>le panacotta is le message XD
Le panacotta is le message XD
Did the kid get crushed by the ceiling once she arrived there?
Sure it'd had been- if it was real and not just a mediocre copout stemming from abysmal incoherent writing.
exactly, the elevator-table thing was going pretty fucking fast when upwards, if not why didn't anyone try to climb the levels before? the chink kid god fucking crushed in the ceiling with the conservation of velocity, bad fucking flick made no sense at all
I thought so at first, but there could be 100ft of space between level 1 and level 0 for it to slow down.
If the kid was on the lowest floor why wouldn't she go to the top on her own before they came down? Why didnt anyone who lived on the lowest floor come up via the table? How is sending the kid back a massage?
Stop watching shitty movies based on shitty concepts. It's better than capeshit tho
but they have no reason to set up the table to gradually slow down as precisely no one is supposed to use it to go up.
fuck you, the whole bunch of people trapped in an abstract place with arbitrary rules that they must figure out to make it out genre is kino
Look like this film was made by a blackpilled communist in a way that he believe that the revolution would be a good thing but the people are too mean/dumb to do it
I agree with you, user. Movies like this, albeit not always great, are always interesting to watch.
At least this one only truly disappointed me on the final scene. Their descent into the lower levels was kino tho.
the whole descent into the lower levels part was totally apocalypsenow-esque desu
What a fucking waste of time. Is this some kind of embezzlement thing?
>get movie grant from the government
>make a shitty movie and overcharge every vendor
>split the difference
I don't know, in France all domestic movies are heavily subsidized because people mostly prefer Hollywood kino but we don't make that kind of movies with such grants, they make pretentious and most of the time boring artsy flicks
>they make pretentious and most of the time boring artsy flicks
it was like that made be 10 years ago now it's almost only "A nigerian unijambist illegaly move to France and fuck a bourgeoise" etheir as a comedy or a drama.
I mean 100 feet of empty elevator shaft, where nobody would be to jump on.
>starring Roschdy Zem or Reda Kateb
Agreed, the ending was disappointing, for me, because it resolved none of the mysteries the movie setup. A very JJ thing to do imo.
that kinda makes sense so that the prisoners don't have contacts with the people above
Exactly. I just turned the TV off, and said to my wife: "maybe the director wanted to give us the ending from the protag's point of view".
I'd be glad with a post credit scene showing him 24 hours later climbing onto the platform to see what was up above.
Yes lol
It makes sense to have a wide gap between floor 1 and 0 for the platform to slowly deccelerate, mostly so that whatever remaining glasses and dishes dont crash into the roof. The cleaning personel already has enough work as is.
And by cleaning personel I assume you mean the jannies
What race is that?
>lg makes it to room 0
>jannies clean the cunny off the server
So this movie is just anti-Catalonia propaganda right?
So the twist was that the woman had the kid while in there right?
so how did the kid get her kid sized prison clothes?
No way dude. No one could bring a pregnancy to term in that hole. The twist is that the mother never made it to the bottom to get the kid because she was eventually captured and used as a sex slave every month
Do you think they get paid?
redpill us on the anti catalonian undertones for the non Spaniards please
it was explicity said by the other woman who worked there that the woman came in alone, and yet she now has somehow a daughter
is "catalonian" the PC term for spic-flip in spain?
probably never real
It also said that she came in 10 months prior. How's she supposed to have a baby and then age it at least 8 years in 10 months? The lady was wrong about almost everything she said
the lady looked like an even uglier past her prime karen black and she spilled BBQ sauce all over her boobs, i disregarded everything she said
Catalonia wants its independence so it doesn't have to give its wealth away to the rest of the country. The rest of the country says fuck that and demands gibs. Whole movie is about how evil people hoard shit and increase waste and should be sharing it instead.
>I only listen pretty ppl cuz muh lizard brain
Dude really
that bogged mess also thought there was only 250? levels when there's 333. he/she/it didn't know what it was talking about
this guy was the real hero of the movie
kid is not real you dumb fuck
but pol told me catalonia was a russian commie asset
That's because Yas Forums is a russian commie asset
the way this movie filtered retards is unbelievable. Its been ages since something like this
>they listed her age as 55
>when i'm actually 53
but pol told me YOU'RE the russian catalonian asset
probably the best movie made in the last 5 years. Hits its marks way more than Parasite
Who are you going to believe? Those commies on Yas Forums or your good pal user?
>lazy writing is now somehow used for filtering people on plebflix of all places
This. I love these kinds of movies. Any recs? Bonus points if the controllers are largely unseen.
>The Killing Room
>i am retard
except its not lazy its multilayered and smart with many metaphors and double even triple hidden meanings. Movies like this will only get better with time.
I'd never doubt you user
1 ticket and crab leg bucket as usual, friend?
>double even triple hidden meanings
lmao sure dude
movie was transparent as fuck
By smart with many metaphors I assume you meant on your face with constant direct political messages
Not sure if pleb or doesn't watch lots of movies
its because you are mentally retarded dumb fuck you see only surface layer political messages that are barely present in the movie and only serve as a setup.
cube called and wants its atmosphere back
>accidentally drip wine on the cell floor
>get cooked alive
Yikes. Sorry, incels, this flick is sooo unrealistic.
sure bud. you're the only one to get this movie. it was very deep.
he did nothing wrong
Elevator pitch: "The Cube but flat."
based retard
how the fuck did the kid survive on the lowest level
if this is a pun about the hole, good job
Because kid is not real.
Hole was a social experiment
Kid was the "goal"
Jannies who cleaned up the bodies that fell to the bottom also fed the kid
Of course the kid is real both the MC and the other guy saw her
>look at me, my PolSci 101 classes makes me understand movies like The Platform whereas mere plebs like you would only scratch the surface
The Asian chick got reborn into a kid every time she died
is this how woody allen makes his wives?
the black guy was also an illusion
So was the platform
MC died in that confrontation where that crazy girl gets killed.
Wasn't Woody Allen's wife 22 when he started an affair with her?
you're all illusions and i'm actually the only one posting here all day