Mandalorian Season 2 info

Some info on season 2:
>Set 6 months after season 1.
>Mando is wandering the galaxy with the Child to find his people.
>Ahsoka Tano will be in the show.
>Luke Skywalker will be mentioned.
>Corruscant mentioned, Kamino will appear and act as final duel between Mando and Gideon.
>Sabine Wren will be mentioned.
>New imperial group separate from the First Order and Sith Eternal is introduced, they are called The Syndicate of the Imperial Lords, an Imperial Lord is every grand admiral who served during Endor, when the Empire fell they chose to stay behind in the lesser parts of the galaxy instead of going to the unknown regions with the rest of empire, they decided to live like kings and rule over the weaker planets.
>Gideon is an Imperial Lord, there are also 8 more Imperial Lords. One of them, the youngest called Avrak is set up as main villain for season 3.
>Baby Yoda is a clone, he was created on Kamino.
>We go to Tatooine in a one off episode.
>Heavy Mando and Armorer return.

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can't wait for a new season of this unremarkable garbage

>ppl like what I dont woe is me!

>Hey guys, you know that popular show that almost everyone seems to enjoy? Well get this: *I* don't like it! I bet you've never met someone like *ME* before.

exactly the type of snarky redditor line i'd expect from someone who enjoys this

Sounds pretty cool, but I'm more interested in what we'll see in the serial episodes. Old Clone Wars battledroids? Some old part of the EU mouse told us is no longer supposed to be canon?


>Baby Yoda is a clone
but i thought he wasnt?

>Imperial Lords
>They are just a copy of System Lords from Stargate SG1
Bravo Disney

I want alien girls

prove it

Sounds better than S1.

Old canon did the same thing with Imperial Remnants.


>mfw season 2 ends with baby Yeed taken by empire
Screencap this

You left out Cara Dune returning, Gina confirmed she shot scenes "fighting monsters in the sewers"

>Baby Yoda
So this is fake then. His name is Yeed.

>Heavy Mando and Armorer return.
Fuck yes, now release a damn LEGO set of the armory with these two figures already

>Kamino will appear
based as fuck

I wish she would fight my sewer monster if you catch my drift

I wonder if they will go into Mandolorian tribal politics. I am sure there is some cool sci fi stories to be written with that set up

She's currently occupied with strangling my mynock if you can put two and two together

Pardon me, but what exactly are you gentlemen referring to?

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Who cares about her

>Ahsoka Tano will be in the show
I don't think I've ever seen a canon animated character get a live action portrayal in the same continuity before.

Realisticaly, how many seasons can Mandalorian get? 3? 6? 8?

Saw Gerrera, though it was originally a different character in R1.


If they keep the main focus on being keeping Yeed safe and fleeing/fighting Imperials in a specific area of the galaxy, they could probably stretch it to season 4 before it gets stale, and if Filoni/Favreu have their way, they'll probably know when to end it. But Mandalorian is also the only outright new thing they've been putting out that's gotten general praise, so I wouldn't be surprised if Kennedy tried stretching it out too long.

I can see it to end at season 6.

>get stale
Tell that to Stargate or Star Trek


Man it just sucks they can’t have Luke up in this bitch. Man, I’m pissed how hard they fucked Luke.

it would be cool if current mando dies, and a new character continues in his place

Weak bait.
They just basically choosing another old EU element to make canon

Little advice guys please

I hate Nu wars with a Passion .. is the First season any Good ?

>Ahsoka Tano will be in the show.
Finally time to drop everything Star Wars related.

This is the most reddit reaction I've ever seen.

FUCK Luke. Mando should stay separate.

Everyone will say they copy System Lords from Stargate. Nobody knows about some EU crap.

What shows did you watch? Scifi related

This. Can someone explain the hype? It just seems like a bunch of clumsy series of unfortunate events and some fucking tard managing to both be competent and then equally be incompetent at random times.

>Nuke the Imperial Remnant
>Realise that the First Order origins are stupid and make no sense
>Bring back a shit version of the Remnant
Why bother nuking the EU if they are just going to keep introducing watered down versions of the old canon? I fucking hate Disney and Kathleen.


>Can someone explain the hype
Baby groot and "Star Wars should be gritty and dark for mature viewers like myself"

Classic sci-fi , some cheesy stuff , I dont like Forced Diversity/Agendas shit if Honest , Not my thing to watch 9 hours then a black womin warrior appers kills them all Cos its what streamers scream for

This; I don't even know what this EU is.

What is stargate?

Classic sci-fi , some cheesy stuff , I dont like Forced Diversity/Agendas shit if Honest , Not my thing to watch 9 hours then a black womin warrior appers kills them all Cos its what streamers scream for

sorry wrong post inb4

Its gritty and dark? The guy literally pulls the most heroic position at almost all times. Hardly do you see him actually go so far as to demonstrating a moral system more appropriate to a hired gun.

Then it's for you


Any hot women?

Why cant they come up with new environments? Revisiting the same locations over and over for unrelated reasons makes the galaxy seem tiny and fake. Kamino is supposed to be some unkown backwater


[Spoiler] this


Im pretty sure kamino is not the only place that can clone. Iirc they are the best at it, but its not exclusive to them


The only outright bad part of this show from what I can remember is when Cara Dune first fights Mando. The fight choreography was below 90s television standards.