How does one stoop this low?

how does one stoop this low?
his whore girlfriend isn't even attractive

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You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain

>his gf gets paid over 200k a year for sending nudes to horny incels who have never seen or will see a vagina in their life
seems pretty based to me

Theres nothing really inherently wrong with being a simp.

Who cares?

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He already makes enough money and she's literally sharing her most intimate area with random weirdos. The next step is just letting guys fuck her for money.

>girlfriend is a neet who gets to send pics of her butt in exchange for making more money than wagies
Maybe if you dilate enough you’ll eventually pass and be able to do it too

>whoa his girlfriend is making %13k/month selling lewd pcitures to simps online? lmao what a loser, im so much better than him even though i never even had a girlfriend or touched a woman really but still lol what a simp am i right?

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inside every e-celeb there are two wolves. one is an incel and the other is a cuck. choose wisely.

>Idubbbz: Yeah, I let black guys fuck my girlfriend so she can sell the vids on Onlyfans, triggered much incel?
>h3h3: that's right, we chads senpai

>You either die an hero or live long enough to see your self become a hero


dude balding quick

what the fuck is this gay ass zoomer shit? who fucking cares

more money is always better
>she's literally sharing her most intimate area with random weirdos
this might be the most incel sentence i have ever seen posted on this site

it's sooooo surprising that everyone supporting him is a bernie supporter

I just don't think its nice. Hookers have a place in society, but this new breed of bitches don't feel real. They are like vampires.

who's his gf?

Can your gay ass cease bringing up politics for 5 minutes?

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I have a girlfriend that I fuck regularly dude, I would never let her do that and the fact that I can actually satisfy her means she doesn't even think about that lol. She thinks about sucking my cock all day and then cuddling.

It’s a fucking boob

If you see lacking in self respect as "nothing wrong" then sure

Zoomers in the comment section absolutely blasting him for defending sex work and being a simp

Is it true then that zoomers are gonna be more conservative than Xers and Millennials?

>hehe yeah im a loser cuck and my gf cheats on me but at least i have a gf

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She’d leave you in a second for the BBC
And you’d love it

so you're saying you'd be perfectly happy if your girlfriend was sending nudes to her male friends? That's a normal relationship for you?


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same, non sarcastically.

my gf is sending me quarantine ass photos while i upload vivarium to google drive for us to watch together.

I've actually had sex with more women than idubbbz (two).

I was HONORED when my gf said she wanted to make an Onlyfans, only insecure Trump voters wouldn't feel that way.

Nobody asked.

imo it all comes down to how invested you are.
Would I like a personal fuck toy who gets wet showing herself to the internet and making other men jerk off? Sure
Would i not be ready to drop her like a sack of shit at a moment's notice? absolutely not.
I would enjoy all kinds of degenerate fetishes with her. The king of stuff I wouldn't do with someone I actually care about and see a future with.

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I'd imagine his fanbase largely overlaps with Yas Forums's. If this were a video of his girlfriend defending doing it and the audience was female, it'd probably have 99% approval.

idubbbz has the least zoomer fanbase thats why he's getting shit for this

Nobody's saying that. But you can't expect normal portrayals of independence and dignity from, lets be honest, an actor. Content cop, etc. It's just a role, and a poorly paid one. I bet if this dude could afford it, he'd puff up his chest and anchor his place in the hierarchy.

>white boi has to pretend I’m asian to cope with his insecurities
>the idea of a stronger black specimen replying to his post literally makes him shit himself

>yeah I like sharing my girlfriend with other dudes, what gave it away?

How do you even get to this point?

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this is too real

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What's a simp? Am I a simp?

>if your girlfriend was sending nudes to her male friends
except you know she's sending nudes to people who literally pay for them you dumb fuck. Anyone who has to pay for nudes is not a threat to me or anyone else

Yeah but while we are here does anyone actually have any of the pics/vids? I only have this one.

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i dont think someone that sell their nude is a good person to be in relationship
if you ever hit rockbottom she's probably the first one to throw him under the bus

>Nobody's saying that
I'm pretty sure the post I replied to said that only incels wouldn't like their girlfriend sharing nudes with strangers. Are you saying that you would be ok with your girlfriend sharing nudes with strangers?

>your GF makes money out of sending nudes to other men

That's... a cuck, user.

so to be clear, the only acceptable course for edups at this point is to fuck her on camera, right?
i mean then she gets paid for showing her tits, but theres no metaphysical cuckery because now that legion of coomers are THEMSELVES being cucked by ian because they're jerking off to him fucking his girl

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To me the fact she started selling nudes of herself after over three years in a relationship is what's really pathetic.
I knew the guy didn't really believe in self respect for the sake of his comedy but I think now it's affecting his life and he's coping hard with this new video.

ask me how i know that you have never had sex
no one who has ever had a gf or has regular sex cares this much about nudes

>haha we are ironically wearing brand names haha

why are there people like this?

>except you know she's sending nudes to people who literally pay for them
how does that make it better? Would you prefer to date a girl who cheats on you, or one who cheats on you and gets paid for it?

>you're an incel if you don't want to date a whore
Do you live in Portland?

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she's fucking ugly

silly incels. my bolt on tits are powerful beyond your understanding

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lol ok icuckked

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>nudity is all she has to offer

honestly yeah, I would have a lot of respect for him if he did fuck her on camera and just put the video on pornhub or something.

>pictures is sharing
Only incels think this because they still believe masturbation and watching porn is similar to sex

i could possibly see pretending to be ok with it until your bored and dump her IF she was a fucking 10

but that girl is like a 4 at best wtf is wrong with idubbz?

>your GF is making money off of sending OTHER men her nudes
>you're okay with this

You're a simp.

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>metaphysical cuckery
>implying there's an ounce of irony in pure charls body

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who would pay for this trash lmao

Disgusting lmao

jesus fukcing christ she's disgusting

Imagine not being Eskimo brothers with half your friends
Laughing at your life right now


>gf blatantly disrespects by carrying out her desire to attract other men

Have some self respect, holy shit. How do you think she would react if you sent your dick to random girls?

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This explains everything in the first minute:

Who is this and why should I care?

Excuse my retardation. I read wrong. And of course, no I would not be ok with it. Then again, I've never had a gf, so I have never really been tested like that. Greed vs. Balls.

what type of men


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>how invested you are
He paid for her boobs user lol.

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simps, and indians

If I could get that much money simply for taking pictures of my nude body, I would do it without a second thought.

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haha have an upboat my friend

Cuck cope

>homosexual white knight incel has to rush to defend the imaginary honor of idubbz
> How do you think she would react if you sent your dick to random girls?
If he was getting 200k a year to do so? She’d let him

its very likely they will be complete nobodys within 5 years. they need to make their money while they can

>make a video telling everyone how he doesn't care that he is a c uck and a simp
Yup i think he is not based

What's your gf fanonly?

>tfw my girlfriend wore a bikini to the beach and other men were attracted to her so now i have to stone her to death for dishonoring me
and yes this is obviously the most based outcome but its too based for the modern west

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Are you a lawyer?

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>pimps out some bitch
>falls in love with and supports a girlfriend being a whore
Yikes. Like can you imagine marrying someone who does this shit?

Sorry bro, I fucked her once with my 99th percentile cock and she won't stop dming me now

>Honestly, I'd be upset if my girlfriend didnt make an Onlyfans account

What did Ian mean by this?

Cool, so maybe you should return to Reddit then if you disagree with him.

His cuck fans coping with this has been amazing to see. Cultists will say and do anything to defend their god

I can't believe there is something more pathetic than paying women for nothing.
Paying to woman of your favorite youtuber for nothing. Let's be honest, she's not that attractive and people only pay her because she's Idubz gf.

Just go get another girlfriend, one who doesn't degrade herself for money. Plenty of fish in the sea. You don't have to marry the first girl who opens her legs for you.

Idubbbz used to be Yas Forums approved person like Filthy Frank. Now he became a SIMP like our father MOOT

>so you're saying you'd be perfectly happy if your girlfriend was sending nudes to her male friends? That's a normal relationship for you?
For money? Hell yes. Money is power, and to some, the idea of others looking but not being able to touch or even see in person can be hot when only you get the privilege of fucking her at the end of the day. Exhibitionism is more popular than you think, and you literally get paid for having a hot girlfriend. That's some king shit.

You what?

>be a wealthy famous youtuber
>date a fugly prostitute

im neet and even my gf is hotter

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Are you retarded? It would be more like going to the beach in a bikini and posing like a stripper in front of all the dudes, intentionally trying to attract them

If you were out on the town and your gf started flirting with other men in front of you, that's what this is like. You are out of your mind

The lookalike was always there. It's pathetic that people only compare them now that everyone shits on idubz. Absolutely nobody compared them before.

It's not. I wish my gf got beta bucks for showing her tits. Easiest money out there

are zoomers really okay with women especially their loved ones being whores or is this all trolling? I am an old fuck so I can't tell

his whole "im totally not upset about you making fun of me and my whore gf you guys" cope is hilarious to watch

"i posted a photoshop of me literally fuming on twitter hehe i win see how not upset i am"

Zoomers and leftists are defending him, but majority of his audience consist of edgy Yas Forums posters so he is pretty fucked.

This is like when M00T turned out to be a simp over gamergate and fell from grace

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bro this line sounds exactly like something in one of those old batman films

>Hey icuck mine if I use your gf for a second?

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has she done anything similar yet? those milkies are begging to be released after all this time

ah, but you're not participating. It's not pictures of you fucking her, it's pictures of her, that she's sharing to provide sexual pleasure to others. If your gf starts sucking off strangers in public, that's exhibitionism too. Unless you're the only one getting it, you're still getting cucked.

Ian, why did you turn out like this......

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