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Is there a pastebin for the new series

Old Eleven was probably fun as fuck to hang out with.

The Christopher Eccleston era video is out;

I discovered this series two days ago. Score.

Stop avoiding Big Finish.

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Anyone tried to eat his celery?

So I've been watching through torchwood for the first time and I've just finished watching the children of earth and I was wondering what people thought ot it, I did like it and wondered what would happen after each part ended, but I remember it being said that people felt it was not as good as season 2, what do you think?

Also it was funny how Peter Calpaldi showed up in it, I like the idea put forth by RTD that he's a descendant of Caecilius, I wonder what 12 would think if he learned about him.

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>we never got an episode where 12 is forced to use the chameleon arch like in family of blood so he turns into malcolm tucker and clara/bill has to cope with him

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can you tell me how this doctors story ends? i never finished his storyline

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he wins

He doesnt like being told to cum

Viciously underrated outfit.

these answers sucked.

he has the best regeneration in NuWho

he gets stranded on a planet because he decides to defend one little town from invading armies. he tricks clara into sending her away because he doesn't want her to get killed or grow old and die in a warzone. he's there for hundreds of years and in the end he starts dying of old age because none of the invaders could beat him and it's his last regeneration, but clara finds a way to get him a new regeneration cycle and he fucks over the invaders and survives long enough to get back to the the TARDIS, talks to clara and has his last meal, and accepts his end

thanks, goyo

Why did I get such a rush of emotion from hearing Wilf in this? Why is he so lovable, bros? It's going to rip me apart when he finally dies. We definitely didn't expect to ever be on Who again especially ten years later

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>the forum is trying to cancel someone again because they don't support suffragette bombings
Why don't they all just move to twitter full time already? They're probably literal antifa members

I wanted to see him appear in Capaldi's era

>we will never have a doctor/companion dynamic like this

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>associating with tranners
What did I tell you?

Human 12 encountering weeping angels

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Now that you mentioned weeping angels, will we ever see them again outside of EU? They always were exclusive for Moffat written episodes

If Moffat is anything like Terry Nation, no we won't see them again

I thought the BBC changed how IP rights work so they automatically own it and no longer have to deal with bullshit estates

I hope not, i'd like to see what some talented horror writer could bring to the table with them, assuming the show doesn't collapse by that time

Wilf is and always will be the best companion and I wish he got to travel at least once on screen with the doctor
Hell even Rory’s fucking dad got to go somewhere

Nurse Who

They were in the VR game

>we never got an episode where 12 is forced to use the chameleon arch like in family of blood so he turns into Lobus Caecilius and meets the 10th Doctor

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Imagine if Moffat fobbed all his monsters off to some fanfilm company instead.

Nah, that is some Chibnall tier "everyone is the Doctor" bullshit

John Frobisher was actually Frobisher

>hated Clara
>wanted Moffat gone
>Clara leaves
>Bill comes in
>Really fucking hate Bill
>Really want Moffat gone
>Moffat leaves
>They make the Doctor a woman, a thing that >wouldn't have ever been canon in the real >canon, they can only change genders as of like >that retarded 2014 special.
>Writing is terrible
>direction is terrible

I have changed my mind, give me Clara back, I still liked the show then.

>we will never have a doctor/companion dynamic like this

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If only we knew user, if only we knew

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>Eleven didn't get his own Jamie

I knew. I fucking told you Chris Chibnall's era would be mediocre at best. It's like no one actually saw his episodes.

I think he or 12th would have benefited from companion like that. I guess it's up to EU now

I guess Twelve had Nardole. I don't remember any of series 10 though so I guess it wasn't as great as it sounds. But Eleven with a bro would have been unironically Elder God tier.

Yeah, he would really be great travelling with someone like. Even though he had nice dynamic with Amy and Rory, she still could get too sluttish and annoying and Rory never was able to look badass as they intended. Not to mention that Clara was a piece of cardboard

no one cares, stop going there if it offends you so much

Where'd you start? I started with the 2005, just got to Smith.

Don't it always seem to go that you dont know what you got til it's gone

at this stage I'm praying for another series 5-esque hard reset or cancellation. It pains me to see something I loved so much devolved into absolute dogshit the way Who has.

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I meant that particular retrospective series on Youtube. But I got into Who around 2010. I caught up with NuWho pretty quickly and then watched the Classics in like 6 months.

>It's like no one actually saw his episodes.

I was going to refute you because I was sure like Moffat he at least had a couple decent episodes, but after double checking yea, all the episodes he wrote pre-showrunner were average at best.

At least with Moffat you could be forgiven for thinking he had some decent chops going off the episodes he wrote under RTD, who the fuck thought it was a good idea to put Chiballs in charge given his record?

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No one wanted to deal with BBC propaganda. Jamie Mathieson wanted the job but he was refused, we can suspect why. Chibnall was down for anything as long as he was able to engrave his fanfic in the show and now we see the result

i didn't care for clara too much but what she and 12 become in season 9 and the way shit hits the fan in face the raven and subsequent 2 episodes is probably my favorite stuff in nuwho (even though hell bent could have ended better)
the pathos of 12 and his inability to face reality not out of fear or vanity but out of love is infinitely better than the combined sum of everything chibnall ever did right

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>the combined sum of everything chibnall ever did right
what things did chibnall do right?

Kill the show so it can go into hiatus for the foreseeable future and hopefully be revived in a decade or two with competent writers?

Wilf went into space with the cacti people.

You now remember those fucking retards who screamed boardie at anyone who criticised Chibnall and Whittaker after they were announced. I wonder what they're feeling now.

I had no idea Mathieson was refused. I wonder what happened, I really enjoyed his episodes apart from Oxygen, although that has quality, but I just find the premise to be silly

Go and ask them on their forum.

And by the sound of it, he had some fascinating ideas if i recall correctly. Doctor being like Irish sailor, entire season going on in Victorian England and a lot of horror elements, even some Time Lord related vampire like beings. I'll have to check if i didn't misremember some of it


Fair enough.

c'mon 9's is objectively the best

Probably the Vampires from State of Decay, who were supposed to be an ancient enemy of the Timelords.

I assume that may be the case. I'm guessing he is more informed about Who lore than Chibnall