Is he the funniest comedian since Norm?
Patton Oswalt
Other urls found in this thread:
homie always has a killer set
he has honestly never made me laugh.
He murders.
It's time for you to grow a set.
he killed his wiiiife
Take your meds.
The truth is the ultimate defense against libel.
Congratulations, Patton.
You got dubs.
Here comes Yas Forums.
He's never been funny or a comedian, so no.
I like the one where he kills his wife and remarries months later.
His best specials are
1. Getting away with murder
2. How I stopped worrying and learned to love my new wife
3. Overdose
4. 6 feet under and still can’t catch a break
5. Ratatouille
I like the one where you get a job.
I'm not sure but I'm sure he killed his own wife.
Post it on his Twitter then if you are so sure.
Pic related is you.
This is probably the only thing I've ever liked that he's done.
Post it on his Twitter and enjoy getting sued for libel, schizo.
There is literally nothing funny about this beta cuck other than his ugly stupid face.
I liked when he murdered his wife
I'd rather get sued for that than to be sued for killing my legal partner
Ugly and stupid never stopped your mother.
>Ur mum
Wew lad.
Go back home to Reddit, hun.
Fairies are real though. Bitch stay mad.
Go back to twitter and stay there you seething faggot.
I see you forgot your schizo meds again, Paul.
You're the same fag who starts these threads just to spam these exact same responses over and over. You forgot to avatarfag with your scooby doo folder this time, newfag.
The cartoon is fake but Mr. Crocker is literally you.
He was right though. You literally admitted I was right. Lol sad!
based chads baiting that schizo simp
Are you implying transgenders are bad people?
Im sure there is a subleddit for «ur mom» jokes that you can sub to faggot
Why are you bringing your father into this?
>trying to warwick people
Haha yeah it's not like he was alone with his wife at the time and police didn't discover four times the amount of opiates you get on a prescription
I heard this guy killed his wife, is this true?
yeah but he thinks everyone here is liable too for some reason
>be Patton Oswalt
>unironically spend most of your time lurking an esoteric anonymous micronesian penis charmer enthusiast forum
>to seethingly respond to any & all threads about yourself
You actually do belong here, don't you Patton?
I mean jesus christ I've not been on Yas Forums in like 3 months & the first fucking thread I see coming on is Patton Oswalt, and you're literally the fucking 6th post in.
How does it feel knowing you could very well be sued for libel?
>be Patton Oswalt
>murder wife
Comedy isnt funny.
Hint, Patton, you moronic faggot:
Streisand Effect.
Grow a god damn brain already.
You're thinking of colin Quinn
feels fucking awesome
how does it feel knowing you have killed someone?
How can you sue someone on an anonymous Peruvian hat making forum who may not even be in the USA?
He killed millions
To save his new marriage
feels fucking awesome I bet
No Tom Segura is but i don't listen to his podcast so maybe he's actually shit
I agree with his political beliefs therefore he is funny and did not kill his wife
Saved for future shitposting
Lol I think this is legit fatty Patty posting here. Hey man, why'd you kill your wife? You know you're gonna go to Hell for that right?
Give me a fucking break, if this straight lie was going to work it would have already, you can't scare "us" away from salt & trolling.
And if you COULD actually take ANY kind of legal action whatsoever you would have like a fucking year ago when you were STILL in these fucking threads, doing this exact same shit.