What is your opinion on Stephen Colbert?

What is your opinion on Stephen Colbert?

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dumb commie leftist soul cooker

He's a parasite

all these late night/daily shows seem so tired and cringey
every host looks and sounds the same, it's like they all have the same writers, the structure of every show is identical too

doesn't even attempt to be funny anymore

He's a hack and tries to appeal to a younger audience all the time. He's like the jealous little brother of the previous late night hosts. Especially Conan.

Reminder that the T in Colbert is not silent

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I'm a literal communist but I can't stand any of that late night shit.

He's pretty cool.

He used to be good

>t. Brad Colbert

that yank crap is all so scripted and played out


great in 'Strangers with Candy'
insufferable faggot now

>Heh! Heh! I get it! I get it! I wemembwer when Steven Colbwert said two scwoops about Twump! Heh! Heh! It funny because Wibwerawl get mad! Heh! Heh!

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He was good on the daily show despite his character being an insufferable caricature. His late show might be better if had stuck to that.

His whole character is based on the theme WE WILL OVERCOME TRUMP. You really can't get more pathetic than this asshole. He's a person for sloppy slow-minded diversity masses of NYC that are carelessly spreading the shit out of the virus they blame Trump for.

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Heh heh heh heh! Two scwoops! Wemember? Two scwoops! Heh hehheheheheh! Wiberwal wuz so mad! Hehehehehhehe

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Is it just me or is Yas Forums seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yas Forums has turned against them.

One trick pony comedian that got to where he is by "putting in dues", never produced anything actually creative. His unironic peak as an artist was a bit on an early stoner Adult Swim cartoon.

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You must have had to dust this one off after you pulled it from the back of your clipboard.

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The tranny screams out in agony.

holy shit pwned

the more Yas Forums hates him the more I love him

He's a voice actor and that's why he was used a as puppet for this network's political agenda.


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This. Should've stayed with character acting.

>they don't shed their political beliefs at the door
That's why you are hated you fucking goblino faggot.

I miss the old Colbert. Strangers with Candy, Daily Show, and even fake conservative Colbert. He's become pathetic.
Do little goblin creatures like you just check each thread every few minutes for opinions you don't like?

reminder he spent years working on his audition to SNL, then lost out to Tracy Morgan saying "I'm Biscuit" in an exaggerated ghetto voice

Disengenous. The left owns almost all the government corporations and media. You shove your garbage down everybodythroats and sane people escape to Yas Forums cause it’s the only place people can speak freely. Unironically leap off a building.

I don't like Yas Forums because I have to put on a meme flag when I want to discuss something otherwise every reply is just people calling me a leaf.

And there is the point in the counterargument proven. Nobody fucking cares, zoomer.

>noooo you can't just think illegals shouldn't be allowed in that's mean
crying wotjeck etc etc

Don’t attack pol because 90 percent of your people are insufferable dullards.

Yes, people care. We’re sick of trannies like yourself inserting your vile worldview into everything. Nice cope.

Every hour of every day, you Yas Forumsedditors are crying about the same ten things. Over and over and over again....I don't care what your schizoid opinions are about illegals. Nobody actually does. You aren't even welcome most of the time. You have an entire space to cry and moan and reaffirm your beliefs.

So why should I have to listen to your tiresome garbage here, you actual retard?

His show was comfy but he had a bad habit of talking over the interviewed guests, I know it's part of the persona but it's still a bit frustrating. Never watched nor cared about his late night show.

>tranny tranny tranny tranny
You should take your own advice on coping

>90 percent
That's a bit generalizing no? I'm just saying it's hard to talk about something when nobody wants to post a serious reply because of your flag.

NOOOo not the festering front holes! Not the suicide bois!

fucking leaf

Grasping at straws there. You posted this in a like or dislike Colbert thread and no one has said any of those thing you idiot. Half the time people try to explain why they cry wolf on pol 24/7, they say stuff like that, and 8-9/10 times the lefties are the only one that's brought it up and the other 1-2 times its a guy that literally no one has responded to because whether he is right or not, it's so offtopic that no one cares.

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Rent free.

It’s true though. Canadians have built a reputation of being self centered, rude, moralizing queers. Maybe your a good one, and I’m sorry if you’ve been stung but you need to realize your nation as a whole is poisonous

>reddit spacing
>s-stop being mean Yas Forums is a family friendly space that needs heavy moderation
I appreciate this post.

>t. damage control user
Fuck Yas Forums and the faggots who post there. I have more respect for /x/tards.

Yes, I do live rent free in your mother’s house. I pay her with my cock.

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>everything is Reddit spacing if I squint hard enough
>wahhh you can't just tell me to go to my own board to discuss on topic things for that board wahhh wahhh
You are literally a tumblrite, Christ.

the post I was replying to was claiming Yas Forums don't constantly try to derail entirely apolitical threads with stuff about blacks/jews/gays/leftwing conspiracies. but they clearly do. it was my first post in the thread.

>ok here

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>babby's first recognition of joke structure

Imagine being a literally insane person who can't even watch or digest a John Oliver skit without seething that it's part of an elaborate liberal mind control operation? Imagine writing paragraphs on John Oliver and not even getting paid

>NOOOOO stop being rude dammit
crying wotject you get the idea

Imagine you were living in an apartment for free and told you could invite all your friends and there isn't a landlord but instead, you take your friends across the street to bug your neighbor that wants you to kill yourself?

>I am very angry about multiple scoops of ice cream

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This. It's clearly not propaganda because I agree with it.

>the group that prides itself in being able to take jokes and criticism while doing le epic eyebrow raise
>is still bent out of shape over an icecream gag

Fuck Stephen Colebert

>nooo you can't just discuss stephen colbert we need to talk about Yas Forums
user, are you ok?

That's literally not what I said?

We aren’t bent out of shape. He was literally furious that another man had two scoops. Projection much?

normie trash

You're not a smart person.

>He was literally furious that another man had two scoops
He wasn't, my face blind and autistic nutter friend.


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Simping for colbert. Not a good look.

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Better than lying about him because you're mad about an ice cream meme.

>I am perfectly calm

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Don't bother, it doesn't understand reason.

How could you be so retarded as to not realize that he was replying to , a post literally complaining about dumb fucking Yas Forumsacks like yourself claiming to be like the marginalized tranny minorities they hate

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>t. cries about Colbert that nobody actually watches


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Fuck off Yas Forums

this meme will never get old because that face perfectly encapsulates the way that members of the media feel towards successful people. It's like something out of an old folklore tale.

We aren’t mad nigger. It’s hilarious and pathetic. Being mad is not the same thing as being overcome with how retarded a souless talk show host can be.