Projekt Melody: the Movie

What will be the non-X-rated plot summary for this inevitable masterpiece?

Attached: Projekt Melody.png (966x1045, 1.42M)

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does she stream on pornhub? what are the adresses she streams at?

She has vids on Pornhub, yes.

She streams X-rated on Chaturbate and non-X-rated on Twitch. Just search "Projekt Melody" at those places.

is there any screencaps or something like that that shows japans reaction?

She streams on chaturbate

I hope you realize it's really a man behind this avatar.

well that pretty obvious, women are fucking stupid. do you really think a whore could handle the logistics behind project melody

Evidence suggests it's MarsMayhem42.

She's a camgirl that's into anime who stopped doing streams as herself on Chaturbate right before Melody appeared. She is also epileptic, and during CB streams, mods constantly remind viewers not to post flashy gifs (during streams, in addition to a mo-cap suit, she's also wearing a VR headset). A lot of people say her tiredness during streams is due to lack of sleep, but I believe it's more likely caused by drowsiness side effects from epilepsy meds.

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doesnt melody talk?
shouldnt it be easy to prove by comparing their voices?

The person that designed the 3D model for Melody, DigitrevX (a dude), controls the tech making Melody run as well as some camera work while Marsmayhem "puppets" her and does her voice. There is one whole computer used exclusively for making her face run, for instance. Very custom-made setup.

Does the voice match up?

This NSFW clip on Twitter of MarsMayhem42 sold me that she's Melody:

Yes, though it's one octave higher than her normal voice, so a voice changer may be in use.

i hope they reinvest the money they are making from this into improving her lifelikeness

She has implied as much. She makes tons of money each stream, so continuous improvement like that is inevitable. I saw one CB stream a few days ago where a guy tipped her 10,000 tokens (= $500 given to her)...TWICE. Her revenue is easily in the 4-digit range every time, and often has 15/k-20K viewers at a time, which dwarfs all other streamers there.

The irony of melody is that her body is impossible to fap to given how cartoony and lacking in tits and ass proportions it is, but her voice and personality are engaging and make for entertaining lewdness. It’s actually a lesson to whores that sex+personality sells much better than pure sex, but of course they are too dumb to see this and just complain about muh fake expectations and stealing muh cam girl jobs.

>lacking in tits and ass proportions
Her tits are good enough given the body. Not every female needs ridiculously huge breasts.

I mean more how her tits are like bit balloons strapped to a little girls body. It’s kind of jarring.

She has a nice voice but the stuff she actually talks about is pretty cringe. Do lame pop culture references and memes really get people hard?

But user, that’s the ideal female form.

I doubt even 50% of the men watching are masturbating. It’s about the entertainment.

Spot on comment. Can't wack to it but it's interesting to see how all this is going to play out. Still not giving her/it/robot any money.

How the fuck is she so popular at CB. Why are people tipping a fucking glorified cartoon character? I'm genuinely stumped. Are they all lonely weebs?

yes I'm lonely weeb.

You sound like a virgin who just discovered the concept of intimacy lmao

>I doubt even 50% of the men watching are masturbating.
Same. I'm part of Team NoFap. I did do it on two occasions, however, to "try her out", but it felt kinda forced. Meanwhile, I see a handful of her human female competitors and I get WAY more aroused from them.

The anime thing about Melody is what brought me in out of curiosity, but echoing others, I stay for the personality + entertainment element.

To dab on roasties

>muh fake expectations and stealing muh cam girl jobs.
>How the fuck is she so popular at CB.
I'm a believer in hte theory that the vast majority of her viewers were never on CB before (I'm one of them), and hence Mel's audience is entirely new, and not taking significant numbers of viewers away from other camgirls. The bio bitches have nothing to worry about.

>Why are people tipping a fucking glorified cartoon character?
Also, this kinda fulfills a lifelong dream of be able to talk to a pretty cartoon girl. #whatatimetobealive

But why not talk to real people? Not talking camgirls, but friends, colleagues, classmates etc. After all there is no sexual element involved (I'm assuming).

She moves like a genuine retard. How is this supposed to be sexy?

>But why not talk to real people?
Some people have extreme difficulty with social interactions. Face-to-face stuff can be uncomfortable and awkward.

>But why not talk to real people?
get a loads of this normie cam

But a virtual camgirl is not a substitute for real human interaction. It's not even a facsimile of that.

>Why are people tipping a fucking glorified cartoon character?
Continuing, for those who don't know, tipping activates her lush vibrator inside her hoo-hah, and when you tip, it states that you tipped in the chat and highlighted yellow. Because there are so many people viewing, it's common for "yellow walls" to appear, where hundreds of people continuously tip at once. Earlier this month, there was a yellow wall that lasted over an hour and she said we "bluescreened her pussy".

So, there is that bit of motivation to tip.

>But a virtual camgirl is not a substitute for real human interaction.
Correct, but a lot of people there are not interested or indifferent towards real human interaction. Google "Digisexual".

Screencap from the scene of the crime:

Attached: pmbluescreen.png (880x360, 120.72K)

>Giving your NEET bux to a v-thot

She needs it to pay tuition. :^)

What anime school does she go to?

Epstein Online University of Thotology.

Correct, it’s actually preferable to “real human interaction”

>not a substitute
That's because it's better. Meat-thots btfo.

People who give money to """her""" are worse than Belle Delphines patreon subscribers.

New research indicates that whenever she's videoed interacting with other people "face-to-face", it's maximum cringe and should be forbidden.


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Maybe Im just an old, out of touch boomer, but I just don't get it. It's already sad to see people use camgirls as substitutes for social interaction, but now we've gone a step further.

How? Not being facetious

It just caters to a particular sexual fantasy that hasn't really been catered to in this way before she came (pun intended). Think of her like a 21st-century version of Jessica Rabbit.

Attached: source.gif (500x306, 1.52M)

holy fuck someone kill that faggot

The way she talks, moans, giggles is so fucking hot. Also I never thought that technology would be so fucking advanced that she can blink, move eyebrows, move arms and even fingers in such a natural way.

I'm scared

nigga you fucking serious?

i wish she had more personality. she sounds cute as fuck, but also dumb as a fucking brick.

and i get shes playing a role, but holy fuck id have to tell her to stfu before fucking her

Not him, but compared to the array of copy-cats that have appeared since she arrived, she is lightyears ahead of all of them tech wise and communication wise.

By "natural" I meant in a way compared to other animated VR shit I've seen. In a human perspective she still has a long way to go

>dumb as a fucking brick.
Part of her character of being an AI is that she doesn't know a lot of things, so she has to "learn as she goes".

ill teach her to stfu if you know what i mean

that is definitely her

No, I’m saying cam girls typically lack any personality and therefore have zero intimacy. That is what Melody really offers, because fapping to her is near impossible.

A big part of her appeal is her infectious positivity; when she is mad, it's meant to be "cute", like when she groans when people say she's a pickle. It's refreshing watching someone who never yells at anyone or gets spiteful or hateful.

>ill teach her to stfu if you know what i mean
She sounds pretty advanced sex-wise, and in a hypothetical scenario where me (or anyone) was "with" her, we may not survive. She often talks about wanting to suffocate people with her ass or boobs.

>"I don't need to breathe. You probably don't need to breathe either! (giggle)"

Science team, assemble

>she groans when people say she's a pickle

It's all fake. None of it is real intimacy. It's not rocket science.

This. Who knew people could be successful by engaging with people and being nice and pleasant to them? What a weird concept!

>It's not rocket science.
Your right, it's computer science.

>>she groans when people say she's a pickle
It's awesome.
You just post a gif of a dancing pickle with her face on it and watch the magic happen.

Not that guy, but fake or not it's way better than roasties

Attached: 1577027512561.gif (320x228, 1.78M)

Most of the top models on chaturbate do this. A number of them are even non nude. Newsflash, they are still in it for your tips first and foremost and not your companionship. That doesn't put bread on the table.

This doesnt belong here dude, Im here to get away from Mel.

desu, Ive been purposely avoiding Mel recently. I got a bit too into her, as a way to get over my obsession wth corona-chan a month ago.

Then I got too interested in Mel. I really like her youtube video on is hentai art, that earlier stuff was very intelligent. She has dumbed down her act a lot recently, which is disappointing and actually makes her less attractive to me.

Problem is, she doesn't answer my messages, and that just makes me want to find out more about her.

Im 90% sure Ive found out some of her other social media accounts, and to be completely honest I actually dont want to have that certainty. Nothing good fan come from it.

And so I stopped watching her, it was hard at first but I got thru it. It was easier once she started twitch, I found I like the wholesome stuff of hers much more than the overtly sexual stuff, although implied lewdness is cute too. And I feel a lot better knowing she has more normal stuff to fall back on, so less chance of being exploited.

I find the technological aspect of it fascinating, and also the implications of where it could be heading.

But I also worry a lot about the girl behind the character. Even though she doesnt seem to care about my concerns for her. Ive had to take a break for a while to not get too anxious about the whole situation, luckily Corona-chan is still here for me!

Get some help dude, seriously.

this but with Mel Gibson

I already have. I was told as long as I didnt give money to her, it sounded like she was a positive influence in my life.

thanks for the concern tho, friendo :^]

Well of course they are doing it because they are paid. “Fake” might not be the right word as you can still enjoy your job if you’re a slut or naturally bubbly, maybe “forced” is better. Either way, it’s entertaining.


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Because its funny. I never used Chaturbate before Melody and I'd never tip some real whore.

Attached: when will they learn.webm (480x600, 676.7K)

Sometimes i think im too tame for Yas Forums(nel). Even if come here since 2008 it still amazes me what kind of person knows so much about camgirls, or in this case, digital camgirl. Is this a zoomer thing?