Goodbye Star Trek

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Boy that was some cheesy dialog.
Trek is dead and buried indeed.

I've never watched Star Trek in any form but I know Picard and that robot thing from cultural osmosis. What exactly is the context here? Picard is dying?

Dead, actually. The Picard in the scene is just an AI based on the real Picard, making the scene meaningless.

Old gay lovers talking about homo shit.

are picard and data lovers?

>I've never watched Star Trek in any form but I know Picard and that robot thing from cultural osmosis
good, you're exactly the audience for this drivel

>all of this was already covered in MANY Star Trek series, and movies as footnote.
>Kurtzman genius = bullshit

no. they were bros.

Picard is dead
this is a computer copy of his brain
being asked by a copy of Data's brain to be killed
while they're in a computer
Picard is then placed in a robot body that is programmed to die at the same time his biological body is estimated to die if he didn't have the space disease that killed him
why Data didn't ask to be put into a mortal body by the people giving copy-Picard a body, no one knows (least of all the writers)

Wow that sounds fucking horrible

What? A butterfly that is immortal isnt a butterfly? Yeah it fucking is

>Picard is then placed in a robot body that is programmed to die at the same time his biological body is estimated to die if he didn't have the space disease that killed him

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That misshaped Data head I could not stop starring at it's warped shape. What's with his hair? Terrible VFX.

>"a butterfly that lives forever is not really a butterfly at all"
>shitty cgi butterfly flapping around
I bet they thought this was really profound and "kino" when they came up with it

Yes, but only in the nu trek canon.

>'a butterfly that lives forever is really not a butterfly at all'

Nigga what.



mortality is one of the defining characteristics of biological life

Can we all agree that nu-trek isn't canon?

>Star Trek, Star Wars, GoT, pending capeshit social justice reboot
I'm glad all the core nerd fandoms are being unceremoniously killed. Society will be better for it.

>Picard is then placed in a robot body that is programmed to die at the same time his biological body is estimated to die if he didn't have the space disease that killed him
I would be fucking furious. Give me an extra 100 years at least.

Tell that to the immortal jellyfish dumb cunt

But how does that stop a butterfly being a butterfly? If a human has an infinite life it's still a human. It doesn't turn into something else or become some non-descriptive life form.

>why Data didn't ask to be put into a mortal body by the people giving copy-Picard a body
Cause Data's brain is to smart for normal body. Look at what happened to B4. Jeez, sometimes I think that trekkies are a cancer.

Trek doesn't deserve it though, it wasn't an obnoxious "cultural phenomenon" like the others, or at least hasn't been for decades.

>I'm glad all the core nerd fandoms are being unceremoniously killed
>Society will be better for it
lol it needed to happen for a variety of reasons but there's no guarantee that what comes next won't be worse.

He makes a joke about how he would have liked an extra ten or twenty years as he quietly seethes in his robot brain.

Still, butterfly looking thing is still butterfly looking thing.
Holograms exist as sentient beings, and they don't seem to care about dying.

not aging isn't the same as being immortal
jellyfish don't live very long

So, Picard was gay all along, right?

I don't want to give the writers any kind of credit, but I think they might be talking about Data. Data's story in TNG (and the movies) is kind of like a butterfly. He undergoes a metamorphosis to become more human, death is a key part of the human condition and so to live forever would cheapen his attempt to become more like man, more flawed, more empathetic, more than the sum of his programming. Soong literally wanted this to happen for his "sons", and it's spelled out in multiple TNG episodes.

DUDE mortality LMAO. Except mankind has always strived to make permanent marks on our surroundings as a way to achieve immortality through memory. Needlessly destroying the memories of his friends and events is just insulting. Why doesn't he go kick over their tombstones too.

>If a human has an infinite life it's still a human. It doesn't turn into something else

You say this as if it's a fact. I'd say immortality changes everything about your experience.

I might have actually given a shit about this storyline if it was Levar Burton trying to find Data. This scene would have had far greater impact.

A butterfly's beauty has nothing to do with its mortality. Who's ever even seen a butterfly die?

Also, Data had functional immortality - he didn't want it.

>dude death just makes life better!

he accepts his own mortality in TNG

>Even for me eventual circuit failure is bound to happen

Hell there was a nifty little line in a crossover comic with Dr who where Geordi asks data why he never upgrades his circuits and data just says "when would that end and if I replace everything would I cease being me?" I know I get to anal at shit like this for Trek but I wish it wasn't bush league "intellectualism"

Just the fact that we won't have these pop-culture mainstays set up to last hundreds of years is an improvement. I don't want my great great great grandchildren to still be talking about fucking Star Wars and the Green Lantern.

Agreed, they should be talking about Dragonball Z and Evangelion.

user, they're literally making better soong-type androids on that planet than data
if they have a working data brain cloned from one of his neurons (however the fuck that works), then why don't they build him a body?

Has my vote.

>picard become a robot
>muh butterfly so spiritual so zen

>he didn't want it.
GoT flashbacks

Butterflies symbolize fleeting beauty.

Butterflies symbolise homosexuals.

I have.

Those are dying too. Wipe the slate clean.

Butterflies symbolize my dick up your ass

So it's the right metaphor for STP.

He didn't want it ever since TNG. Data realized that if he lived forever, then his relationships with the comparatively short lived humans/other species he bonded with would dull into nothing. Banality would set in. He'd find very little use in forming meaningful relationships. This was anathema to his central instruction by Soong.

Bad comparison, as Data isn't immortal either. I mean picard fucking killed him. The jellyfish, like Data, doesn't have an expiration date where it dies naturally. It has to die from outside circumstances, like data.

Why is Data being so soft-spoken? Say your shit like a robot faggot.
>Captain, I've discovered something troubling while reviewing the holodeck's logs.
>It seems Lt Commander La Forge has been running extremely violent rape simulations involving the bridge crew.
>What's strangest, Captain, is that it's always Lt Commander La Forge who ends up getting raped.

Did you kill it?

What's the point of making an android if you're endlessly trying to make it identical to a human?

Yes, giving or receiving, you're still homosexual.

why is Picard so warm and grandfatherly? because the show is written by retards who don't care about Star Trek.

No, it was on the ground and moving slower. Eventually it just stopped.

I'm not a Star Trek nerd and it doesn't sound terrible, obviously it was written that way because Patrick Stewart didn't want to play the role forever.

this but also this

Sir Patrick deserves a lot of the blame. He had significant creative control.

Okay good. I haven't seen more than a couple of the movies and it's been a few years since I last watched TNG so I wasn't sure if I was remembering how Data was at the end of the show or if the writers were just shit.

I don't know why some here are so upset with the concept of Picard being reborn. The whole beaming debate is the same thing: while beaming the body of a person is actually destroyed und reconstructed again.

except you're conscious during transport
picard was dead, flat out, and they made a copy of his mind

>why is Picard so warm and grandfatherly?

Eh, you could argue that the end of TNG more or less solidifies that Picard is going to start being more interested in forming bonds with his companions beyond just duty to the cause. I mean, it literally ends with him sitting down to play Poker and his last words being, "I should have done this a long time ago."

>not wanting to live forever
Fuck off retards.

Can't wait for the RLM video

imagine actually watching this POS

THEY are constantly pushing the narrative "death is good" "dying is beautiful" "death gives meaning to life" into the pop culture to brainwash the masses to be ready for when they develop immortal bodies. They know everybody can't just be an immortal being, only the elites.

picard get ipad

I don't remember this being a trope tbqh. It's been some years since I watched TNG though. I do remember lines like "my positronic circuits have been accustumed to your sensory input-we'll miss you too, Data", but Data didn't really ask for mortality as far as I remember it. Maybe there was a line somewhere about him not aging while the people around him do. But did he really "find very little use in forming meaningful relationships" because of that? No. Sounds like what people who didn't watch TNG think an android shoud say, missing the point that he has no emotions at all and would take people dying while he lives on as a simple matter of fact.