Meanwhile, in Weatherfield

Meanwhile, in Weatherfield...

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Keeping fit in the lockdown

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Right Said Fred I Said Right Said Fred

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Flippin' heck!

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I love the idea of shows like this, soaps that have been running for decades and there’s an entire lifetime of plots and characters in which you can immerse yourself.

Corrie does have relatively decent continuity for a long running show too. They're always referencing something way back in the past like you would in real life.


>everyone drinks all day in the Rovers, spending their entire paychecks on half pints of bitter and glasses of white

they're good for dipping in and out of when you want something easy to throw on in the background, see what's been happening

Someone is pregnant, having an affair and getting married, all at once!


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*tram crashes randomly*

>child grooming story of white blonde girl in manchester
>all the groomers were white

Do norferners really share bath water?

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If the situation calls for it

90% teeth

>Here's the craic so it is. I want your man Boris to release the lockdown on pubs. Okay sonny-boy? Just reopen the Rovers, with no funny business, and no one has to get ventilated, aye?

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Can't do that, McDonald, we're calling your bluff!

>"In tonights episode you will see scenes of people socialising in public spaces because the show is filmed weeks in advance. Please remember to follow the government's guidelines on social distancing and self-isolation."

Can't even enjoy some escapism in the Rovers with a saucy barmaid anymore.

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Fred was Norf before Norf was even a thing. Big fat northern loudmouth butcher.

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She had some big old titties

What's it like now? The last time I watched it Chesney was getting cucked and there was some bald geezer who was being a cunt.

Other than Chesney now having quadruplet babies it's pretty much that

Poor sod.


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Hello friendly and trustworthy neighbor Phelan

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based Roy

Are they even able to film the show now?


>norferner schoolgirl gets pregnant cos that what norferners do

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How many dead husbands is she up to? Six?

Come round ere for a blood sausage I say come round ere for a blood sausage

Didn't it take him a week to drown in the canal?

Fucking miss Michelle Keegan lads

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Remember when she posted them on Twitter by mistake
Good times

I thought that was hacking? Or faked or something.

I know the show normally has pretty average or plain actresses for the whole realism working class thing, but who's got that "plain yet cute" look for you?

No she accidentally sent a pic with her front camera and posted it on twitter
When people found out she got her friend to cover for her by saying "h-haha my friend hacked my phone and took a picture of HER tits!"
It was absolutely retarded. People have already proved they're Michelle's tits

How'd they do that?

What was the point of that? It came and went in a week.

Sophie is a cute

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Would appreciate it if someone posted them

the way I heard it they were just random tits from a Page 3 model or something, not hers, just a hoax

heard she's a massive cunt IRL who thinks she's Jesus because she's on corrie

and Rosie, though in a different manner

I can't imagine caring one bit about soap actors in real life.

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Are hers real?

We called him Freddy Two Times because he said everything twice

fess up lads, who was it?

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Why doesn't she make hotpot anymore?

>tfw you will never get verbally dismantled by based Blanche

why even fucking live

this can't be real

*obliterates your soul with ruthless and even efficiency*

>There's only like 15 people live in the street
>Every Christmas there's a serial killer on the loose

Their life insurance premiums must be sky high.

She's dead.

fuck you, mum

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>Number 4 has an asking price of £40,000, Mr and Mrs Redmann.
>That seems incredibly low for a full house in the middle of Manchester.
>Well I am legally obligated to inform you the death rate on this street is 450% higher than the citywide average. But hey, it's cheap for a house!

I miss Evil David