Did the Sopranos ever have an objectively "bad" episode? Peak kino

Did the Sopranos ever have an objectively "bad" episode? Peak kino

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Whenever Carmella or Meadow are being whores

Yes. A lot of. Especially in 1-2 seasons. For example that filler where priest and carmella almost had sex but she friendzoned him.
ALso I hate the scene of some episode where fbi guy and tony was chatting like they are friends.
All those episodes where janice and livia had a lot of screen time.

"Christopher" about colombus day and the Indian casino is probably the worst episode. Its still redeemed by the car ride in the end though.

Every episode that features Janice

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I hate the episode where they showed Tony had a gambling addiction and focused on Vito’s faggot son for too long. The whole thing is filmed with close up shaky cam shots and the color palette is dark and shitty, but then goes back to normal in the next episode. Feels out of place compared to the rest of the series

It’s not an entire episode but the story about Tony’s dad’s goomah was extremely uncomfortable to watch.

>he he
>heh heh
you dumb faggot nigger memester

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she's insuffrable, same with anthony junior

Kaisha was terrible and almost unwatchable.

isn't that the point?

This, i hated Janice's character, she played the role perfectly

Christopher was a great episode about a brave italian explorer and on this board we watch it! End of subject!

Some of the CarmellaXFurio heavy episodes were soap opera territory

Who invented shitposting??

yeah before and after

Anything with Anthony jr

Before Yas Forums they were send their grandma’s chain mails. We taught the world how to meme!

>For example that filler where priest and carmella almost had sex but she friendzoned him.
That was kino.

You know it wasn’t long ago we used to do Johnny Sack jokes in these threads. As far as I’m concerned they should STILL BE THERE!!!!!!

I never got the hate for this episode

>ALso I hate the scene of some episode where fbi guy and tony was chatting like they are friends.

i always thought barbra was unnecessary. its like they put her and her family in just to make the point that not all of them are screwed up.

the tone is off, it feels more like an episode of the Simpsons, and it tells instead of showing too much of the time.

they didn't really almost have sex. the point of the episode is that all of Carmela's criticisms of him apply to herself.

t. pleb

I don't know. Probably because those mobsters are cruel sociopaths but were shown in this scene as good guys.

The entire second season was unwatchable garbage.

I think you misinterpreted the scene. FBI agents getting chummy with their target is actually a specific technique they use in real life.

No i think that fbi agent really liked him. He even helped him in the last episode.

The episodes depicting Tony's coma dreams are awful.

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from the poster of that show I actually thought it was a sitcom

The one where Christopher meets Jon Favreua.

Sure it fits with the character but it's really on the nose and out of place.

Still enjoyed it but too meta for me.

You got filtered hard.

Just this one

D Girl is far and away the worst episode. Next is the one with Massive Genius, and third is the one about the Columbus Day parade.

mmmm me like dreams

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Never seen this show

Is it worth it?

I don't get it why you hate columbus episode. Pretty good episode. Probably that is because I am from Russia. You know that show is not so popular here like in USA.

yeah, it's 90's time capsule

This. 100% indisputable.

probably the greatest tv show ever but dont bother if youre underage or a roastie

I agree with this but simultaneously I liked all these

Tony is way bigger of a chad than paulie
and no the show does not have a bad episode
it does have bad scenes though
why did he let his daughter be a whooroah?

Yeah I guess that's true if you've never seen the Wire.

Every great man needs a whore daughter, just the way it goes.

>Yeah I guess that's true if you've never seen the Wire.

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Yes but you have to know what you are getting into, don't go expecting one thing and getting another

This is correct

the entire fifth season is garbage but even in quarantine and nothing to do im not going to argue wirefags

i would beat my daughter if she even attempted to be a whore
and kill her and then myself if she disgraced herself

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lol simp

go back to playing Fortnite pls

>Show about blacks
>Written by a Jew

Why are Jews obsessed with Africans?

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How does that make me a simp you retard? i failed as a father and dishonored myself
if you don't kill yourself as punishment then your a beta

why are incels so obsessed with jews

>ALso I hate the scene of some episode where fbi guy and tony was chatting like they are friends.
How the fuck is that a bad point in the show?

that guys an incel

Who's the best secondary character with not a lot of screen time?

For me, it's Silvio

most of the secondary characters are incels

For me it's Bobby

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all incels

it was pure kino you retard

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