/Trek/ spock vs sybok edition

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What kind of people are attracted to /trek/?

(am too lazy to make a Kirk soijack)

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autism general

lets keep it going lads, based!

With Star Trek as dead as a franchise can be, maybe we'll see an end to this general?

I wish Sean Connery had accepted that part

you still not posted your folder image yet, faker.

/trek/ is smart!

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REMINDER Sean Connery was originally Sybok

/trek/ is sustained by the hatred and rape fantasies of VF and BF more than a desire to discuss Star Trek

sci-fi fans

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More spot on than I'm comfortable with.

What's happening here? I'm new to trek threads, any reason spergs like you dislike them?


Grim. But at least its better than the nonces who post THAT screengrab.

Connery as Sybok
Connery as Gandalf
Connery as Morpheus

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Who's the Data of Star Trek?

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/trek/ is maintained by lonely anons who want a sense of community. Old trek has been discussed to death and nutrek is not worth talking about so there is no Television & Film related reason for this general to exist.

what one?

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/trek/ will prevail

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go post in the tom cruise jawline thread and leave us alone

Confess your NuTrek sins.

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Fucking BASED

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Buckle up

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fan irl

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Is that Ho-She?

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best trek beaming in captain

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>Replies : 29
>Posters : 10
wew lads

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>tfw Blink Of An Eye is such a sadcomfy episode
I'd love to watch a civilisation grow in a terrarium tank or something.

that sounds like trek, a small yet loyal group of autists

based keeping track user

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Remember that Voyager episode with the rude aliens who are all manlets? Lmao.

Can the fooder make different kinds of french fries or do you have to orally adjust how much salt you prefer?

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Pretty sure it would have been stupid no matter who played Sybok.

>orally adjust how salty you want it

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Kirk was literally right tho



Did anyone else feel like a scene was cut in the final showdown with the God entity in TFF? When Spock spins round on the chair on the Klingon bird of prey and revealed as its gunner it's set up like it's a twist, but there wasnt enough time to build it up

I haven't had McDonald's fries in weeks...

>redditards are still claiming V is a bad film

There should be a Star Trek dating app


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You have to manually change it.

>There was once a time where Star Trek was based in some hard science and the belief that humanity will evolve to be rational

>Nu Trek is literally mysticism/religion
Holy fuck it's so clear to see how rotten and lacking people's souls are lacking - it seeps into their "writing"

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What does DS9 stand for?

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It's obviously not dead and there's enough classic trek to continue this general for the foreseeable future but we should definitely branch out into other areas such as politics and literature. /trek/ would be like ten forward where we come to discuss the frivolities of life.

Most of us here are right-wing men in our 20s and 30s, it's nice to have a general we can share

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she cute

Best girl.

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I watched every fucking episode

I actually thought Picard was going to be good

Why is she wearing a towel?

She's gypsy trash

AnaI? Again? My butt is still sore from last time, Benjamin.

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I fapped to isa briones barefeet in PIC at least 3 times

>hail those niggers

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By the Founders...

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Unpopular opinion: I liked how Elnor cucked that slimy little weasel last episode.

How did the Doctor have a kid?

The Original series
The Next Generation
ST Picard
ST Deep spaz 9
ST enterprise
ST Burnham

fuck off

I think he is a real person

With nutrek dying off, you'll be back to tripfag gossip and discord wars.

Terrible order made by a virgin.

Oi, fuck you mate.

Star trek 6 had several infiltrators wanting to prolong the war with the klingons

What a gay thread

STD is better than ENT

tell us more about the inside job?

Took me a while to realize the other thread wasn't actually the trek general.

Tripfag gossip?

I've seen gayer

trek died with DSN

No it isn't you stupid virgin.

I watched it :(