Movies where the Antagonist is correct

Movies where the Antagonist is correct

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Schindler's List

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I liked watching TommyNC2010 get laughed at by his stream in 2013 before leaferino brought attention to him and made him have 100 thousand onions boy followers who tell him how great his shitty bane impression and streams are.

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>idubs btfo him so hard he left youtube

He's still a loser.

law abiding citizen

Movies where the zoomers get banished form the board?

at least leafy isn't an unironic cuckold

idubs fucked his own shit up, this has nothing to do with chinless


That's the worst part
>imagine beimg cucked so hard by a simp you leave youtube

Why didn't we protect his smile?

Movies where you discover that you're sharing your board with Redditors and 16yo Kids

idubbbz being a cuck doesn't make this guy any better.

Where's his chin?

>still looks like a faggot.

The only opinion that matters

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Explain to me how his content was any different from idubbbz or h3h3? They all just reacted to other people's videos.

Streaming vidya while you talk about random drama is literally bottom-feeder tier disposable trash that eats away at your IQ and soul as you watch it let alone create it

isnt leafy a hapa? hapas are basically cuckolds

So is the shit the people I mentioned made. You gain nothing from watching a fat man cough or some twink open his mail. It's just trash.

LoChads Rise Up!

Star trek into darkness


Whats wrong with hapas? Most I know are pretty cool dudes.

>Whats wrong with hapas?
they are asian.

hapas are based though, they come out model tier most of the time.

ngl im jealous of his thicc gf

u aving a giggle m8?

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>model tier

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most hapa males look like incels or just regular asians stop being a yellow fever fag for one second and seeing everything through the lense of JUST LIKE MUH ANIME

this level of reach to defend your friend simulator simpold

Used to simp for this guy but it turns out he was unironically a racist

nice chin lmfao

yeah thats why i started simping for him ngl

He may or may not be. The racist shit he said was back when he was a kid. I've said far worse shit in high school.

ok tenda


I hate chinks and wish they would get nuked

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So it turns out that he’s actually based?

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He said some mildy racist innuendos on twitter a long time ago. Something like "in 2030 all nfl athletes will have dreads", shit like that.
Also used the term aryan on occasion.

woah... umm hello, based department?? yes, ill hold.

wut? Tenda hates hapas and asians. Hes an autist.

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Yes hello this is based department
Oh you’re dabbing on chinks, you say?
Why yes, that is based

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Cope. Eurasian Tiger wants more racemixing and people to fetishize hapas. Imagine being so low IQ and falling right into his trap

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Logan's content gives me the same vibes from when I was watching Viva La Bam's show back in the day

that is literally just what it takes to become /ourguy/

I'm white, but I recognize what I see. I think we can both agree asian/hapa women mog white women but also with the men they're about equal footing with white guys.

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havent seen this in a long time. thanks user gonna watch it later

>liking or prefering Leafy at all

you can tell who is born after 1996

I think hapa men are less attractive then white men but hapa women are probably the most beautiful women on earth. Pretty fair trade off imo.

>asian/hapa women mog white women but also with the men they're about equal footing with white guys.

I wonder who could be behind this post...

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I haven't seen enough hapa men to say, but I agree with him about the women. Hapa girls are damn fine.

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Still better than niggers. Blacked spammers aside, we shouldn't be against Asians.

>Blacked spammers aside, we shouldn't be against Asians.
why not? everybody else wants to kill them now because of corona, we should just roll with it and wipe those squinty yellow monkeys out once and for all like general mcarthur wanted to. itll cut down on the bracked spam.

we need him back now more than ever

only dumb boomers and rednecks think like this and it's a cringeworthy sight to behold some 60 yr old wine aunt telling an asian-american to go back to China.

Post body

Get fucked, weeb

Idubbbz is LITERALLY the cringiest cuckold on youtube

racemixers should be publicly executed

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Logang or bust

So should stormfags though

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that was before they infected the world with some bioweapon flu. now everybody wants them dead

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The filthy kikes were correct?

>He still posts the same picture for 5 years now
>B-but muh olympic athlete! No one cares about your rick and morty watching hapa freak, incel

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are we posting rage fuel? I got some more.

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>excuse me I have some Rick and Morty to watch

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All this guy has to do is come back and a make a 10 second video calling Idubbz a cuck.

you are all cucked chucks and simped sneeds


okay, this is based.

Look how they massacred my boy

>olympic gold medalist is a basedboy because he watches arguably the most popular cartoon airing right now.

I'm sure you're quite the specimen user.

well pardon us

based department we have a live one

He looks like he has downs syndrome