Kinos for this feel?

kinos for this feel?

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Is he getting a blowie?

Human Centipede

peepee hard

sucky sucky

wtf is it


God, I wish that were me.

god I wish that were me




it's just suffering all the way down isn't it

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i came to post this
every level, just endless suffering

THE 1%

I don't think it experiences pain. Atleast not in any way that we conceive it.

pretty much yeah. life is just struggle and suffering

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Not even fish and insects feel pain, you need a complex nervous system for that only advanced species possess

I know what you mean. Too bad I haven't seen much about it

The Jake Gylenhaal alien movie has some

life literally subsists on other life. you can't survive unless you kill something else that's alive and eat it's guts.

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>all the way down
I don't think you can get much smaller than that. So the suffering ends there

>Not even fish and insects feel pain
dumb as fuck

plants and shit. plants don't feel pain. plants don't even register anything because they don't have brains or nervous systems.

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What about photosynthesis?

>atomic division isn't just another form of suffering for the nucleus

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>dumb fuck

Says the guy who thinks fish and insects feel pain

pain means you're alive

it has no nerve endings so no

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are you seriously implying that plants are life, you fucking dolt? what does a plant feeling or not feeling pain, as is defined by non-plant humans, have to do with what i said? you sound like a vegan.

Parasite (2019)

Not OP, but what the fuck do I watch? Dropped The Road 30 mins in, downloaded Passengers and Jojo Rabbit but unsure what's more kino. Also downloaded Garden of Words, I already saw it but I feel like watching some good animation. Any recommendations dudes? I really like Martian and Interstellar, basically unknown location, trying to adapt and survive and shit. I also like rain a lot, brings the kino to any setting...

>plants don't even register anything

This is literally false.

Hey at least there's the smell of a new package of crayons

there isn't a biologist on this planet that doesn't consider plants to be alive

i implied the opposite you literal retard.

It ends with quarks because you can split them so they stay friends :)

Our only hope for happiness is the afterlife. My life on Earth has only been pain. I pray every night that after I die I'll get some shred of joy.
No, the atom suffers when its electrons get taken away :((

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Tremors (1990)

>you can't survive unless you kill something else

Not exactly true, Earth had life a billion years before predation began in the Cambrian era.

All these discussion are fascinating
But there isn't enough tv or film about it

The rich Buddhist countries should have made a film about it

valid point that made me really rethink my whole belief system, but i think it still holds since plants essentially flourish within the corpses of dead plants and other organic matter. i'll even ignore carnivorous plants since they're the minority.

big general statement to avoid having to change my beliefs, i know, but i think it holds water.

lol obviously i meant "arent", dickheads. read context clues. or are you content with the gotcha?


Enough bullshit
What are some movie about microscope?
No Osmosis Jones please

are we talking single-celled organisms who would occasionally bump into inorganic nutrients, or something more complex?

>Dropped The Road 30 mins in
>downloaded Passengers and Jojo Rabbit but unsure what's more kino
>I really like Martian and Interstellar

try transformers you absolute fucking pleb




The way it's wiggling makes me think he don't like it too much :((( :ooo

Pls someone tell me life after death is better...

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You now know hacks just get their ideas by changing size and scope of things

It's not about op though

I feel that in wild life documentary, from time to time there are some scenes depicting the bottom of food chain

Its the coronavirus you retards

what are some kinos about happiness in spite of suffering?

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2/10 try harder

what are some kinos about fighting an enemy 1000 times your size?

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bee positive its more like life is one big organism and energy is changing from one form to another

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>1000 times
The average human is about 70,000 times the weight of an ant

If only the one on the right was darker, I could pretend the left one was getting BLACKED