Post ITT if you're still seething

Post ITT if you're still seething

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Nevuh 'ave seethed, nevuh cared for this stupid show in the first place


All this mental energy isn't worth it.

how do you fuck up so fucking hard? i remember watching those short interviews that would air right after the show and D&D were talking as if nothing was wrong, like they hadn't just shat out the worst possible ending ever.


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Don't care, read the books instead and forgot about the latter half of the show.

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>read books for a series that will never be finished
but why?

>S3, accepted that it isn't even trying to be a faithful adaptation
>S5, accepted that it isn't even good
I hind it hard to wrap my head around the idea that people held high hopes up until the finale. How? After the wight hunt? Hell, after the """long""" night?

I liked s8 because I'm not an autistic bookfag or shipper

I've already forgotten the whole thing

>S5, accepted that it isn't even good
This. Even though it had a few bad parts, 1-4 were great, but S5 was bad and it never got better. And I don't mean a slow decline, S5 was instant dog shit.

for me, it's jon spanking daenerys for burning the city while drogon watches

don't really care about closure, and there's enough arcs that wrap up satisfyingly enough before new ones are introduced

You liked season 8 because you grew up on a retard farm drinking moron juice everyday

Why he was brought back from the dead if he was useless against the night kang (fire god enemy)???
What was the point?

>"Dany just sort of forgot about the iron fleet"

Cutest psycho

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>Defeated Ramsay Bolton and united the North under House Stark once again (with Sansa and CIA's help)
>Negotiated with Dany, allowing them to mine dragonglass under Dragonstone to create the weapons the army needed
>Brings Dany, her army, and her dragons into the fold and helps create the greatest alliance the world has ever seen
>Helps lead the army of the living against the dead
>The revelation that he is Rhaegar Targaryen's true heir drives Dany mad
>Jon kills Dany and ends the Targaryen line for good

traitahs bastid

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Cutest Queen

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Seething danyfags will never get over how based she is

book jon is going to slaughter the south once his body is fixed and he escapes ghost's body

bolton WHORE
post the damn pasta before i piss muh self

im still laughing

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>1 minute
lmao, thought sansafags had returned to reddit

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>people actually named their daughters Danaerys

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It's fucking hilarious that the long night got reduced to that.


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>Why yes, little Dany is named for Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regent of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons
>Regret? Dany was born in June of 2019

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Seriosuly though, how did they manage to fuck up so badly?

>2020 I am forgotten

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Why did people think this series was going to end in a final battle with the dark lord

Fat fuck said he'd have the books done by 2016, never followed through and the last two books were unfilmable pieces of shit

DnD were fucking exhausted after 10 years of labor and just wanted to be done

The future of Westeros is essentially decided by Tyrion Lannister who had been in jail for weeks. Decided in one episode, where all the Lords and ladies just agree because Tyrion suggests it. Previously would of taken episodes to learn all the characters interests and motivations. The same Tyrion who admitted 5 mins previously he has been wrong about everything but hey I might be right this time.

Bran is elected King relatively unknown to the rest, they accept it.

Bran said throughout the whole season the throne doesn't matter only the true threat from the north, he cant be a lord or king he's the three eyed raven now. Then states after Tyrion's speech 'Why do you think I'm here.'

Sansa declares independence from her own brother just to be queen and everything accepts it. Even though the dorne and iron islands are historically separate and wanted independence for a long time.

Brans powers never really explained, doesn't tell us why he was warging to crows when the Night King was there.

8 seasons build for the Night King to be killed in one episode with no in depth clarification of him, his motives, his generals or the three eyed raven.

Nothing on thoughts or opinions of iron isles, Dorne, The reach, the vale, to Bran being king.

8 seasons of the prince that was promised for the prince to be prince of what exactly?

Jon snow being Targaryen for seemingly no reason really.

Euron kills Dany's dragon easily then can't hit a shot afterwards.

Battle of winter fell dragon fire pretty useless, battle of kings landing destroys anything.

Character development lack severely, all of these things could have happened with correct development.

Grey worm wants justice gets nothing? Tyrion free, Jon free and his queen dead? He had no problem slaughtering soliders in the streets, but won't kill a queen slayer on the spot?

Did Arya kill anyone on her list apart from Walder Frey, Mervyn grant, Polliver and Rorge?

Cersei and jaime died in the one spot with rubble. Euron and Jaime fight was just.. pointless.

Sansa decides that the true born heir to the stark name, Brandon Stark that have been followed by the north for generations won't follow a stark when they become king. Say what?

It rushed to conclusions that were not earned at all. They had no weight to them.

The north is now an independent country and yet, they still send Jon Snow to the wall? Sansa could pardon him at any time. With war very very unlikely with her brother being King.

Did Arya even kill someone with green eyes by the end of the season?... Nope.

What's the point of the wall? Theres nothing to watch.

We saw the battle of Winterfell with the night king and yet there's so many dothraki and unsullied left? The whole castle was over run? They nearly all died?

Things we still dont know? Azor ahai The three eyed raven The faceless men The lord of light The children of the forest

The lone wolf dies but the pack survives. Hey let's all spilt up. Arya of the Carribean.

Azor Ahai Jon Snow, "born of smoke and salt, dagger plunged into the heart of the one true love." For no reason. Go to the wall.

The majority of this seems like wiki autism (NOOOO WHAT ARE THE THOUGHTS OF THE MINOR KINGDOM WRITTEN OUT OF THE SHOW 3 SEASON AGO) and separation anxiety over your favorite show being over

>Jon being Targaryen for no reason
Literally the entire driving conflict of the last 3 episodes but ok

What happened to Arya's "wearing faces" thing?

What happened to the Dorne storyline?

Why did no one speak out when the North wanted to be independent? (esp. The Iron Islands)

Why did Brienne leave the north and come south when she pledged to protect Sansa?

Why does Jon have to take the black when there's like 0 threat anymore?

What about the letters which Varys allegedly sent out?

What is the impact of Jon's parentage now?

What is the state of the Vale?

Why didn't Bran warn Dany about the ambush by Euron? (Don't even get me started on the logic or the execution of the ambush)

What happened to Meera?

What about Howland Reed?

Why did the NK turn on the Children of the Forest?

What is that symbol the NK uses mean?

Can the NK talk?

Who was the person that they turned into the NK?

Why did the NK look different in the Children of the Forest caves in Dragonstone?

What did Varys here in the fire?

What happened to Nymeria?

Is Jaqen going to try and kill Arya?

Did the faceless men know Arya was going to leave them?

Did Syrio live?

What is the backstory behind Arya's dagger?

What happened to the wildling coalition after they went back north?

What was Bran warging in during episode 3?

Did Bran know this was all going to happen?

What was Edmure doing after the freys were killed?

Why did the iron islands just accept Yara again?

What happened to the prophet from Qaath?

Who/what is the lord of light?

What happened with Illyrio and his scheming?

What was the NK's motivation?

Why did he have to kill Bran himself?

What exactly was the connection between the 3 Eyed Raven and the Children of the Forest?

What happened with Daario?

What happened to Meeren?

What happened to Aastapor and the other slave cities?

Because four main books and the fake history novels are all "war bad" and "game of thrones bad" and "nobody wins". Everything resuming as normal after a clash with forces that threaten the very life itself would be an extremely cynical and nihilistic take that I just don't think George is going for.

The simple truth is that DABID only wanted to make the series so they could film the Red Wedding and once they were out of content from the first three books they were checked out and wanted to make a Star Wars movie. HBO wanted more seasons but DABID refused. At the same time they didn't want to hand the series over to someone else, they wanted the whole thing to be theirs, so they rushed it out fast and shat all over it so they could then move on to Star Wars, only for that to get cancelled.

I gave up on this shit show after the second season aired in 2012. It was clear it was a show that kept promising it will get good soon instead of just being good. It’s no surprise that it did not fulfil its promise.

Not an argument, shill

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I stopped watching after the season 4 finale, and did not give in one bit until the final season started airing. I caught up in time for the finale. I was like, well if Gendry and Arya have a happy ending or some shit then it'll all be worth it. I just liked them a lot.

and then they couldn't even give me that

Oh I'm also glad they brought Edmure back after like 4 years just to rub shit into his face REEEEEE


George has always said he always found the scouring of the Shire more interesting than the final battles with Sauron. If you think everyone is just going to hold hands and sing kumbayah after defeating the Others you are delusional.

>As they rode out into the bustle of Riverrun's upper bailey, a naked toddler ran in front of the horses. Catelyn jerked her reins hard to avoid him, glancing about in dismay. Hundreds of smallfolk had been admitted to the castle, and allowed to erect crude shelters against the walls. Their children were everywhere underfoot, and the yard teemed with their cows, sheep, and chickens. "Who are all these folk?"
>"My people," Edmure answered. "They were afraid."

>Fucking plebs? LMAO, sure I'll ask my dogs what they thing too ROFL!

Edmure kind of forgot about his people.

He was too pure for this world bros...

>Sheltering your people in a time of war means you are willing to give them the right to vote in a time where ideas such as universal suffrage and popular sovereignty are nonexistent

The shit with the nights watch in season 4 was honestly like an anime filler arc. underdeveloped villain and shit that doesn't actually progress the story in any way. Didn't bother watching past season 5 but why would I

And yet people will BLOW the watchers on the wall episode like it's the best thing ever.

I think a lot of the far north plot in s4 was wheel-spinning but Watchers on the Wall was a great battle episode

>a bloo bloo it wasn't EXACTLY like muh book so it sucks reeee


I never said that either. But I don't think that it's just going to be one guy getting stabbed and and Sansa winging about who gets to take the credit over a political gotcha game as she's preparing to antagonize and possibly go to war against her ally for no reason.
Selfish people who refused to come together and help, and who have instead used the crisis to better their political position will find themselves friendless and scoured. The "good guys" who remain will have to find a way to continue to work together after their unifying threat is gone and their conflicting interests continue existing. That doesn't negate the impact of the long night in any way.

then GRRM is a dumbass, because the fact is LOTR is a fairytale even in the Scouring: no one important dies, it's just a re-enactment of the earlier conflict with Sauron but on a smaller scale. it's such an extension of the greater story that the movie didn't even need to include it.

in contrast, ASoIaF mostly realistic throughout, but character-based. going full allegory at the end and turning the characters into symbols about the nature of power is never going to work.

thing is, if they had actually had the noblemen point out that almost no one could even read and write in medieval society so offering them the vote would make no sense, it would have been a more appropriate scene.

but D&D never would have written that because muh democracy.

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it's all character development for Jon.


Someone called me newfag and it hurt my self esteem a bit

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S4 is full of filler and plot cul de sacs. I'll never understand why it's so well liked.

I checked out the day after to avoid seething until I fucking die. At this point I wouldn't care if the fat fuck never finishes either.

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How long have you been here

>no one important dies, it's just a re-enactment of the earlier conflict with Sauron but on a smaller scale. it's such an extension of the greater story that the movie didn't even need to include it.
>no one important dies
You mean other than Sarumon, you fucking retard?