Kinos about assholes getting what they fucking deserve?
Kinos about assholes getting what they fucking deserve?
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But Trump told me Covid-19 is a political hoax invented by libtards and that everything is under control
Divine retribution for a racist oppressive country
He wasn't wrong for telling you that, how many people do you know have died from the (((virus)))?
Everything is under control, NY and CA are going to die and we'll be much better off
>most cases in nyc
>divine retribution
t.Flyover nigger
More people die from car crashes daily than this meme illness, you should be cheering for the automotive industry desu
>The absolute state of Amerimutts
Is it true blacks aren't getting Coronavirus?
bants dont work when they're predicated upon trusting the chinese government (don't let that stop you from wasting your time though)
>NY - 44876
americans are fat and unhealthy
they will be dropping dead pretty soon
based 4d chess.
We are all fucked.
We're not that lucky
But I'm only 162 pounds, why do you call me fat?
History will show that President Donald Trump was responsible for one of most catastrophic public health failures in the nation’s history.
Mutts are clearly getting what they deserve.
I should have left this fucking shithole before this outbreak though.
try getting a reservation at dorsia now you fucking filthy bastard
fucking finally
>thinks China isn't hiding the actual numbers
obama would have saved us?
>4 foot 3
yeah lol okay you fat midget
Way more euros are dying
And people will still vote for him.
Wtf how did you know my height?!?!?
obama at least didn't fire the pandemic response team for no other reason than to give more money to his rich friends
Houston Texas is under lock down with roughly 25000 cases which is doubling ever 2 days with increased testing. Estimated 125,000. We cant test fast enough and its in all the refineries. If the refineries shut down and they will have too...
Oops. There goes all 1/4 of all gasoline in america, crude production will shut down in america because they are running out of storage facilities... which means fracking shuts down in the midwest and south.
It will take 2 months to restart the refineries, the 2 months to clear storage room then 2 months to restart fracking.
The midwest and south are going to get killed economically for the next year
I see all. I know all.
There's no alternative
Biden doesnt even know where he is half the time lol
What was the pandemic response team up to before corona?
bros how much deaths do you think we're going to see today
despite amerishit delusion, they had 400 yesterday, im guessing 600 desu
>California less than 5k
This has to be because testing isn't widespread or people don't even bother. LA is just as bad as New York City.
I live in the Greater Houston area and its hilarious how no one gives a shit about it.
It looks like Connecticut or whatever that is has almost twice the amount of cases as CA. Stay seething, CA isn't going anywhere. Trump country has outpaced CA in the same amount of time, with a much smaller population.
I live in Houston and everything you just said is LITERALLY fake news
every two days is bad
Pandemc response team was not fired, just moved from NHS to a new department, CDC funding was not lowered, he never said it was a hoax etc. Why do you keep lying about things that are easily verified?
You mean China
You guys are fucked either way, huh?
It should tell you a lot about your political side when you guys have to triple down on lies to keep your appetite for perpetual outrage going.
He literally said that the democratic party was pretending he was doing nothing and that was the hoax. Not the virus. He shut down travel from wuhan way before it was advised to do so. Back when new york was telling people to attend chinese parades and hang out with chinese people returning from china.
LITERALLY the democrats were treating the possibility of america getting this virus as a "hoax".
God I hate you people.
If Bernie or Obama was in office we'd be letting in half the world to provide free treatment and giving billions to everyone
war with chinks and russians is over the horizon.
Do you have the Chuck Schumer one? He said banning travel from China was racist - of course
Nah Trumps pretty good
Definitely better than whatever faggot you've got in office I'm sure of that
holy shit we need to build a wall around NYC I know all those fags are going to be fleeing to comfy flyover states and infecting people
Yup, you are fucked.
I would agree with you IF CA was getting more.
the 50 people in Wyoming must be is a state of chaos.
>Everything is under control
Half of Europe is infected and dying and they still spend every second seething about America. What is wrong with these people? Why didn't the genius leadership of Western Europe stop coronavirus?
i live in houston and there's 0 cases reported lol retard
>this will happen in your lifetime
Cant wait
Its the testing. As soon as test kits come in we are getting surges in reported cases . Like i said 25,000 infected labeled as in isolation until officially tested. 125,000 is the current medical estimate
How many friends and family has the big bad Rona taken from you bro?
Can we get more cases in California please?
They are morons too.
Damn, how is California so low?
that guy looks super based
>thinking new york is new york city
Post your source for the 25,000 cases
Why are you larping about being in a plague city.