The great debate

The great debate

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I've seen only Shaun of the Dead and enjoyed it. Is Hot Fuzz worth watching?

yes. they both have the same style of humor and same lead actors. i think hot fuzz is the better movie, one of the funniest comedies imo

I love Shaun of the Dead but Hot Fuzz is honestly better. Pegg is great. What a fucking romp

Not a debate, it's not even close
It is but it's not nearly as good as Shaun of the Dead so don't amp up your expectations

I feel like the characters are better developed in hot fuzz but the zombie setting is extremely kino

Worlds End

The World's End > all

It’s better than Shaun

Will Pegg and Wright make anything good ever again?

Hot Fuzz is a really good film but Shaun of the Dead is a great film. what I like about the most is that every character is Shaun in a way

Hot fuzz is definitely wound up alot tighter in a sense that its a joke per every bit of dialogue

TWE is awful in comparison. How the fuck do you guys come to this opinion?

Literally anyone is able to quote SotD and HF, I've never heard of anyone quoting TWE.

classic Yas Forums contrarian pseuds

Hot Fuzz easily

Hot Fuzz is a masterpiece where you learn something new in each watch. Definitely better than shaun of the dead.

Hot Fuzz is way better and I'm a massive zombiefag

I love Hot Fuzz but I'm not a fan of the final 30 minutes. Like, I get that being an action movie parody it had to end with a long action sequence and it is a very well done one but I very much prefer everything else in the movie. I like the town stuff and the neverending jokes and foreshadow and callbacks.

Hot Fuzz has a much tighter script. Almost every line is either a setup or a punchline.

Based. World's end is more emotional. and has more paddy considine

Hot Fuzz is the total package. Superior to Shaun of the dead

The World's End.
Not even being contrarian, it's pure kino.

Hot Fuzz is great and every rewatch will make you notice new jokes,But if you get sick of watching it World's End is ok

Childhood is thinking Shaun of the Dead is Superior,Adulthood is realizing Hot Fuzz is Better.Both are fantastic though



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HOT FUZZ is endlessley rewatchable

I don't like the actors, so both are merely okay films for me, but Hot Fuzz is at least rewatchable.

a shame

Hot fuzz has better quotable one liners
However, shaun of the dead has overall better comedic moments and above all timing

for me it's World's End actually

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I feel like Shaun of the dead has a more well thought out script and better written characters. hot fuzz has more of wright's trademark "visual humour" but it honestly just gets tiresome as do most of wright films

The World's End >>> Shaun >>>>>>>> Hot Fuzz

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Only this board is contrarian enough to pretend the World's end is better than either Hot Fuzz or Shaun of the Dead

Shaun the Sheep > Shaun of the Dead

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They're both fantastic but Hot Fuzz is still in another league. It's probably one of the greatest comedy scripts ever written

this. Virtually, if not every, line in the movie is setting up a joke that always gets paid off later on. It's honestly impressive, Shaun is great but hot fuzz is perfect

TWE has

- The best direction of Wright's career
- Pegg and Wright's best writing by far
- Pegg and Frost's best dynamic/chemistry
- Best soundtrack of the trilogy
- An actual point to make

As good as Shaun and Hot Fuzz are, they can't compete with TWE. It's a modern masterpiece.

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Shaun of the Dead
There is no comedy that justifies a two-hour long runtime. Every time I rewatch Hot Fuzz it confirms this view.

I fucking love those movies. They're fucking awesome.

left < right

Hot Fuzz is clearly superior

i like hot fuzz more
that scene with the farmer mother still makes me laugh just by thinking of it

Hot Fuzz for me.

Hot Fuzz is the better movie, I think, but Sean of the Dead has more soul, and I've seen it many more times than Hot Fuzz.

shaun is overall tighter. it fits better into the genre it's paying homage to, working just fine as both a comedy and a horror film. the characters are more grounded and better developed and the world is more believable despite the supernatural element.
hot fuzz is a lot funnier, and one of the greatest comedy films of all time. it doesn't really work as an action film or a police procedural. the characters are very flat and very broad, and it takes place in a funny cartoon world where all the events are driven by the actions of larger-than-life characters.

It's a little bias, if you are a fan of the zombie genre you will obviously choice Shaun over Hot Fuzz. Hot Fuzz is more easily accessible but deters from a wider audience by having such a slow burn to the climax. I like both pretty evenly for its different reasons.

I think Shaun of the Dead had better writing, the comedy is smarter, in a way. Like, how everyone is already portrayed as a zombie even before they turn into zombies, the recurring "you've got red on you" joke, and "We're coming to get you, Barbera." The set up is also nearly flawless, with the Winchester, and the pay off of the titular rifle being above the bar (an homage to the primary rule of film making - if you put a gun above the mantle, someone has to use it). It's just so tight.

Seriously, I must have watched it 7 times and each time I catch something new. HF is just a perfect comedy

DIdn't talk long for the true patrician opinion to be posted. I love Shaun, but Hot Fuzz is just on another level of filmmaking altogether from the script, set design, and music choices. Also it has tight plotting I haven't seen since Robocop.


I adore Hot Fuzz and Love Shaun of the Dead but World's End is just so much better. It's an actual film not just an extended skit or parody.

Was this any good?

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A 6/10 and an 8/10
Although hot fuzz is probably only rated higher because it had a bigger budget.
And then there's this roodypoo


Hot Fuzz is one of the worst movies i've ever seen Shaun of the dead is a good movie but it's not funny

I wish World's End hadn't been part of the trilogy and it had been made without the sci-fi elements. The movie was really great up until the aliens. They didn't ruin the movie but it would have been lot better without them.

HF > SoD

I don't know why people act like Hot Fuzz is rewatchable and Shaun of the Dead isn't. I've seen Shaun like 30 times in my life and there are also lots of little jokes and references to other parts of the film.

>I'm a slasher
Timothy Dalton was so good in this kino

Absolute garbage-tier opinion

I liked in more than TWE. Not better than the other two though