Kinos for this?
Kinos for this?
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Why do redditers hate white people so much?
Can't wait till the rich become poor
the quarantine hurts working poor more than anyone
He's not wrong. We need more herd immunity Chads in the government. Only weak people die from the Chinese flu and weakness is disgusting.
whatever from Monty Python
Let's start with you shall we? Go to your nearest public bathroom and lick all the stalls, fucking moron.
I'm so sick of being at home. I'm bored as shit.
rich people are rich for actual reasons.
Look bud, it's just natural selection. Social distancing means that weak people are more likely to survive and have children leading to a weaker gene pool. As a powerful 6'5" Chad with a BS in Econ and a job as an analyst at a large investment bank I can't relate.
how do you get this mad on 4channel
I already caught this pussy ass virus and got over it. Nbd
enjoy your -40% lung volume debuff lmao
I don't see anything broken. I saw a lot of boomers driving around cause their stir crazy and they think its vacation time.
Looks like we don't need as much as we thought.
And if any of these wastoids enter my house because they are too dumb to file for govt services, their brains are going to be liquified
The doctors told me my lungs are actually stronger than before I caught it
>itt NEET socialist losers trying to LARP like they care about peoples health, rather than hoping everyone has to stay inside and be a useless loser like they are
imagine believing in meritocracy kek
>majored in econ
Pick one
>meanwhile the poor and middle class are desperate fora welfare check from the government because they have no wage
He has a point, we should just let the weak die and the strong will develop immunity
based and randpilled
This virus isn't even that deadly. The only way we've got here is because the media is overblowing debunked WHO stats
They Shoot Horses, Don't They?
risk getting infected, or risk starving when the supply chain breaks down and not being able to afford anything.
He's not wrong though?
>debunked WHO stats
We should just have all corona patients stay home except the young ones who need ventilators. Cramming all these sick old people into a hospital is unnecessary. No reason to fuck our hospitals over to save a few extra people.
just did a shit on the economy, was it kino?
The message that Even if you retire after a life of working for the Rich, if something bad were to happen and the Rich had laid no plans for it, you may have to sacrifice your very life to keep the spigot of wealth flowing to the Rich. And float them a colossal loan while you are at it.
It's like the Ant and the Grasshopper, except the Grasshopper always, always comes out ahead and prospers.
I'd take it further. NEETs over 30 without a spouse need to fend for themselves.
I loved my job as a group fitness instructor. I would press a button which would kill every 80+ on earth if it meant I could keep it
You're very cavalier with the lives of strangers, perma-manchildsan.
>when you hate Trump so much literally anything he does gets fucking demonized
>even preventing a WORSE spread of something that may actually have the potential to wipe us out through repeated reinfection
I fucking hate you morons.
Jesus fucking christ.
>just have all the corona patients stay home
genius alert!
Dredd - Good movie about how capitalism leads to social decay and violence with little regard for peoples lives.
Jesse boy can talk big all he likes but he's safe in his hidey hole shit posting on twitter. He's not working 12 hours shifts in an amazon warehouse or handling peoples groceries or seeing patient after patient die around him. Let's have him offer up his grandparents to the capitalism blood god and work in a hospital before he talks shit.
>even preventing a WORSE spread of something
It's like asking people to be grateful that the Firemen showed after an hour and a half, and started putting out the foundations.
Youll have to use a translator, but the overall massive majority of people who get the virus dont even know it, because it is so common and so harmless.
>We have actually suspected this for a long time. Otherwise it would not have been possible to explain that the number of infections in China dropped to zero after a few weeks. This cannot be explained with an immunity rate of less than 1% of the population (less than 100,000 people in Wuhan are affected by around 10 million people). It would not even be surprising if further studies put the rate of silent infections even higher.
Only a massive fucking retard would believe "only" 80k in China had the virus, or that "only" 100k do in the USA. Its likely in the millions, and this fact gets compounded even more with people saying "if you dont feel sick stay home."
What good will that money do you when you're dead?
>Dredd - Good movie about how capitalism leads to social decay and violence with little regard for peoples lives.
While the fireman pounds himself on the back for his perfect response time, no less.
t. never heard of generational wealth
Absolute bluepilled Neocon thinking.
That being said, Coronavirus isn't worth this recession.
This whole scare campaign behind the virus is literally a hoax to get people hooked on a welfare state. Fucking faggots are unironically promoting the idea of a police state on order to combat a fucking sickness
Most redditors are white and they suffer from white-guilt. Also it's trendy and mainstream to hate on white people.
>tfw we destroyed the economy and our futures so sick old boomer can live another 2 years
>repeated infection
fuck off
He's an ass about everything & this IS late to the punch but literally every single president puts a ridiculous amount of positive spin on themselves & shit they do that they're criticized for. Obama's drone program killed more innocents than it did terrorists & look how much he STILL touts that shit like it did any good, let alone more good than harm.
Trump's insufferability when he's not counterspinning doesn't make the counterspin unique, not at all.
If wealthy Boomers and corporate heads (mostly Boomers) want to burn up a lot of their wealth to remain alive, its really not a whole lot of your business.
You are supposed to be taking this as an opportunity to get in on cheap stocks and grow your own wealth, faggot.
Boomers literally cannot stop taking
I honestly can see the Yas Forums angle of that, but this is fucking GLOBAL. The fucking WORLD is shut down.
Either all the memes on Yas Forums are true or this is a genuine threat.
*under report cases and deaths*
You're not sick. You don't need to go to the hospital. Go back to work.
>This whole scare campaign behind the virus is literally a hoax to get people hooked on a welfare state.
But the Chinese and the Europeans are already completely at the mercy of the State.
It's like Bender trying to scam Fry when he already has the power of attorney over him.
AND it keeps splitting off into countless new strains. The way it fucks up the lungs, repeat infections will kill FAR MORE of those who survived the first time.
Its no wonder, the world government is taking Draconian measures to try and fight a virus that most professionals are saying is nothing new. The ONLY people who are freaking out are the WHO and power hungry neo-politicians
>Otherwise it would not have been possible to explain that the number of infections in China dropped to zero after a few weeks
wot if... china just weren't telling the entire truth
>Obama's drone program killed more innocents than it did terrorists & look how much he STILL touts that shit like it did any good, let alone more good than harm.
Obama touts his assassination of Osama Been Forgotten, I don't hear him or his fans brag about the drones. Sounds like a far Right strawman.
>Let's start with you shall we?
While it is fun sitting at home laughing at the pussies that think the world is ending I would like to get the fuck back to work.
based retard
More like risk getting infected or risk getting infected when you have to go out during a quarantine anyways because you are out of money and your starved brain can't think of anything but food.
Not exactly, there has been major right wing anti-globalist movements ever since 2016. I bet you if this bullshit keeps up people will be desperate to get cheap chinese garbage with their welfare checks
ALL of asia has returned back to normal already
>a virus that most professionals are saying is nothing new
By all appearances this shit was bioengineered & accidentally released.
>Obama sets up task force to fight pandemics like he did with Ebola ( The same ebola which never came to the US and was successfully contained outside of US doctors who bravely treated patients to then come back to states and get insulted by Trump and his legions of retards)
>Trump is a businessman(lol) so he decides to remove this task force, not rehire people who live and shuffle around their titles, saving the U.S some 500 million dollars a year
>He also decides to alienate China and engage them in a pointless and stupid trade war which has accomplished jack shit
>China shitty regulations and bad labor practices did not end with Trump regardless of his lies so they are able to generate yet another horrible virus
>The virus leads to us giving out a 2.5 trillion dollar bailout and has also caused trillions of dollars of damage to the world economy.
>We cut 500 million to now owe 5-6 trillion generously speaking while killing thousands of people around the world. But at least we owned the libs right?
So what did we learn here kids?
>Trump promised that he would teach china a lesson and get them to change their ways. He did no such thing, they kept their lack of shit regulations. Literally nothing has changed since 2016.
>Trump promised he would cut government waste but by cutting our efforts to combat pandemics he has caused the US taxpayer exponentially more financial damage
>Trump is a fucking moron and you are a fucking moron for even thinking for a second that he's capable of running a lemonade stand let alone the presidency.
>or seeing patient after patient die around him
I'm an RN in Seattle and I'm not seeing that. The only patients dying are the elderly who would have died of the flu or pneumonia within a few years anyway.
It's hilarious that this is being portrayed as some Contagion tier pandemic killing 20% of all infected when in reality unless you're over 60 hospitals are turning you away.
There's already been documented cases of mutated corona virus that was extremely lethal for old people. No one gave a fuck. Old people dying of viruses that complicate their shitty immune system IS LITERALLY HOW OLD PEOPLE FUCKING DIE SINCE FUCKING FOREVER GOD FUCKING DAMNIT
>ALL of asia has returned back to normal already
China's economy is completely fucked & it will take them decades to recover at least, if they ever do.
Stopped reading there. I don't listen to people acting like doctors are jesus christ himself.
what's RN stand for
Never experienced it, thanks boomers.
I am buying cheap stocks, believe me, but this is seriously bad. Our economy will take years to recover from this, even now. It's a social glue, more than you know. Now people know how delicate everything really is and it's not good.
>mutated corona virus
There's a fuck ton of different corona viruses, that doesn't mean it could not have been bioengineered & the bat shit thing for its origin is shaky as all fuck. The "official" origin from the chinese even fucking puts it RIGHT NEAR their god damn bioweapons facility.
>>Trump is a businessman(lol) so he decides to remove this task force, not rehire people who live and shuffle around their titles, saving the U.S some 500 million dollars a year
Nice reddit talking point you fucking faggot, Trump combined a bunch of task forces
An yet this moron will be your president for the next 4 years.
If the economy is so important, than why aren't the billionares giving people money to stay inside? They get to remain rich, the economy gets to stay alive, and nobody has to die
My brother is an ER doctor in New York city and broke down crying because he's patient after patient come in and die, including young people. Nice lies you fucking dumb bitch. If I could travel through the internet, i'd fucking choke you to death
>job as a group fitness instructor
Based Based Based
But the weakest WOULD die from this first. But the damage it did to those who survived would make them more likely to die the second time. And so on.
10% lethality or so is fine once, but what if it comes back through ten times?
Flying to another country to help stem the tide of Ebola is pretty fucking brave
>China's economy is completely fucked & it will take them decades to recover at least, if they ever do.
China's economy was getting fucked from all anti-globalist rhetoric from Trump and the rest of the West. Now after lying about this virus lethality, these same countries are just dying for Chinese aid
America is a 1st world country with "the best Healthcare in the world (lel)". Our old people are supposed to be protected from dying en masse.
I'm a NEET socialist. I want everyone to go back to work so they can continue paying my NEETbux because I understand how economies work.
So hop to it wagie.
It’s true though,we’ve seen the stats it’s like 0.1% death in healthy under 40s
You can’t stop the world to shield 80 year olds forever
The virus has already been reported to cause either 0 symptoms or mild symptoms among the massive majority that get it. A virus isnt going to be both deadly and harmless simultaneously
Appeal to emotion, kill yourself
No, you listen to a real-estate grifter acting like he's God's gift to Humanity.
Just post a Wojack and tune out already.
CIVILIZATION means that weak people are more likely to survive.
The weak being more likely to survive is what makes us the fucking apex species on this planet
>China's economy was getting fucked from all anti-globalist rhetoric
Which was a counter to the petroyuan. Exactly like the "russians hacking muh election" bs. Both are about the petroyuan.
>not if someone drops a freaking nuclear bomb on 10 of your cities
What does he know that I dont?
Registered Nurse. I'm primarily an ER and ICU nurse.
Sounds like New Yorkers are weak if they're being wiped out by the flu. I wonder what the health conditions of his patients are, the handful of young individuals we've had go in to ICU have been usually homeless drug addicts.
Trump fucked up the trade war with China and cost the US economy a lot but he didn't cause the virus lol.
Those young people have bronchitis or are smokers
>Now people know how delicate everything really is and it's not good.
Realizing everyone lives in a house of straw is the first important step to building them out of brick. Admittedly all the bricklaying is expensive and will restrict "geniuses" from building shaky towers of wealth out of straw, but fuck those guys and their bailouts.
Offer up your grandparents and parents to die then faggot or shut the fuck up.