How did movies get corrupted so fast...

How did movies get corrupted so fast? It took print media hundreds of years to get corrupted but movies were fucked only 20 years into existence. Don’t even get started about TV that was corrupted from inception

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You sound like a no fun faggot


Liberals are competent
Conservatives are not

See current situation

You sound like a NPC. Fun is coding

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Jesus Christ, OP. Stop being a stick up the ass retard without any humor. Stone cold nigger.

But jews started Pedowood

>Left meme is a wall of text
every time

>movies were corrupt back when there was a code that prevented filmmakers from showing a man and a woman share a bed
I know there's still all the pre code shit, but what the fuck are you talking about with this 20 years bullshit? Cinema began around 1900 (earlier if you count all those film recordings that aren't actually movies), 1910s and 20s was when it came into its own. It didn't get corrupt until like the 60s

Yeah OP just turn your brain off and let the producers do the thinking for you. They know what's best.

There were indecency laws for a while.

I'm willing to bet that the only thing getting you up in the morning is to angrily stare at your computer for 8 hours a day venting about how much fun everyone is having. Kill yourself, you blackpilled nigger.

What do you mean by corrupted ?

>tfw it's impossible to have nice conservative qts without also indoctrinating them with religious bullshit
Why is it impossible to have a moral, conservative atheist gf? I've had a Christian gf but I was living a lie since I don't believe and I don't want my kids to be circumcised or brought up dogmatically.

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It’s not just the pre code indecency. It’s the pro communist undertone of the “Golden Era” and the pedo undertones within pedowood itself

Nope about to go back outside with my kids and ride bikes but good guess.

Ephesians 2:11-13
Christians don't have to be circumcised

People have been writing garbage and smut for all of written history you ignorant dumb fuck. You only have a bias because we have far more preserved pieces from recent history and you know jack shit.
Its not "muh degenerate corruption" its just garbage. Theres always garbage, trash, shit, failure.
What even is your idea of "uncorrupted" media? A small percent of all works actually being good does not mean that the rest are intentionally bad or a result of a corruptivr outside influence. It is simply natural the vast majority of works of any kind, be it a movie, a piece of furniture, or a building are banal trash ubremarkable nothings.

Creative energy went to games + hollywood got so "toxic" that left over creative people cant work whit those assholes.

>Creative energy went to games

Christian girls are crazy. They are like incels. Not in the big tiddy goth gf way but like aspergers syndrome weirdos. They want to tell you how their love of jesus comes before you despite not asking and not giving a shit. They are petty as fuck and judgemental.
If you want a crazy bitch to raise and fuck up your kids with religious dogma braindead bullshit thats about all they are good for. If you want an actual companion dont bother. Well, good luck finding a companion in any woman in general.

>women don't want to sleep with me
>must be the jews corrupting the media

Found the kike


Unless she's a generic christian they dont have to get circumcised you doofus. The doctor will still say its "recommended". Also atheists are pure cringe, most are even worse than the protestant people you despise.

Found the braindead retard

It was never displayed so openly. Garbage as you say it was a seedy underbelly. Starting in the 1910s it was shown to the masses and instead of being angry and disgusted they clapped like good sheeple

ok kike

Why would a moral girl be interested in a loser who browses Yas Forums?

>dont mind me I just like baiting threads with strawmen

What are some 1910s movies that are immoral and were popular? That was before the kikes took control of Hollywood, and you have films like Intolerance that show the evils of wealthy Jews and feminists

the pawnbroker is the original nudity in film and and interracial shit

>ask for immoral popular film from 1910s
>60s movie
Also there was nudity in film before that

I’d also argue A Trip to the Moon is also pozed as hell so maybe it was right when the 20th century started

Yes this is correct.

You are delusional and you have a low IQ

No thats really not true. That again is a misrepresentation due to selectiom bias. There were tons of smut and trash, whores, alcoholics, drug addicts in any point in any place. Fucking chaucer mate.
Yes, things change especially with porn being accessible to anyone with internet, but that has nothing to do with comercial film industry. Film was controversial since its inception. They made silent fucking porno films in 1920 shot like a modern porn like the thread about it earlier.
It is a bias since we hold up only the best works of he past, and people in 1800 didn't care about preserving smut as much as they did about uncle toms cabin.

your morals are derived from christianity

Because not everyone could read.
Everyone can watch and hear though.

>expecting tradfag LARPers to think

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Everything you like about the west, "conservatism" etc. is a direct product of Christianity.

Read one of the gospels and start attending church.

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And even then we have De Sade
>implying christianity isn't derived from common morals present basically all throughout humankind

Yeah, Muslims and Christians and Babylonians all have/had the same common sense morality


>Everything you like about the west, "conservatism" etc. is a direct product of Christianity.
Even if someone were to accept that as true, it wouldn't necessarily make them believe in God.

For me, I was raised Christian and told that the Bible was the infallible Word of God. Now that is just clear bullshit because there are loads of things wrong in it, starting from the very first chapter. It's fantasy. Now how am I supposed to follow the religion when it's clearly proven to be BS? Also, everyone in my family believed in faith healing which is bullshit as well, it's a scam. The entire thing is BS. The moral philosophy is the only good thing about it, and even then not all of it is good.

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Wasn't some film standard lifted in the 60s? I forget the name of it.

Hitler was a pedo, what's the problem?

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god what a shitty meme

Everything got corrupted after the second world war, film as an artform was born at an unfortunate time

is it really a jewish conspiracy that you can't have sex? I don't get why they'd persecute some random user on the internet into being a socially awkward virgin.

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>my kids to be circumcised
what backwater Christians mutilate their kids

American Christians and Asian Christians are the ones who circumcize, meaning that the only Christians left that don't are hispanics and africans (there are no more christians in Europe)

Hitler was a stooge not a real rebel to the system

Circumcision is a Jewish practice, moron
Pr*testants are idiots and just make up whatever bullshit they want

To be fair you have to have higher iq to understand Christianity but most people dont, even those that believe. Sounds like you are either too young or fall in that average where you think you're too smart, but it's just because you dont understand it and the people surrounding you who "believe" also aren't smart enough to convey to you. If you're genuine, find some studies with some smart and non pushover types and you'll begin to see what I mean.

circumcision predates Jews and can be observed in neolithic societies

Catholics in the US, Korea, Vietnam, Japan, etc commonly circumcise as well.

Just be a mormon. The truth is if you want "nice conservative qts" you need to resort to religion.

Losers have always complained about degeneracy. We have records of these retards since Ancient Greece

>there are no more christians in Europe
Only a mutt can be this ignorant and yet so presumptive

Hays code. Lasted from 34 to 68
I'm not having sex because I have an irrational fear of sex, and because I'm 80% sure that my gf is a closeted lesbian. That has nothing to do with the kikes controlling the country

>I haven't done any serious biblical study but clearly the entire thing is bullshit
You don't have to believe that God literally made a man, took his rib and then made that into a woman to believe in the lessons of the bible, and the word of God. I don't think it's fair to dismiss the entire religion outright if all you have to go on are some basic readings and whatever warped perceptions you've picked up from pop culture, and arguments with people who themselves had only a vague, incomplete notion of the text along with some songs and rituals

>if I keep posting strawmen enough girls will like me and I can stop thinking about suicide