George Clooney mansion in Lake Como Italy
Which celebrity has the best Mansion?
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It’s tainted with the screams and blood of young boys though
John Travolta
>buy a maintenance hell oversized mansion 80% of which you don't use
>the maintenance is so high, you have to bring in constant high revenue stream to support it
>end up making a shitload of bad movies, destryoing your legacy
based hollywood nuveauriche retards
Will Smith 25,000 square foot mega mansion in Calabasas California
place looks haunted
This. I don’t understand it. One of my first thoughts when i look at huge house is “how am i gonna clean that?”
Why don’t they just wanna retire and work on passion projects?
ITT: Consoomers
This one is Mark Wahlberg’s
what the fuck
Donald Trump’s 100 million Penthouse in NY
I don't get it either.
If i was rich, I still wouldn't get myself a mansion.
for what fucking purpose? Get something normal sized you could maintain yourself if need be.
Id get myself something remote and cozy.
Clean? You don't clean shit after making 7+ figures a year. They have maids/staff.
Aren’t mansions a bitch to clean? I know they have servants but still, why waste money on maintaining a group of maids. A semi large house really isn’t enough for these people
Nouveau riche nightmare.
question from a non american to my american bros, if you became a billionaire, what would be the most kino state to build a mansion on a lot of land and isolate yourself and raise a family and become fully self efficient? i'm thinking montana
>when i look at huge house is “how am i gonna clean that?”
poorfags are literally something else lmao
Bill and Hillary Clinton house in the Hamptoms
>building a swimming pool over the mass grave of his vietnamese victims
marky mark is crazy
>coats everything in gold
>whole public persona for 30 years is "im rich"
>gets elected potus
oscar issaac's place in ex machina was pretty kino
>Nouveau riche
He was raise rich so no I think it is more of a powermove to trigger people
The money has to "trickle down" somehow.
that's why richfags gets maids and shit. usually these guys have an entire team of people at their house dedicated to maintaining their everyday lives
George Soros (billonaire) mega mansion
it's so they can hide from their spouse and kids and vice versa
Johnny Depp is the only celebrity with non-shit taste, and that's because he used to have a french wife.
His very own Provence bastide.
Are those giant flowers real? What's going on there?
wonder what goes on there
You can be nouveau rich when the money is only two generations old.
Charming little villa.
Quaint modernist design.
Ugly, disgusting McMansions.
Honestly looks like some kind of GTA online property designed to appeal to 13 year olds. This guy is completely fried on scientology
raised with fetus fertilizer
>Charming little villa.
Come on, that would be sold as a chateau, or whatever the equivalent is in Italy.
very nice.
Im getting predator 2 vibes from that room
The question shouldn't be how are you going to clean a 40 room mansion. The question should be what the fuck do they put in it?
Like in the past mansion had elephant skeletons and shit to show off you were a super adventurer that went to mysterious places or a million paintings.
Nowadays you'd just have a whole bunch of empty/useless rooms.
Tommy Hilfiger Lake Tahoe mansion
If you're rich and famous, security is your number one concern.
Everyone will know you, what you look like, how much money you have, and where you live.
They'll be coming for you.
Living in a normie house is just asking for trouble, you need extra rooms for your guards, and security technology, and in needs to be built somewhere normal people can't get to without clearance.
Is that where they filmed Foxcatcher?
It just doesn't even look good and might as well just be average shit covered in a layer of "gold" spraypaint. As exaggerated and soulless as his actual persona
Pretty comfy in my opinion
>how are you going to clean a 40 room mansion
Hire maids
>what the fuck do they put in it?
Their many friends during frequent parties and social gathering. Why do you think every celebrity is going stir-crazy during the quarantine? They're social creatures, they're used to having/being company every other day.
>Nowadays you'd just have a whole bunch of empty/useless rooms.
What makes you think art collection has ceased to exist?
His internet defense force says it emulates Versailles, but at least in Versailles the room breathes.
Imagine thinking you can recreate Versailles in a tiny New York condominium. Trump is a mental midget in house decoration.
Del Taco's house is impressive. I wouldn't want to live there but I'd love to walk around it
Mel Gibson house
I've voted Conservative every election I've ever voted in (Canada), yet when I see massive mansions like this shit, I feel a bit commie
the pool house for half of these mansions would qualify as a mansion in most suburban areas
>none of these are on a white sand beach
kinda disappointed
1 bathroom per bedroom and minimum 10 bedrooms (family + guests) + walk in closets the size of a room (women)
pool, gym, sauna, library, pool room, morning room, evening (dining) room, ballroom, tv room, theater room, bowling room, bar, office, rooms for servants, kitchen, pantries, garages
Honestly, just think of all the rooms you're likely to be in during a year, and just throw them together.
Rich people get big gaudy mansions because all their other rich friends have them. Of course they get other properties wherever they want.
did he lose that in the divorce
The half timbered fume extractor with cherubs is a little too much.
Taylor Swift mansion
Unless he had that built in Normandy, France or Dorset, England that those houses are native to, that's going to look tacky as hell.
Looks like my grandmother's house but transposed to America.
>Voting Conservative
The only option left for us in Canada is not voting, they're all retards.
I never said cleaning was a problem I said it wasn't.
Also, art collecting is different now it's better to have a small number of high profile pieces you can make the centrepiece of a room rather then festooning the walls with something your 14th cousin the early of fuckbong gave you.
As for rooms, yes I understand you can make use of rooms more then us normies I'm talking about diminishing returns, you aren't going to be hosting a happening party in the 14th guest bedroom.
Unironically the best one
See, now this actually looks lavish. It isn't even just the extra space, its the balance between gold and white and everything in between that keeps it from looking like a prospector vomited all over the room. Gold is a trim, not a wallpaper. Trump doesn't deserve literally anything he has
I actually think Melania might have been making the calls on interior design. She does in the White House.
hes braveheart he can dowhatever the fuck he watns
absolutely, and the last few years have been especially hard, with Ford, Scheer, and Hudak
but I rather vote than not vote
he was born in upstate NY and that style is very common. i always loved it.
Clearly in keeping with the Tudor theme though.
Reminds me of John Soanes house in London
He lives in a museum of modern art?
Man his shit is so fucking cool. I respect the fuck out of this dude because if I had his money I know I would be pimping my place in the exact same kind of way. None of that faux fancy bullshit, just a cozy place full of the things that I actually like.
Those lighthouse-type towers look pretty neat.
what Skyrim mod is this?
fuck me
imagine living next to him
the prices on that area must be pretty low
The problems with experimental stuff like this is it would be cool to stay in but it looks like it would be shitty to live in for any length of time.
Although that might make sense given he's a touring artist.
they call it new england for a reason
If I was a rich, I'd get a nice condo in a good part of a modern city plus a comfy small cottage on mediterrean coast.
These bighuge mcmansions look like mausoleums. Do they move in all their managers, family, cousins, friends and business partners with them? Sounds like hell desu.
>all this and his son still became a meth addicted, dick sucking faggot drag queen and his daughter is transitioning
A fucking cluttered mess. Just imagining being there clogs up my brain.
Hulk Hogan’s mansion was kino
There was a MTV cribs episode where he gave a full house tour but I can’t find it
Too many timbers on the ceiling. It's cute when they're actually there to hold the house together but becomes obvious when they're there for the aesthatic purposes.
Huh, thats actually pretty cool
What happened to Willow?
what are some tales of rich gone wrong
>creator of minecraft sells the game to microsoft for 2 billion
>want to flaunt your wealth
>decide to buy the most expensive house in LA at 70 mil, outbidding JayZ and beyonce
>house looks like shit anyway
>loads of rich cunts and other parasites come to your housewarming party but nobody knows who you are
>can't be close to anyone because they probably only want your money
>spend the rest of your life arguing with people on twitter
a cautionary tale
If I was a billionaire I would buy the penthouse at 432 park ave for sure
wtf looks like a car dealership