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Margin Call by a fucking landslide

>t. contrarian

Big Short is fuckin fantastic
Margin Call is trash

I've never even heard of Margin Call

i prefer the wolf of wall street :>

i don't think i even finished margin call

Margin Call has better acting and has a tighter script. The latter being funny seeing as The Big Short won an Oscar for writing.


The Big Short tries to be smart, but fails.

Margin Call had no imagination and is what a bad writer thinks is a tight script. Big Short had some problems and it leaned a little hard on its fourth wall breaks but overall it's not even a contest. Big Short aces Margin Call

This. The Big Short is fine, but Margin Call is fantastic.


Having celebrities explain financial concepts is not an effective storytelling device. The cameo itself distracts the audience from what they are talking about. For example, Margot Robbie is trying to explain an important concept but you are first thinking “oh hey it’s Margot Robbie” and then “I want to fuck Margot Robbie” when you should be paying attention to what she’s saying because it’s important to understand the story. It’s moments like this when the filmmakers think they are too smart. A smart filmmaker would be able to break down a difficult concept in such a way that everyone could understand. It wasn’t imaginative, it was just getting another person to say the lines that was not part of the main cast.

And when some old guy is explaining betting on CDOs or whatever and then Selena Gomez comes out of nowhere, because the producers and writers are thinking "Man, these people don't want to actually listen to an expert explain, they like SELENA GOMEZ."


Totally disagree, I thought it was a really good way of dumping the exposition in the middle of a scene that was basically entirely exposition and I had no trouble following the explanation. If you want to see the technique done badly then watch Bombshell which just tried to do the same thing without the celebrities and it was just jarring.

Margin Call is cringe brother. Seriously.

>linking multiple posts

>I thought it was a really good way of dumping the exposition in the middle of a scene that was basically entirely exposition and I had no trouble following the explanation
I think you’re unfortunately in the minority there. If you were to ask the people, who watched The Big Short, if they remembered Margot Robbie’s cameo, a large majority will reply in the affirmative. However if you asked the same people, if they remembered what she said, the percentage will be shockingly low. This is evidence that the storytelling device has failed.

If you don’t believe me, try asking around if they remember Margot Robbie in the bubble bath and when they say they do, ask them if they remember what she said.

>The cameo itself distracts the audience from what they are talking about.
it’s almost like this is an intentional metaphor for how no one gave a shit about the housing crisis

both of them are anti-capitalist, anti-men, anti-white, anti-christian and anti-trump so both of them are jewish propaganda and should be burned

I'd be surprised if they couldn't at least give me the cliffnotes. Subprime = shit and Shorting = betting against the stock are all you really need to understand because the jenga towers were the important plot information that set up the stakes. Margot Robbie was more about giving some breathing room while also keeping the tone and explaining some terminology to make it a little easier to follow.

Margin Call is unironic masterpiece, also it has Simon Baker so it automatically wins

I enjoyed both. They explored different sides of the same issue, giving more perspective.

Margin Call by far.

This, biz got filtered

This but I didn't dislike margin call. It's just that I expected something tight and got something kind of insubstantial. I saw that selling scene on youtube beforehand and I thought that was the beginning of the movie (and then it flashes back) but to see that it was a climax was disappointing.

The big short was loud and dumb but entertaining and the actors have room to do their stuff.

>The cameo itself distracts the audience from what they are talking about. For example, Margot Robbie is trying to explain an important concept but you are first thinking “oh hey it’s Margot Robbie”
Woah, it's almost like that was the fucking point.

I'm not saying Margin Call was bad, it's just nothing new. The Big Short made a film about banking interesting which is hard to do

Fuck you.

Big short by a country mile

Seen both a couple of times, I'm more inclined to watch Margin Call now. I really don't like the celebrity exposition scenes in The Big Short, but otherwise an enjoyable film. Bale is excellent in it.

Go home, Jeff

Both decent, but I enjoyed margin call much more.

Margin Call feels a little more grounded and real, but Big Short just has such excellent dialoug and it's just masterfully done

>Margin Call is a less obnoxious film with a legit paedophile rapist in the main cast
Yeah it’s Reddit vs Yas Forums

Big Short is the movie equivalent of breathing your own fart in with your mouth to savour the flavour, and then telling everyone how good it was.
Never heard of the other one before.

why are brainlets always so triggered by this?

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Big shart wins. Also watch Moneyball. That shit is tight!

Read "Pope in the pool" section of Save the cat by Blake Snyder.

The whole point is to give the audience a visual distraction during necessary exposition.

You cant write a scene where a bunch of financial experts talk about a concept which to them is very basic

The 4th wall breaks were just quips to keep the story moving and explain timeline shifts.

But if you're writing a movie about finance, set in New York and suddenly its Margot Robbie in a bathtub, drinking champagne with a big ocean view then your audience is going to pay attention to what is a needed but boring part of the overall story.

for me, it's wolf of wall street

Look people, it's a Yas Forumstard autist giving his two cents! Take your insufferable bigoted ass back to your shitty containment board.

First, you are a triggered brainlet who didn't get the point of the celebrity cameos and second, you don't know what paedophile is.

Because it’s what a Redditor thinks is smart. Dumping information as exposition is not clever. Any retard can copy and paste.

Also the film’s tone has a Rick and Morty feel to it.

it was based until you said “bigoted”, now its cringe

The Big Short is a R*dditors view of how the financial crisis happened. It came as no surprise to be that it was written and directed by Adam McKay.
That said, The Big Short is more fun to watch, but Margin Call had objectively better acting and a better script. Really nothing else to it.
If you work in finance, you'll know that neither should be treated as documentaries about the financial crisis. But, as always, R*dditoids and Europeans will anyway.

t. triggered redditor

The Big Short is for McKay what Drive was to Refn and Vice is what OGF was.

i second what this man said. margin call is the shit. from the way it shows who makes how much to the hierarchy of a big bank with all the speeches from jeremy irons to the paul bettanys one in the car and stanley tuccis on the steps. the film was crisp and to the point also the cast was all around poppin. and as far as big short goes the editing in that film gave me aids and i couldnt watch it for more than 3.5 minutes.thank you and good night

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I'm not the one who gets buttblasted when someine explains what a short is.


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yeah. Wolf is all you need to know.
Bunch of poor people got screwed by Jordan Belforts, but they all would have been Jordan Belforts if they could have been.

That poster was clearly a troll from /lgbt/ saying what he thinks a Yas Forumsack would say

It's not even fair to compare them
The Big Short is good but it's filled with gimmicks to explain the plot to simpletons
Margin Call is an actual cohesive narrative that is able to explain these concepts to simpletons in a way that makes sense in the story. Compare Margot Robbie's bullshit bathtub scene with this monologue-

The one on the left is a movie with a sustained plot while the one on the right is a preachy lecture of the 2008 housing crisis masquerading as a movie.

That's the whole fucking point, brainlet. What made the movie great is that it recognized that most people will always get bored and uninterested in something which deeply affects their lives and ultimately decided to really step on it.

>the whole point was to have celebrities make interesting stuff uninteresting

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Tell me aboout Sam Rogers
why does he bury the dog

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>the point of the movie was to stick unnecessary filler to distract the audience
>calls others brainlets

It was about to go to the police. Sam killed him with kindness.

general rule of thumb is to compare letterboxd scores, whichever has lower is a better film

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>I'm a little dark sometimes

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