Would he vote for Trump in November?
Would he vote for Trump in November?
Is Drumpf's handshake limp?
He would be a trumpster at first then he meets him and is slowly disillusioned towards trump. Ends with him looking into the Camera and saying, this is huwhat we get for not voting for Jeb.
Short answer, yes.
Hank would become libertarian under a Trump administration.
Trump likes his steak well done so Hank would probably actively campaign against him.
Hank became disillusioned with Dubya after finding out he had a limp handshake. Why would he see !Jeb! differently?
>Hank voting for a fast-talking NYC real estate businessman
He’d do it reluctantly
I dare someone to say that Hank would not realistically vote for Trump
I live in Texas and Louisiana most of my life and I'm going to tell you that he absolutely would wear a Trump hat every time he and Peggy go out to eat someplace.
no because Mike Judge is a liberal
He votes from Trump in 2016, becomes disillusioned and gets some character development over the course of 4 years, then he reluctantly votes for Biden or abstains in 2020
Episode did rep the stupid ways people decide who to vote for. Do you agree on the important issues? Nah that don't matter it's the fact the guy has a shitty handshake we cant have that! People are fucking retarded.
no, he'd write in for Jeb!
hank was a cruz missile
he would ask about the delegates
Dale and Boom Howard would. Bill is a maybe.
He would politely refrain from voting because Trump is from New York and Joe Biden is just wrong.
Probably abstained or voted Johnson in 2016. Now either on the fence for Biden or abstaining.
Then other protesters see how he is vehemently against him and Hank accidentally gets mixed up with antifa
>Boom Howard
>Boom Howard
>nearly skips out on the vote entirely because dubs, a fellow Texan, had a fish for a hand
But I'm sure he'd totally vote for the big city real estate mogul that can't keep a lid on himself. Whether or not Hank would actually drop Trump a vote is very up in the air, but he sure as shit wouldn't respect him.
Boom Howard holy shit you silly fuck lol did you really think his name is fucking Boom Howard hahaha
Wasn't boomhaur a fed sent to monitor dale?
Hank is way too traditional and actually conservative to support Trump. I doubt he would have voted for him in 2016, let alone in 2020.
Texans aren't people.
It isn't just texans that vote like this.
I think he would man, southerners love him more than anybody in the world.
>Boom Howard
Hank despises yuppies
yes he would
anyone who says otherwise is a stupid faggot
In one of the last episodes they show he's a Texas Ranger
No, Hank wouldn't trust a New York businessman and see through all his bs. Peggy would actively campaign for him though
i can just see the scene
>hank talking to antifa guys.
>tranny waks by
There's no doubt in my mind that he fucking hates liberals and their social beliefs.I know this because he's a man's man that likes to grill and fucking mow lawns. The only people that wouldn't vote for Trump on the entire show are John Redcorn, Peggy, and fucking Bobby.
Trump is from New York
connie would manipulate bobby into voting for a female candidate
so is hank
Trump is literally everything Hank hates combined into a person. He's a rich arrogant New Yorker who takes pride in never working with his hands and openly says sexually suggestive shit about women.
anyone who watched king of the hill would know hank would hate donald trump, the rest are larpers
Peggy would vote for Trump because she's stupid and easily manipulated
He almost dropped a fellow Texan based entirely off of his handshake. All it would take would be Dale showing Hank Trump's twitter and he would be dropped instantly as Hank prefers stoic types and that NY shit wouldn't fly but everyone would spend the episode questioning why Hank wouldn't vote for a fellow big city guy which would drive Hank insane. All culminating with people finding out that Trump eats his steaks well done and that Kahn was voting for him as well making it so Bill and Boomhauer drop Trump and they all skip voting with Dale.
>such vulgarities
I can hear Hank say it now when all the grab em by the pussy and pissing shit comes up
>against spaniards ever
no es
So, who would he vote for? Clearly not Bernie -- as evidenced by that episode with what's-her-face joining the Communist part -- and likely not Biden or Yang; and Trump is the only person running on the Republican side. So...
is hank a gun owner?
Have dumbfucks like you even watched the show? Hank hates everything that Trump represents
Just because she's a substitute Spanish teacher doesn't make her someone who supports illegal immigrants, take a moment to do a little thinking and form an opinion based on all the facts
peggy is also a pseudo-feminist though?
As a Trump supporter, myself? No, he wouldn't, because:
A. He's a New Yorker
B. He eats his steak well done
C. With ketchup
D. Trump even sells his own steaks, which are supposed to be horrible.
>from the backwoods swamp of Louisiana
is /our/guy Gilbert a Bernie/Biden or Trump guy?
I'm not sure Peggy even knows what she is.
From what I remember there was the softball episode where she wanted equality with the males. I don't remember much of her acting like a feminist
Peggy would 100% vote Hillary, she'd get swept with the woman president idea, would convince Luanne as well. Dale and Han would be 100% Trump, probably Bill as well cause he's a guilible retard. Boomhauer would be some meme vote like Johnson or that Green party lady. Hank would be APPALED by Trump and would go for Jeb all the way and then likely wouldn't vote at all.
For hunting only IIRC, he never seemed to care about them otherwise. He's a terrible shot too, Bobby's actually great at it.
Have any of you fucks ever even met a Southerner? We don't give a shit that Trump is rich and from New York, we all fucking like him down here besides the gays. Fucking yes he would vote for Trump you retards.
Voting for Trump means you're a stupid retard evil person so no. They would skirt the line and he'd find the "light" and vote for Hill dawg
>Boom Howard
>I also have never watched the show
Watch the show, Hank had a crisis over wether to vote for George W over a limp handshake, and it's left ambiguous if he even voted for him at the end of the episode.
Bill would vote for Hillary because he thinks it'd get him pussy. He'd probably even wear one of those gay pink hats every day up until election and after election day
me playing nioh 2
Trump supporters are Dale types not Hanks. Do you really think Hank could support a philandering, shit-talking New York con man with no conservative principles?
a Pence guy
>I know a little something about trying to make a man feel electricity
*fans self*
Hank would be feel obligated to vote as a true american, but he would despise both candidates
>hilarity ensues
Trump has been married how many times? he also cheats on his wife with prostitutes. no way Hank would support a candidate like that
It's more likely that Dale would vote for Trump.