Marvels new heroes! Who will play them? What will it be about and who/what will be the enemy?

Marvels new heroes! Who will play them? What will it be about and who/what will be the enemy?

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Will Smith's faggoty lil nogs

True! Good choice

>who will be their enemy?

Yas Forums

The Dog Whistler
and their twin leaders Orange and Badman.

CISman is a good one, I bet he makes 30 cents more in the dollar

>Bwa ha ha, you're in deep doo-doo now Snowflake and Safespace... prepare to face the wrath of SHITLORD

Literally fat chance from venture bros

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I’d fuck her desu

Mr Cuṅṅy

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Imagine the smell

General White Male. Get it?

Im liking this thread

Yas Forums had a fun time improving them and making villains

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A. Wyatt Mann

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I'd watch his show.

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Yeah, if Fat Chance was complete and utter shit. Also, fat chance she's getting an arc as to-the-point, yet compelling as he did.

It should be Cancerlord from that old Yas Forums comic then.

plot twist: her stomach is actually a pocket dimension with seemingly infinite space

Oh man, this looks like a weird Vertigo design.

Did the faggot who made them, give any response to the negative press they are getting?

>Marvels new heroes! Who will play them?

Attractive blonde men named Chris.


where's their other enemy, Literal Hitler?

Some of their other enemies:
Tradition Man
Adulthood Man
Responsibility Man
Omnivore Man
StillHasHisPenis Man


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Will Smith's son and daughter have already been chosen for these roles. No joke. Look up Jaden's latest hair style. The Smiths were informed of these heroes before the heroes were ever announced.

Too monotonous Just a bunch of [thing] men. Try to diversify it a bit.

Absolutely brilliant

say what you want about the MCU, but their casting thus far has been great, and I have EXTREME doubt that they'd ever do something so retarded as to cast Jaden Smith, who has proven time and time again that he can not act.

snowflake and safespace are already pretty monotonous

la ogrina...

What were they thinking with these characters? Seriously, they're so fucking weak, these are their powers:

>Makes snow
>Can shield other people but not himself
>Has access to google
>Pull random things out a backpack
>Is a vampire

A guy with a winter coat and a gun could defeat them, just shoot the shield guy so he can't protect the others, then shoot them too.

I can't wait for 15 years in the future to see books titled

Marvel Comics: Why it Failed

The MCU: How Marvel Destroyed its Own Empire

just let it die already.

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>implying The Philosopher isn't going to play Aristotle in Scotts next ancient epic

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why are burgerclaps so obsessed with comics, isnt that shit is for kids?

is this that green naruto show i always hear the kids talking about

Nah it's a comic book called The New Warriors, they replace the cast every few years and this is the one that was announced recently

yeeessss advertise them for me, yessss get mad, yes create little echochambers where you all yell about this thing and say their names a lot. Remind me who are we mad about again?

and their new COMIC

Didn't the comic industry collapse or something. I guess they could still do digital.

how do you really beat the deus ex machina hamplanet tho? she pulls out the "random" object she needs to out-plot you every time.

Take away her backpack. Happens all the time.

>it's just Gentleman Ghost with a head.


>is fat
lmao. bitch needs to stop yanking food out of her backpack.

So this is Kevin Feige's Marvel Comics?

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they don't want them to be sexy and pretty
for them zoomers like trannies

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Wasn't he going over to SW to try and save that mess?

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>codename: snowflake
is this some big brain joke?

Don't forget Incelinator

>ywn kiss her tummy

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This artist actually took the x-pill

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Jesus Christ

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this cannot possibly be real

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Fucking kek, lost