gape that shit, get inside, fuck shit up! LARRY WAS HERE! You right that shit down. LARRY WAS HERE. Fuck that shit up, put little pieces of papers in there and sheet. You get in that throat, LARRY!

Literally WTF? How seriously retarded do you have to be to have this file saved, let alone post it? The only people not already aware that Larry David is really, really Jewish are mongs and cretins on your intellectual level.

He's literally Kramer, I just realized that reading this.

my biggest LOLLLL on tv all year

nothing paid off in the end. jeff garlin did an interview with conan where he said that we had no idea how crazy the overarching storyline was going to get. yet nothing crazy ever happened.

It's that ass, you weirdo

Holy shit, Larry David is a jew?

>nothing paid off in the end.
No shit, it never does. did you really think he was not gonna lose the coffee shop, or that girl wouldn't remember she was using him?

Loved it. Laughed when he made the consent video. Laughed when he was sitting on the big chair in the last episode. Loved when Suzie and Ted got seated in the attractive section and Larry lost his shit. Maybe the best season of curb ever.

>Believing bullshit people post on Yas Forums

Oh my god...
Guys, please tell me this isn’t true.

They did a DNA test for the tv show. Read the image.

>0.1% East Asian
Does this mean he has a bigger natural talent towards using chopsticks?

Maybe unironically be the best season. Funkhauser was missed tho.

what the fuck I thought he was catholic?!?!

oh my god, I thought the new nazi scare was just a leftist meme but turns out they actually exist

Is he dead? I like Vince Vaughn as his cousin. Some funny lines between him and Larry

Bullshit, why post this fake shit? What do you hope to accomplish?

The back half especially was fucking gold.
Every celebrity guest role was on point and milked for every drop of humor.

i'd also like to point out that the season had TWO trannies in it and never even felt preachy

>Larry David is a jew

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Oy very we got all the Jews at bongstream.live watching that on bony 2.

That Larry David is a very funny guy

yep, he dead

i don't beleeb it

LD on the massive chair in that last episode is the hardest I've laughed at a TV show in years.

He died before shooting began.



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do you think larry david sprays on the ladies on the reg

he's in china, so yeah he's dead, with richard lewis soon to follow


Lewis looks like the specter of death

fuck that old bald ass hole

A little too much "fellow white people" shit that wasn't present in the previous seasons but still funny

Also looking forward to next season explaining how Funkhauser released the coronavirus while he was in China

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>Jeff gets called Harvey weinstein
Top kino

shitty finale, but otherwise pretty good
pretty pretty good

Jeff's voice
>It was hilarious! and I *loved* it!

If subsequent seasons could be like this, I'd say keep making them. Highly unlikely though, so I'm really happy if this is the last season (1 more than Seinfeld, and actually had a satisfying ending)

>Also looking forward to next season explaining how Funkhauser released the coronavirus while he was in China
kek looking forward to this as well, it's the perfect way to write him out

>A little too much "fellow white people" shit that wasn't present in the previous seasons but still funny
what does this even mean

I really envy you. Start at the beginning and just enjoy... oh man do I envy you.

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Larry David has stated that he regrets ever leaving Seinfeld and he even recently told Rob McElhenny (one of the guys behind It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia) to keep making the show for as long as you continue to enjoy making it, quality of writing be damned

he was pretty good in the new creepshow

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A lot of "I'm a white guy aren't I stupid and wacky and insensitive lol Jews are white people" jokes

Did you forget the whole fucking season where Leon's family moves in?
You're saying at no point in that season were there jokes about Larry being white?

He died after shooting had ended. That’s why he’s not there and they don’t address it.

Lol shut up pol, the entire show is about people getting missed at Larry for being insensitive or not realizing social norms. Go cry nigger somewhere else

How fucking deep does the rabbithole go, bros?

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