Why male audiences don't care about the sexualization of the male body on Films?

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no crabs in a bucket mentality

Because men admire amazing male bodies.

Not as fragile as women.

sexualization isnt the same as objectification. These guys are sexualized but they are not treated like sexual objects, they have personalities

>Implying women have personalities

>they have personalities
Describe them.

i watched the movie a long time ago, but the minigun guy was like an asshole, a show off; the secondary black guy was like paranoid and cared about his friend; the native american guy was mysterious, introverted, mystic i guess you coud say, the glasses guy was a joker, a funny guy; the other guy on the far right i dont remember at all; and the main black guy and schwarzenegger had their rivalry and all their history together, and arnold is obviously the main character

Those are cookie cutter archetypes, not characters. If anything, they are character TRAITS.

>Guy with minigun, show off, chews tobacco
>Native american, myterious, introverted, calm, quiet
>glasses guy, funny, joker
>both mains are friends but also have a healthy, manly competition between them
Sounds more like stereotypes, not personalities.

just because they are generic personalities, it doesnt mean that they aren't personalities

All of these words, and only to out yourself as a retard.

Give us an example of a sexualised woman.


89IQ post

because every man, aslong as he isnt born deformed or some shit can attain such a physique more or less
a fat ugly woman with giant hips and an ugly face will always be ugly

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Sexualization isn't inherently-bad.

giant hips are sexy though

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I'm going to be honest here, I expected an answer along those lines. Those aren't in depth personalities. They are shallow just like most eye candy girls have a simple and shallow personality attached to them, like "loves pets". You want to make sexualized men less of an issue than sexualized women, and I agree to some extend. Both aren't an issue. There's nothing wrong with some eye candy in a movie. But your argument is flawed. The characters in Predator have personalities you'd have trouble describing with more than one sentence.

They're literally just made to kill and be killed. Over simplify things enough and everything is just an object such as these men being an object of war and women being an object of sex.

most women aren't lusting after arnie's silly muscles though. Only men consider those bulging musclemen sexualized.

every complex character can be reduced to a few sentences, sure, they arent deep personalities, but they are still personalities. Look, im not even arguin that women are objectified in movies, im just saying that sexualizing isnt the same as objectifying. If you want an example of female objectification, i guess i would have to give you minor secondary characters, because secondary female sexualized characters usually have a personality and goals.

Sexualised female characters also generally have personalities, but that doesn't stop the O word being flung at every single one of them. Those words are considered synonymous by most of the bitchers when talking about female characters.

this, real men see other men excelling in things and can feel good for them or at the very least admire them
women are not capable of this, if a woman sees another woman doing something better than her she will either ignore it or take offense to it

Fair point. I think I understand what you mean. Sexualization is what movies do, like predator or Conan do with arnie, and transformers with that chick bending over her car, objectification is what pornos do with their respective actors.

Odds are even the 'objectified women' you'd think of might still have the personality of 'horny slut who loves to wag her ass at men', but would you nod and let that one pass

wide hips, not giant
this is gross to me

Male character: doesn't matter what he looks like, he has a job to do.

Female character: doesn't matter what her job is, it's all about what she looks like.

well dialogue is important. If a woman is only in a bikini and fucks a guy, but doesnt really talk about any goals, or anything she cares about, or doesnt try to do anything else, i would say that she is an object.

Ah the old man with minigun stereotype again

Post muddy Arnold please. Need to fap

They're more objectified through violence rather than sexual appeal.

Sex is a completely acceptable goal

There are loads of male characters whose personalities are all about trying to get laid and no one calls them objects

Because american men are delusional cucks who think that if one man is successful they are also that successful

It's not acceptable yet for men to ask for that sort of respect.


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Cartoons used to be so based. What happened?

No minigun for old men

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Because I lift weights and self identify, gay shit like jojo I think is for fags

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Humor got #cancelled.


Maybe if you're a woman or faggot

When I was a kid i just thought they looked like cool badasses.

My money is on ROTAATOR

>Sex is a completely acceptable goal
sure, but women who are there just to be fucked dont seem to have sex as a goal, they dont seem to have any goals at all, thats why they are objectified.


>they dont seem to have any goals at all
they want to get love through sex

Men strive to be more, women prefer to drag others down.

I'm going to need some examples of these female characters who have sex but don't seem to even want to or exhibit any other desire at all


thats in no way indicated by them, its just an asusmption made by the viewer.

well its tricky, i dont know if those types of characters are common or more common in females than males. Maybe everything im saying is useless since objectification isnt really a problem. Maybe the problem is how diverse the personalities are?

What do I do? I think I actually started to hate women unironically.

>not going for regenerating nigger rotaator

lol anyone who picks Predderp

It's scary because this happens with even the most far removed things from reality like anime.
They will hate on female characters for reasons you just described.
FUCKING 2D gets women jealous
they should be

The funny thing is that sexualized male bodies are WAY more unrealistic than sexualised female bodies but men never complain.

>sexualized male body
Can only be achieved by years of consistent lifting and strict dieting

>Sexualized female body
can be achieved by not eating like a pig for a month

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Take the gay pill

This. There should be more realistic portrayal of male bodies.

you forgot the roids

How do they achieve big tits and thick firm thighs and ass?

Oily muscle men aren't the male equivalent to a blonde bimbo with big tits thought. A better comparison would be a scene from a movie where a handsome man actually values the opinion of a woman without rolling his eyes or making fun of her. That's the female version of the ideal man that does not really exist in reality.

They go to the same doctor that the actress for the movie went to.

This. They are fair for an action movie.
People attacking you are idiots.

This. Women don't give a shit if you're the top tier of body building. Guys do. These guys in predator aren't sexualized at all. They're ripped to imply dominance for the males watching it. I don't think women were the target demographic here.

Men don't have as high standards for bodies as women do.

Women can be attractive in almost every type (except for morbidly obese)

For women, being short is fine, being skinny is fine, even being a bit chubby is fine, but as a man, these will make you completely unfuckable

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thats not sexualizing