Letting my GF be a whore is the most intelligent thing I have ever done

>Letting my GF be a whore is the most intelligent thing I have ever done.

What happened to him?

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Other urls found in this thread:




Why didn't he include this?

Why do you care?


pussy secretions literally fucks the male brain and makes you more and more of a simp

Uncle ted was right. The internet destroys week and feeble minded people.

when you think about it, he's pretty much a whore himself and at the same level as her

Sounds like a fag. I can't think of an even bigger fag... Wait, yes I can. You. For caring.

>Why do you care?
Why do people keep repeating this shitty cope? Why did Idubbbz care about Leafy's chin so much? Why did idubbbz care so much that he did content cops? Why does x care? STOP TALKING ABOUT THINGS.

Just shut up you retarded faggot.

Are we going to pretend he always didn't look like a complete soiboi and cuck?

Because it's fun laughing at him.

That like to dislike ratio is hilarious. I hope the scales tip once more people see it and want to troll him.
COPE: The Video. He should have just stayed silent. The argument are so shit it all seems ironic.

His girlfriend has:
-broken up with her ex-boyfriend after meeting Ian one time
-still flirts with said ex-boyfriend
-talked about how she wants to break up with Ian
-insulted him on discord about what a manchild he is
-gaslight him
-stole art MULTIPLE times
-body shames people despite being 'body positive'
-makes fun of people with eating disorders despite claiming to suffer from anorexia
-makes/made fun of sex workers for years
-claimed being a sex worker would be her last option

Feel free to add about her garbage personality :)

Ian why are you so mad?

>sex workers
you mean prostitutes and whores?

this is your brain on retarded moral relativism

This is gonna wake a lot of people up so that they will stop idolizing youtubers.

Hes only defending her because shes way out of his league

thanks for the quick rundown user

no, but back then if you make such a claim then his shills and retarded children fanbase would just label you as fans of the channel that he took down with content cop.

>What happened to him?
>human cake
>hair cake
>eating pickles and pineapples in a sewer
He was always a degenerate, when did it become a meme to look up to idubbz?

its the argument he gave in the video

Don't you also care since you took the time to post in this thread?

This, not because of simping, but because who above the age of 18 watches fucking idubbbz? You should be watching classic movies or at least films made for fucking adults

i dont doubt it but proof?

She's not really though, for a guy with his money and fame he could be doing that good or better without simping out like a faggot.

He's deleting comments.
What a butthurt faggot lol.


>out of his league
he just outed himself as a money mark, he could pull a way hotter chick now

She ain't my girlfriend and idubbz is a crazy person I see on youtube for his antics so idgaf ;^)

why can't he just admit he's a cuck?

imagine shilling for a e-cuckleb for free, YIKES!

>body shames people despite being 'body positive'
>also gets a crappy boobjob

You might think that. Because you're a fag.

Someone post her fucking nudes already

who could have guessed that ACAB still applied to content cop

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He says while on an anime website

Seriously though why do you care about some minor e celeb and talk about him on a platform made for talking about movies and television?

>Letting my GF be a whore is the most intelligent thing I have ever done.
So he thinks she's his property and that she couldn't expose her body to other people if he denied it? Sounds real intelligent, alright.

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totally right. I stopped watching him altogether when i turned 18
yeah, but who the fuck actually watches anime here. Some of us just watch naurto because we grew up with it

>Make a comment about how he shouldn't care about the whole situation and should have let it blowover.
>Basically being neutral about it, saying he isn't as big as he was back in the day and that he should have just made a video making fun of the whole thing.
>Get like 10 comments from his fans defending him

Holy shit, people don't have any self respect. All I said was that he shouldn't have given the topic any attention and people would have forgotten in a month. Even had idiots look in my youtube channel and comment about videos I made a decade ago. These people are predatory

Because this cuckold was the shitskin doomers father figure
also to the chad in the last thread asking for help
You can use ytcomment.kmcat.uk/ to find them

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We’re not on Yas Forums

Why do YOU care enough to reply to me or defend this obvious cuckold? Our opinions require the same amount of energy.

Obviously, she's only doing it because he allows it. That's exactly what's going on. Its not because he's a spineless bitch that lets his girlfriend walk all over him.

Why the fuck would you enter this thread just to tell everyone how much you don't care, and chastise them for caring? You are way more pathetic than them.


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I care for you anons. I want you to get better.

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If you would let your girlfriend sell herself on the internet, you are a cuckold.

>using tumblr and 8c in the same sentence
>it's "far alt-right" to not want to date a whore
this weeb's a fucking retard bros

Imagine acting like your partner is empowered by whoring online.

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You will NEVER be white, paki

Did you miss the whole point? There is nothing wrong with taking money from idiots legally. Just admit you're a whore, and your boyfriend is a cuck then move on with your life.

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No you are the one who is cringe!


Would you simp for redwoods mom?

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don't you all losers have anything else to do? literally who cares about his gf and what she does. the only thing that matters is that he is happy with her and that i don't have any problems with it. lets all just back off and enjoy his content like nothing happened

I'd rape her and then lynch her like the filthy nigger she is

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>making money off controversy in return for some people on the internet calling him some buzzwords

Bro you're simping a simp

>don't you all losers have anything else to do? literally who cares about his gf and what she does. the only thing that matters is that he is happy with her and that i don't have any problems with it. lets all just back off and enjoy his content like nothing happened

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What do I lose from that?

How many threads do we need about this?

wait... are we the cucks?

>making money whoring out your gf
oh wow hahah epic i only care about dollars and have no moral center either bro, isn't it EPIC

Fans are retarded, no matter whose. If you obsess about some random person you never met then you have to be retarded.
If it weren't for filthy frank then the guy would be never succesful with his music. Let's be honest, his music is a basic stuff countless other musicians do.

Why are so many dumb faggots saying this? Literally every single person saying "Why do you care" and "don't you have anything else to do?" are wasting JUST AS MUCH TIME saying that stupid shit as people are shitting on icuckzzz

It's great that he's happy being a cuckold, but I'm still going to shit on him and laugh at him for it.

But Don was thinking about him and was clearly intimidated because Ginsberg had the better pitch. Why do Anons always post this image when it means the opposite?

Truly the thinking man's fetish

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This is such a dumb arguement, how are you going to be critical of other peoples content but be immune to it yourself?

I'm saying that's him. Hes pretending not to care.

>enjoy his content like nothing happened
How if hiscontent was about shitting on idiots? Turns out he's worse. Leafy is apiece of shit but he should unironically take him down with this kek.

>moral center
>frequents Yas Forums

Very based then.

That would only be a problem if he was insecure

Anisa is going to leave him for Chris Ray Gun

>muh sekret club

Reminder it's not doxxing since it's public

>body shames people despite being 'body positive'
>makes fun of people with eating disorders despite claiming to suffer from anorexia
>makes/made fun of sex workers for years
>claimed being a sex worker would be her last option
wow she sounds based

>idubbbz even existing when you were

Full Force was kino though


Lmaooooo he's actually THIS mad

fucking brainlets, it's clearily post with accidental error that reveals the poster is the person being criticized in the thread, not genuine opinion

like jennaposting

lol cuck

Cope with what? Him making money from you talking about him?

Why are the mods trying to replace the old userbase with actual children? Are they gay pedos?

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>you are now an alt right incel for not wanting to date a whore in the west

This confirms it, I am now asian ONLY, fuck w*stern women

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I was 17 when he put out the last content cop. Idk, i'm watching this video right now and he sucks so much. He turned out to be so lame and he's ignoring a lot of the points about how she's a shitty person


lot there it is, there is that word

you are an actual female arent you?


video only up about an hour and already half a million views


If you let your gf sell nudes online, you will eventually let her fuck other men too. Inb4 "cope.

So where are his girl's nudes? Surely someone leaked them now, or should cause that'd make people seethe.


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What's the difference between a whore in the west and a whore in the east?

here's your blacked spammer bros

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Admit it, he owned you incels.

At least his woman is loyal.

Everyone knows Ethan enjoys cuck porn.

Turns out when you act like an asshole you attract an audience of dipshits. Who knew?!

This dude stopped being funny once he stopped ripping off Sam Hyde

Ones probably putting herself through school/taking care of family, with little other options.

There are lots of whores in East Asia but at least thots are looked down on in their culture.
The west has been completely destroyed culturally and morally and that's what we're seeing with this idubbbz shit; it is now controversial to not want to date a literal prostitute

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cringiest thing ive ever read. ethan is not even a chad. dudes only had 1 gf that he met while abroad in israel

Who tf cares about this shit other than zoomers

God I hate E-celebs


Is this finally it?
Is the general public finally slowly turning back to traditional values?

Quite based

christ that video was so substanceless

he only responded to the shittiest arguments and nothing that the majority of peoplle are saying.

what a fall from grace dude holy shit

Would be one of the most kino arcs in internet history if this happens desu

you’ve ignored most of the reasons why people are upset. The OnlyFans was the cherry on top. I’m not even upset she’s creating an OnlyFans account, I’m upset at what a hypocrite she is. She’s slut shamed other women before, she says she’s body positive and all that stuff, but then goes off to make fun of people that are bigger or fat. She’s said she’s struggled with eating disorders, but yet she goes on to make fun of other people with eating disorders. She’s stolen art from other creators. She openly said that the Holocaust was a beneficial thing. There’s probably a lot more others can add onto. What I’m trying to say, is you’re just answering “oh I’m fine with her making an OnlyFans account and you Fucking retard incels need to get off my ass”, not her hypocritical actions and personality. Weren’t you the content cop that hated hypocrites? Hold her accountable for her actions. If you want to date a shit person, go ahead, but have an explanation to the people that look up to you, care about you, and support you as to why. Oh and the fact that she cheated on her ex boyfriend with you; cheaters will cheat again, just a little tidbit for you.

Literally the point he made in the video, lmao. What a cuck

>Is the general public finally slowly turning back to traditional values?
No considering all the comments are from simps too

If you dont take pictures of your girlfriend naked and sell them online you're literally a white nationalist.

it's a 50/50 split from what I've seen

>She openly said that the Holocaust was a beneficial thing.
What's the problem here? Is this a reddit copypasta?

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Honestly I didn't like this dude and his style of videos back when he was at his peak but he makes Yas Forums seethe which is a worthwhile endeavor.
And the cherry on top is people defending that emo faggot leafy in the process. How wrong can you be at this point?

He could be a pimp?

I don't give a shit if some e-thot is an e-thot, I care that people are defending dating whores. It's fucking embarrassing.

A whore in the west is held up as the gold standard of empowerment and femininity.

>She openly said that the Holocaust was a beneficial thing

didn't happen and Italy's crematoriums have proved it

>Leafy comes back
>he's completely ripped and alpha
>even got chin surgery to fix his beta male chin
>sensible chuckle
>thanks Idubbbz for humbling him, saying he grew from it
>"I may have had a fucked chin, but there's surgery for that. There is no surgery for being a cuck, Idubbbz. Peace"

Pure kino.

Whore in the east licks clean your ass for 20$.
Whore in the west orders you to pay her 50$ for looking at her.

If this situation happened like 2-3 years ago it would be a 20/80 split in favor of the progressive.

No, the people in power are on his side. And the public follows the people in power.

Because mook still hasn’t given us a comfy youtube board yet. Get used to it.

SIMP is a tranny version of cuck
its the sole reason why these off-topic reddit threads are being left up
the trannys love it

I wish

Considering it still has more likes than dislikes, no. It appears that whoring out your girlfriend on the internet is, for some reason, perfectly okay with the modern American

What the fuck is even morally going on with this country?

he didn't even rip off sam hyde

He's always spent time crafting solid, nearly bulletproof arguments in his vids. This was extremely low effort and either he rushed it, he doesn't care, or he really just doesn't have an argument

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>comfy youtube board
Just go back to using reddit.

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ok ethan

leafy dropping a content cuck on idubbbz and turning the tides of youtube forever would be honestly incredible



I don't think anyone is defending Leafy. They're just saying that even an idiot like him could take idubbbz down now that he's made it so easy.

Pimps don't date their whores you retard.

He'd need a harem for that.

>actually watching his videos before this shit

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I've been saying ethans shit since 2015 but its true. Sam's fucking retarded
and before both of those retards there were rednecks doing the same exact fucking thing with guns on youtube

Reddit agrees with him.

there's no bulletproof argument that can make having a girlfriend who gets naked for other men cool. if he wasn't going to break up with her Idubbbz should've just taken the banter on the chin and moved on

if it was 20 years ago everyone would call the girl a whore