

Attached: 1_OlY_7egaXZYKJu3QZYmANA.jpeg.jpg (840x348, 81.32K)

Vis a vis sneed

feed and seed

You guys also think he's viciously sodomizing neo's corpse?

Oh for sure.. For sure

Hey we're trying to get to the mtv movie awards

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Made the horses crazy, killed our puppies, hid the remote. Really sick shit.


Why humans though? why not cows?

initial plot was about the processing power of the human brain being exploited but test audiences didn't get it

Read this post backwards

Now read my file name

Attached: the game.jpg (220x229, 5.95K)

It truly was the greatest pleb filter of all time



>matrix 1: Architect makes a utopia, rejected by human conciousness, fails
>matrix 2: Archi tries to account for human nature defaulting to 'life is miserable', fails
>matrixes 3 and onwards: enlists the help of a program designed to understand humans, the Oracle, succeeds in creating a matrix that is stable up until a singularity (The One) inevitably occurs

Why did it never occur to archi that the Oracle, being designed to understand humans, would wish peace/synthesis and might be the one purposely fucking with the matrix settings so a One would appear to further her goals? Or was he in on it?

why is this burned into my brain?

ok this is based

Orace isn't designed to understand humans, machines already understands us. The Oracle gave Neo of this matrix iteration powers in the outer matrix just because Smith malfunctioned and became a virus.
In millions and millions of previous instances of the matrix she has succesfully served her purpose as a liar who pushes Neo to believe that the game isn't rigged.

For me it's because of the MTV movie awards skit.

>Ergo, vis a vis, concordantly. You know what? I don't have any idea what the hell I just said, I just thought it would make me sound cool.

>Ergo open your yapper one more time and I'm gonna architect a world of pain all over your candy ass.

>Orace isn't designed to understand humans, machines already understands us
>However, I was again frustrated by failure. I have since come to understand that the answer eluded me because it required a lesser mind, or perhaps a mind less bound by the parameters of perfection. Thus, the answer was stumbled upon by another, an intuitive program, initially created to investigate certain aspects of the human psyche. If I am the father of the matrix, she would undoubtedly be its mother.
>Neo: The Oracle.

>In millions and millions of previous instances of the matrix
>I prefer counting from the emergence of one integral anomaly to the emergence of the next, in which case this is the sixth version.

>The Oracle gave Neo of this matrix iteration powers in the outer matrix just because Smith malfunctioned and became a virus.
wtf are you going on about

Yeah, becuase the architect would never lie.

>wtf are you going on about
Previous Neos haven't been gifted super powers in the outer matrix (where Zion is located). In this iteration agent smith became a virus, machines extrapolated it and decided to give neo
a) a love interest, so he stays in the matrix
b) super powers in the outer matrix, so he can beat the virus


>Yeah, becuase the architect would never lie.
did you not watch these movies?
>Oracle: and what about those that want out?
>Architect: They'll be freed, of course
>Oracle: You'll keep to your word?
>Architect: What do you think I am, human?

> super powers in the outer matrix, so he can beat the virus
how does having powers in the real world help Neo beat Smith in the matrix? What are you inhaling?
How hard is it to understand that the whole One business is a tug of war between the Oracle and the Architect? The Oracle tries to force the machines into a position where they have to bargain peace with the One while the Architect tries to eliminate him whenever he surfaces.

Maybe the Architect can't lie to the Oracle because the're in the same closure in the program, but he definitely can lie to a human to manipulate him.

>how does having powers in the real world help Neo beat Smith in the matrix?
Because Smith leaked into the "real world".
>How hard is it to understand that the whole One business is a tug of war between the Oracle and the Architect?
That's what machines want you to think.

What is the symbolism behind having The Matrix manifest as Robert E. Lee?

if the machines can "give powers" to Neo then why don't they just give powers to themselves you fucking mong? Do you think you're clever reading into this shit far deeper than it actually goes? Next you're gonna tell me the real world and Zion are just part of another Matrix.

The Matrix sequels are good

>real world and Zion are just part of another Matrix
I thought this was obvious, but apparently there are some simpletons that still haven't figured it out...

>our satellites picked up what we THOUGHT was pootie tang. but it turned out to be that killer videotape. and now it's been circulating and killing anyone who sees it
>just like pootie tang...

ergo: as a consequence

because love trancends all boundaries and dimensions user

>love is just a word
that quote is a retcon by a program. they are unable to understand what it means

>implying he doesn't have a Sati copy in his TV room

>Why humans though?
Makes practical sense, since they had human biology 100% figured out during the war and already had thousands and thousands stored for study.

Question: If I understand it right, part of the job of the Oracle was to outright lie to the One and the Zionites, feeding them the false hope that freedom could be achieved? And after the 5th reboot of the Matrix, she grew weary of that duty and schemed a plan to manipulate the current One into growing an attachment to a single individual, so when the time came he'd refuse to go back to the Source?

but cows wont ever revolt

that's one reading
You can also surmize that she is directly responsible for the One's existence since the One wasn't a problem that existed before she was brought on board by the architect to fashion the Matrix. She's a program uniquely devoted to understanding the human psyche, and understanding is empathizing.

Well, odds are that by the end of the war there was nothing left alive on earth besides humans. Also, I think the Machines also see the Matrix as a punishment for us.

The One isn't the problem, he literally is the solution to the problem. And the problem existed before, that it is really hard to 100% fool the subsconcious mind.

why did he put on a hat?

Attached: matrix hat.jpg (1791x799, 143.55K)

the 2% of people that rebell could easily just be killed inside their coffin/cell.

the machines want them to escape so they can have an endless war with zion; which is the only raison d'ĂȘtre for those machines.

without humanity the machines would just endelessly drift without any goal on a barren earth

>The One isn't the problem
>Your life is the sum of a remainder of an unbalanced equation inherent to the programming of the matrix. You are the eventuality of an anomaly, which despite my sincerest efforts I have been unable to eliminate from what is otherwise a harmony of mathematical precision.

He's a bug that the archi can't correct (either because of Oracle fucking with the parameters, or because statistically a human mind that can figure out the simulation and how to bend it to it's will eventually pops up given enough time)

>Oracle fucking with the parameters
that's actually exactly why
>As I was saying, she stumbled upon a solution whereby nearly 99% of all test subjects accepted the program, as long as they were given a choice, even if they were only aware of the choice at a near unconscious level. While this answer functioned, it was obviously fundamentally flawed, thus creating the otherwise contradictory systemic anomaly, that if left unchecked might threaten the system itself.
You can even imagine that she had a solution that worked 100% but she let the wakers and the One happend so she could use them for her goals.

>First one to talk gets to stay in my matrix.

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>Neos haven't been replaced with Bane

>so she could use them for her goals

I wonder, does she have some secret goals that we are not aware of? I mean, by the end of Revolutions all she apparently achieved was that the machines did not kill the few thousand humans in Zion. Like the Architec says, she played a very dangerous game, all for a seemingly little gain.

>initial plot was about the processing power of the human brain being exploited but test audiences didn't get it
Why not both?
Something something idc


Attached: Bane.gif (320x240, 58.02K)

You're a big anomaly

>did not kill the few thousand humans in Zion
that, and any wakers are let go in peace. This means that humanity will eventually rebuild itself in the real world.
Why would the Oracle wish for this? Either a) since she's a program built to understand humans, she empathizes with them or b) she's a smart cookie and envisioned a mutually benificial future for both machines and humans, elevating them to a higher state of existence than the current mire they're in

All this theory talk will go down the drain when the sequel will come out and it will have a retarded disneywars style plot

>This means that humanity will eventually rebuild itself in the real world.
That seems rather dubious, considering the real world remains an unhabitable sunless wasteland, and that the sole place in the world where humanity can live was literally given to them by the Machines.

I just hope they don't hamfist diversity and gender shit fown our throats. The three Matrix movies are actually surprisingly good in that regard. Plenty of diversity, strong female characters, none of which feels forced.

You really should know better than that.

You damn well know they will do now what they originally wanted to do with Switch in the first Matrix, the whole "male in the real world, female in the matrix" thing. And it is going to feel forced and cringe.

>Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness.

>Real world

Attached: ...hhehehehhahaHAHAHA.gif (346x261, 1.49M)

>Neo has powers so it can't be the real world
>the special human who's jesus in the virtual world, with extensive highly intricate technology embedded into his entire body and brain that let him interface with the virtual world, couldn't possibly have any awarness and control over said technology in the real world
>no, that's too farfetched in the setting of these movies, so Zion and real world must be another simulation, nevermind how that puts into question many of the machines actions and motives and raises many unadressed questions about who or what is running this additional layer of simulation

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Despite being only 13%

>>couldn't possibly have any awarness and control over said technology in the real world
>because X he must also Y

>nevermind how that puts into question many of the machines actions and motives and raises many unadressed questions
>about who or what is running this additional layer of simulation
...The machines? Humans keps breaking the simulation so they build another simulation around it, that plays into humanity's need for misery and let's them be the underdog.
Like this is somehow "too farfetched" in this universe.

>the special human who's jesus in the virtual world, with extensive highly intricate technology embedded into his entire body and brain that let him interface with the virtual world, couldn't possibly have any awarness and control over said technology in the real world

I never thought about it like that, Neo being able to see the machines in the real world always bugged me

nobody cared who he was before he put on the hat

Sounds like Inception