Fights the captivity of big cats

>fights the captivity of big cats
>keeps big cats captive
What did she mean by this?

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She's just a hypocritical cunt like most other women.


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That's like the only perk of being an animal rescuer. You get to be around the animals (relatively) guilt free. Pretty based

She's a sociopath. Every time she speaks in the documentary be it a recording of her ot her speaking to the filmmaker you can see she has no actual emotions and is trying to act like she thinks a normal person would.

She's connected to the "traditional medicine" trade to central Asia.
You heard it here first.

It's almost like the whole things a scam so she can have a monopoly on big cats and when only 'rescue' shelters can have them the IRS won't look too hard at her books for not paying her employees, sorry 'volunteers'.

her big distinction was that she doesn't breed cats, she cares for cats that others have bred and then neglected

>she profits off cats that others have bred
Fixed that for you. She's a piece of shit.

kill yourself shill rat

she has upkeep costs like feeding them. I mean clearly she likes having cats, but there has to be sanctuaries unless you want them to be sent to like Yellowstone Park and fuck up the whole ecosystem


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why not put them down?

>unless you want them to be sent to like Yellowstone Park and fuck up the whole ecosystem
You are a simpleton. I would insult you, but the criticism would just be lost on you.

Do people look at your pathetic life and want you dead instead of being miserable?

She's clearly sociopathic and generally fucking hoohah batshit insane.
Anyone with healthy instincts can read the crazy on this women within 10 seconds of seeing and hearing her talk.

The other guys are nuts too, don't get me wrong, but they seem more like eccentrics lead down an off kilter path by life. This woman is wacko to the core.

This is my problem with her plan though.
There are only 4000 tigers left in the wild while the US has 5-10k.
Since tigers aren't native to the US they just can't be released, so is her plan to stop breeding so tigers die out in captivity?
Like the whole issue is pointless, better the genetic diversity of the species be preserved in captivity then lost forever, its not like there's any wild to return the captive tigers too.

probably, but I don't talk to many people.

you literally have nothing lmao

It's supposed to be a rescue right? So if those cats were in captivity a lot of them can't be released into the wild cause they don't have the skills to survive.
Granted looks a lot of the early big cats were ones she bought to be pets so she's still hypocritical.

do they screw her ..?

Well...I have about 60 IQ points on you.

Her cages and living conditions are even worse than Joe's. She also euthanizes almost all the cats, and just keeps her donations. If you think she's not a bad person, you're a moron.

I have an infinite IQ, checkmate dipshit


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lol she has 40 acres, now look at Joe when he was feeding the cats and there were like 30 all gathered

>An IQ of 0.99999....
At least you admit it.


>lol she has 40 acres
Each cat's cage is smaller than Joe's cages. She also doesn't trim the grass in them, and lets the cages rust.

Fair enough

says the guy who wants to put tigers in national parks

>hey there all you cool cats and kittens

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Where did I say that?

this film is reddit.

We should put tigers in the inner cities. It’s already a jungle.

This is the definition of a beta male

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Faggots who say everything is reddit are actually reddit.

Why is there truly wild rescue? Buy a bunch of land in like Texas and recreate the Savanna. Have the animals running around and eating each other in a proper food chain.

Post more of the italian chick on the leopard print.


she is such a scamming heartless bitch

Is that the one with the milkers popping out of her peek-a-boo neckline?

It’s too bad we let asians and Africans have countries. We could have stopped from killing everything. Truly sad what given us besides crime and disease.

How did she get away with it?

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Her brother was a cop one the department in charge of investigating his disappearance.

So Yas Forums, do you like watching the big ones or the little ones?

Most of the people in that doc were crazy. how could you not realize this?

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Common tactic of framing your enterprise as some activist group perusing some social justice cause. It's an easy way to get social and political pressure against your competitors who do what you do but better. Much of "woke" culture, or leftist activist trends are just marketing tactics to present yourself as a wholesome alternative to similar products and services, even if you aren't really that much better.

Does this doc mention the exotic animals that were killed in Ohio like 10 years ago?

Zanesville bro here. I grew up in the town near where it happened. They actually closed schools because they were worried kids would get jumped by leopards and shit waiting at bus stops

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Huronfag here! I remember when this happened!

Do you think an animal that lives in a fucking jungle cares about overgrown grass?


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Animal captivity should be illegal except for cases where they're the last of their species.

>browses Yas Forums - Television & Film
>gets angry when people discuss Yas Forums - Television & Film

what the fuck?

who was the minority?

2011 was a wild year bro

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I'm an idiot. If tigers are endangered in the wild, and there are thousands of unwanted tigers in the US, then why not transport them all to India or whatever? I know shipping isn't cheap, but it seems like PETA or WWF could raise some money.

Thats because the ones in captivity never learned to survive in the wild. They don't know how to hunt. They'll just die out there

Surely some would survive.

The actual issue is to stop third world countries from destroying their habitats so we can release them and not create a captive population of big cats that do nothing but live in a cage their entire lives, but nobody seems concerned with that

Just shoot them.

Fuck you commie.

>40 acres
40 acres is NOTHING. A Walmart is 20 acres.