Irl kino

irl kino

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You can see the entire length of the blade going in when you slow it down. He stuck him good.

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The man who saved Japan.

He stuck him twice.

Not really as significant as OP, but Live PD is pretty kino imo

>The man who saved Japan.

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Pretty impressive, honestly.

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>watching it last week
>nog implicates himself in a shooting
>immediate cut to some white drunkard doing nothing but being a drunk
Dan is a stupid annoying kike.

The speed he flies in with is astonishing, you can tell he just put everything he had into that.

He did, their communist party had great support until he killed this guy.

Also I'm posting the nice version.

>Live PD is pretty kino imo

Not only is it fake as hell, and obviously so, but oops! you accidentally just revealed that you come from a poor, undereducated family.

shut the fuck up commie

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>those youtube comments

wtf where did all these alt right racist nazis come from!


Based commie remover

This website is so obsessed with Japan...

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>website based on a Japanese website for discussing anime and japanese culture
>surprised when it has a fascination with Japan
dumb nigger

Chad Yamaguchi vs virgin Mishima

This is an anime website after all...

do you know where the fuck you are facebook tourist?

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and now japan is full of commies

not really

t. braindead Trumptard

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disgusting crime

Cope commie bastard

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what crime?

asanuma wanted to save japan from american domination, The cuck right winger wanted to remain glued to american dick.

Better America than Russia

lol wtf he was litteraly a CCP shill. Asanuma wanted the Americans out, and a nationalistic Japan.


I mean Yamaguchi wanted Japan empire restored. Asanuma wanted an alliance between Mao's China and a socialist Japan. Both wanted America out though.

yeah. every single country russia occupied is a shithole. every single country the usa occupies is prosperous and a world leader. the japs actually hate russians anyway

Ah yes, remind me what Iraq is a world leader in?


That's Israel and the US.

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>Ah yes
you're a goboer. you can't fix subhumans, you can only manage them with an iron fist. the same logic used on germans, south korea and japan doesn't apply to muslim shitskin savages

moving the goalposts is your logical fallacy

>He did, their communist party had great support until he killed this guy.

I would imagine if communism was on the rise, an act like these would had just embolden them.

>instead of being influenced by america
>it is better than to be influenced by soviet Russia and Mao's China
As a german and especially a west german.I am really fucking glad the US got here first instead of the russians.
You can still see the divide and the advancement of the west even after 30 years.Just look at North and Southkorea you dumb commie.South Korea was the poorest nation at one time in the 50s.Now they are legit Übermenschen in technological advancement and wealth.

>inb4 muh treuhand

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>Ittoryu Iai: Shishi sonson!

>People defending America when it can't even treat its own people today, coupled with a leader who put the economy before the life of the nation
Ideology comes a long way, huh.

i shouldn't have said "every," but the usa still had actual successes whereas the russians had zero. you're being autistic, but it's expected from a shitskin

Nah, you're just an idiot too in love with capitalist things.

>falling for the corona hoax
actually a subhuman

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Not really, good boards like /sp/ don't even acknowledge that Japan exists.

One of the few videos on fagtube whose comments didn't disgust or disturb me but rather made me feel an uplifting sense of hope.


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Reminder that the majority leader in the Senate and 3 other Republicans tried to block the new bill because they felt it gave too much money to unemployment and not enough to corporations.

Meme reply, lol.

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Someone have this picture edited with FaceApp and he's laughing right when he's getting stabbed, please?

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Crazy how a couple of unempathetic idiots can doom a whole nation.

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I wish I could slap her face with my cock.

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Shouldn’t you be bitching about how you can’t afford paying rent with your barista salary?

Yeah i really hate democrats

it was bretty gud

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the man that paved the way for anime and weird japaness shit in general

a true hero

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only shit boards are

>based on historical events

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nvm I found this very similar

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why do losers love to shit on captialisim when you cant even come up with a better system

Well your imagination sucks

There are downsides sure, but you acting like that doesnt make you not gay.

>In October 2010, right-wing groups celebrated the 50th anniversary of the assassination in Hibiya Park.

Spot on

not everyone is contrarian like you

rent free

I'd give my life and everything I possess to be given the chance to do this. It's practically impossible nowadays with all the jewish malevolence taken root in feeding off people's misery throughout the years and getting good at it.

The world is upside down at this age. The weak is the new strong. We (in my opinion) are so, so in need of aristocratic blood it practically calls to you. To cut off one tumor and save millions. It wouldn't be about glory or fame, it'd came from desperation, from the lowest lows, and like the second Plague it would make things fair again.

rent free

Can someone explain to me the photo? In the video of it the positioning of the attack does not match this image.


>DAE irl kino af fellow magapedes

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rent free

You say that almost like your life has any significance or meaning whatsoever.