/trek/ - nutrek aint canon edition

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Fully Functional Data reporting

I miss single episode contained story format. Serialized writers tend to stretch the four act structure over the entire season, and they forget each episode needs a four act structure as well.

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Its ironic you would post this picture because back in TOS it was implied that Vulcans had arrived on Vulcan from somewhere else, possible due to the influence of Sargon's species from the episode "Return to Tomorrow"

Beam me up Spocky lo

When did you realize nuTrek was horseshit?

For me it was when JJ/Kurtzman were put in charge.

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Zaht Vash infiltrated Vulcan.

When they had more producers than writers and none of the old writers or showrunners or people who worked on Trek previously were really asked to come back.

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Loads of cum

>"I kept being reminded by all my male cast members that I was flashing," Saldana told me at the opening of the Academy of Arts and Sciences' Hollywood Costume exhibit in L.A. "I would sit down and it would be like, 'Oh, Zoe, cross those legs.' And I would say, 'They are crossed.' [They would say], 'Well, then put something over that because I'm just seeing everything.'"

>"I just remember always being exposed no matter how hard I would try," Saldana said. "I would tell Michael that we had to work on this and [he would say], 'But it looks so cute.'"


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I could see it coming with ENT. Fuck prequels and reboots, as well as this woke shit.
We all knew that PIC would be unsatisfying, but we watched anyway because muh nostalgia and finally getting a show post-NEM. Sadly, it's in the vein of this JJ-shit.

Dios Mio...

user the threads just starting, we can't have the most based post in the thread this early

This was a weird read.

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just like me...

>it was implied

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lol does denise call him a jew?

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we're just posting links to songs now?

a jewel user. Tasha deflorated Data's virgin circuits

I'm posting pics of best girl

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Guys worf has seen Keikos Vageen, do you think miles is mad?

why not?

I love Barclay's body language in the infamous holodeck screenshot, like he's embarrassed to ask the computer for what he wants

It's annoying and weird that you think anyone cares about your shit taste in music

prime hatefuckable slampig


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because the computer keeps record of everything and the porn history cannot be erased
clearly a nightmare dystopian future

Virgin friendzone is STILL flirting with BF.


Why do you have to force your politics into everything BF?
I really want to like you.

Shes a little autistic but I dont think she deserves a hate fuck anymore than we do.

it's crazy how specific and accurate that prophecy was

music is life user

>'But it looks so cute
I've never said this before but based jej

Based Trump.

when your dad said you'll die a lonely virgin?

How so? It didn't come true?

Thread is already infested with tripfags and their enablers.

What prophecy?

I'm posting pics of best dog.

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That Seth Macfarlane will control the trek IP in the future for all generations to come.

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Here is my prophecy: BF will be off topic, VF will post Ro and song post, nu- trek more than anything even though we hate it.

That Trump had Epstein murdered.

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What fucking prophecy?

Bill and Hillary Clinton did.



spot fags btfo

Now those are what I call digits.

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that one day there'd be a pair of twin [demon]s, and then one of them would die while sending a message, and the other [demon] would open a portal to release a load of worse demons

VF is dead dude
VF is so fucking dead

Checked, and truth pilled

I don't get why that's /trek/'s problem

I personally dont have a problem with it.

this is why

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Where's Trannie lover?

>it's an ancient prophecies about demon portals in my star trek friends holodeck program eppy
not on my goddamn watch

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Much better Federation than the Star Trek Cuck Federation

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Wtf are you gonna do about it?


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>nutrek aint canon
I could've told you that for free many years ago.

T'Pol is doing her part!

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Actually I think you'll find that both Star Tek: Picard and Star Trek: Discovery are both canon


>disengage safety protocols
>sneak up behind demons, use Become Ethereal shout to look like a ghost and shout "Boo!" at them, run away
>stick em with me nip cutter when they come looking for me

rinse wash repeat got this down to a science

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>it ain't canon

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>Be Zaht Vash
>Know about the existence of Data for nearly 2 decades
>Take no action against him
>He dies
>NOW take action because there's a bunch of mining bots around

You're sword cant even penetrate though.

Data wasn't advanced enough to be a problem.

Its the Soji/Dahj level synths that area problem.

>make a big deal about androids
>dont give a shit about holograms which are still technically synthetic life too

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>We already know the Doctor from Voyager is in S2
>Implying it wont be brought up then

They gonna try to mess with Best crew? I dont think so.