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Yes it fucking would, it’s just rearranging atoms of matter and warming it up/cooling it down.
Did you ever consider that it's just people convincing themselves it tastes different simply because it was replicated? The same way some people will prefer home made dishes over store-bought version despite them being very similar?
I think the idea is that it tastes the same every time, you know? No 2 home cooked meals are the exact same every time, whereas a preplicator creates the exact same thing every time
no it wouldn’t retard
it’s a replicate not a duplicate
OP lonely gotta post reaction images all the time retarded ass blown the fuck out by this reply
It literally does not. This is clarified in DS9 as to why.
The foods would probably be based off certain templates loaded into the computer. They probably got star fleet produced versions of various dishes. A star fleet molecularly arranged burger probably tastes far different from one you may miss from your favorite neighborhood vendor.
real food has love put into it.
Did the replicator scan a pre-made dish, or does it just generate the it from the base elements (potatoes, wheat, etc)?
I’ll put some love into your asshole
Lmao, never watched any of this dumb shit, but are they seriously saying that they have the technology to reconstitute and teleport a human across space atom for atom, but they can't make a decent fuckin' mac and cheese?
You're right, but you're also missing a key element. In DS9, Eddington has a conversation about replicated versus natural food with Sisko. Sisko is shown to grow his food naturally whenever possible due to his upbringing on Earth, and Eddington (as part of Maquis) took to farming. They both had a yearning for natural food, and Eddington criticized the meal that Sisko served him as it was replicated. Replicators, as we learn, only have a few basic ingredients from which to make the food/drinks that they produce. This is sensible, but you can see Eddington's point pretty clearly. Effectively a replicator makes extremely processed food - it lacks any sort of natural attributes. It's just fructose, glucose, carbohydrates, proteins, etc. that have been recombinated into the end dish. It isn't a natural process. The basic comparison would be to use the replicator to make a steak versus raising a cow, butchering it, and then making steak from its flesh. The first is a simple process constrained by the programming and its ingredients, the second is a laborious process with lots of potential variables that will inevitably affect the end result.
It isn't that. A replicator could very easily make perfect Blue Box mac and cheese, but it'd fail miserably at trying to replicate a homemade dish of mac and cheese where you made the pasta by hand, and used an artisan cheese.
Always fucking hated this. Are the people who program the replicator presets just bad chefs or what? You can construct something from the atom. How is it not the same thing?
Make your home made dish once, and then replicator scan it, or some shit. Stick it in the transporter, and save it's energy pattern to a hard drive. I don't know.
So the answer is 'yes, it is THAT dumb'. Thanks.
You can sort of do that, but it's more or less explained that a replicator is still constrained by the ingredients it has at its control. Like it can't create the fungi or the bacteria in cheese production, but it could create a simulacrum of the cheese you put in. It'd look exactly the same, but it'd taste completely different. Sort of like how you can find vegan meals that look precisely like the non-vegan equivalent, but good lord do they taste nothing alike.
>The same way some people will prefer home made dishes over store-bought version despite them being very similar?
Bruh... Learn to cook
no, you can feel the microscopic leftovers of the plastic containers that the molecules used to assemble the food were stored in. Kind of like how water from plastic bottles tastes differently even though it's literally just water
could i get weed from a replicator?
Absolutely. In one episode of TNG a country musician wants to use it to make a fuck load of drugs for him, but Data locks him out of it so he has to settle for booze.
>soul: you see a bounty of comforting and traditional food stuffs arranged pleasantly
>soulless: you see the food arranged by photographers and marketers using tricks of lighting and likely other visual trickery to make it seem as appealing as possible for capital gain and capital gain only
just how much of an economic crisis was caused by the replicators? how many people went out of job? probably the worse invention in any sci fi
Why not just not do it that way though?
Money didn't exist for the average person in the Federation. Federation credits are mostly used for transactions with other governments/corporations outside of the Federation. Latinum seemed to be the closest thing to a reserve currency in the setting given that nearly every species used it to some degree or another once they had to intermingle with other factions.
It would make more sense if they kept replicated goods a bit shit on purpose, to encourage people to keep their own production going.
It's more that replicated food tastes *exactly* the same since they use preprogrammed patterns and lack the minor differences in food you made yourself. You'd probably lose the "samey" taste by just replicating raw ingredients and then cooking them.
Ah, well, you ideally don't do it that way. This gets back to this guy's post: about templates. The replicator would make as close of an approximation as it could on its own, if you just fed in the food/information about the food. It would then be up to you/some artisan to make a much better template than what the replicator could do on its own or you might do on your own. Quark's bar ran off of a combination of real stock and replicated recipes of his own creation. If it wasn't for this fact, than there would have been zero incentive to go to Quark's in the first place.
so what did they do all day? sleep? how did they attract people of the opposing gender in order to create families? cause if everyone was equally poor or equally rich then the average Joe stood no chance.
But can't you order slight fluctuations, like how Picard orders his tea hot? Presumably you could say "5% more salt" or whatever.
Stark Trek's entire thing is about self-improvement. It's literally /sig/ the show. You go to school because you want to be able to better yourself and contribute in a more meaningful way. The Federation's entire society is built around the premise of people voluntarily wanting to do better for everyone else around them. You want to become a doctor so you can help people/make breakthroughs in medicine/do research/etc. as opposed to working in some sort of grant farm that's supported by a giant pharma conglomerate that'll take your work and patent it until the heat death of the universe.
Jobs are still a thing. They're something that you would pursue out of passion rather than necessity. So for example, there are still restaurants on Earth and there would a certain level of prestige being certain jobs like a Starfleet officer.
You can, but you're just making minute adjustments to the template that you're ordering from. If I order two chicken parms, one without any additional instructions, and one with the modifier of more cheese. It'd be the exact same item aside from the fact that the second one had more cheese. Everything else about it, down to the microscopic level, would be the same.
Coffee from a thermos tastes worse than coffee from a mug
Flavour can be pretty subtle
I don't think you understand Star Trek user, replicators allowed a socialist utopia to exist.
Having hobbies and being able to make conversation probably, autist.
Okay, but if you program the best recipe ever in the the machine in the first place, and allow people to edit it to account for their own tastes, would anyone actually complain? You would maybe run into the issue of people getting bored of the same flavors, but you can mitigate that by just programming even more variety into the menus. What's the limit here? What if we had a thousand varieties of chocolate cake?
You can replicate a mug though.
This is one of the few uneven things that they explore in Star Trek. Starfleet Captains are essentially royalty. Admirals are kings and queens that control huge swathes of space. There are civilians who occupy higher stations of power in the Federation, but there is no mechanism designed to create these people like there is the Starfleet Academy. Admirals can literally control hundreds of ships capable of destroying planets. For instance, the only reason the attempted coup on Earth in DS9 was minimized was because nearly all of Starfleet was in the DMZ and other locations fighting pitched battles against the Dominion. Otherwise Admiral Leyton could have legitimately just changed the entire Federation when he plotted to overthrow the government.
You could even set your personal replicator with a randomiser, so if you order toast, it will produce one of a thousand variations of toast it has stored in it's database.
>replicate raw ingredients
cook to taste
There is no limit in terms of recipe count or adjustments (Data made over 200 recipes for cat food for his dumbass cat), the limit is what the replicator has available to create the replicated food/drinks in the first place. That's why I've mentioned that it uses base compounds like glucose, fructose, protein, carbs, ethanol, etc. The more simplistic the recipe, the easier of a time the replicator seems to have in making the food (see my Blue Box comparison), but it starts running into bigger problems once you want artisan shit since gastronomy is a kind of science.
Just replicate it better though.
If the food replicators were better than what we see in the shows, I am sure you could do that. As I mentioned before, the limiting factors seem to be: lack of natural processes, restriction on base compounds/ingredients, reliance on replicator "best guess" efforts.
They have insanely advanced industrial replicators in the show that can make extremely high-end of the spectrum technology. So I don't doubt that something with less restrictions on components and good templates could make 1:1 replicas of agonizingly complex food.
It all seems a bit questionable when the transporters can recreate a human body perfectly, and presumably the replicators run on the same basic technology. All I can think is energy limitations, but then that raises the question of why they have the power to spare to keep holodecks running 24/7.
I always liked the theory that while the Eugenics Wars with were a thing in Star Treks history, with Khan and so on, that was just a cover up to mask the real genetic manipulation going on.
Nothing would explain better how humanity just agreed to go all "I live to better myself and the world" than some subtle global DNA manipulation. Which would have been perfect to implement with a world war raging so people dont have time to question what exactly was in that syringe they just got from the army doctor.
so who cleans the toilets? who unclogs the sewers?
i would imagine it gets vaporized
>attract people of the opposing gender
If you need a job to do that, youre just ugly simple as.
Yeah, power is kinda nebulous in Star Trek. Transports both seem to use a lot of power/not much at all. A slight fluctuation in power availability has been the cause of many conflicts in the various shows, but at the same time Scotty literally kept himself alive by recycling his pattern in a buffer on a derelict ship with next to no power for fifty years.
hey everyone, there's a chad here
In Voyager they have energy based showers. Sewers are probably a thing of the past in the form we know them.
Hush, i dont wanna get raped.
You mean who does the undesirable labor? Prior to nu-Trek (and Voyager) it's demonstrated that undesirable labor is performed by people volunteering out of necessity. This isn't all that different from being in Starfleet and working as a lowly stooge. It's more or less a given that everyone contributes, and then technology helps cover the rest.
Then Voyager happened. The EMH's suddenly turned into slave labor working at dilithium mines, and now in nu-Trek we have potentially sentient robots that do most everything.
Say you replicate a steak. Every single time you want steak, you're going to get the exact same steak. Every. Single. Time. Now say you want to grill a steak yourself. Every time you grill it, it's going to taste different. Slightly more/less rare than the last steak, higher/lower quality meat, slightly more/less seasoning.
Replicated food would only taste like "real" food the first time you replicate that particular meal. Every meal after that is identical to first one, which is completely unlike unreplicated food.
We've already solved this. You just put a randomiser on the replicator settings.
Skip to 1:10 of this video:
>The same way some people will prefer home made dishes over store-bought version despite them being very similar?
Your mother must have been a dogshit cook bro
it's way, way easier than that actually
>world goes through like five different consecutive apocolypses as described in star trek canon
>magic space elves arrive to fix all our problems
>anyone has access to literally anything they want whenever they want it
>fast forward a generation and the only people left are the ones that consciously chose to work to better themselves and the world around them
>everyone else died of a heart attack at 40 on top of a mountain of taco wrappers and space porn
>but it'd fail miserably at trying to replicate a homemade dish of mac and cheese where you made the pasta by hand, and used an artisan cheese.
Why? If it's all just rearranging atoms then it should be able to do that. What am I missing here?
Script says "no", apparently.
>everyone else died of a heart attack at 40 on top of a mountain of taco wrappers and space porn
i'll have that
It can't replicate the processes that went into making the individual parts, it can only replicate the final product. It doesn't know how to make the dough that becomes the base for the macaroni, it can't grow the wheat which is then milled into the flour, it can't introduce the bacteria and fungi needed for that artisan cheese that was taken from a milk stock of grass fed cows. This is what I mean by an inability to replicate natural processes. And again, it is limited by the molecules/compounds available to it. See:
Okay, but the transporter can put a human back together, and it's not recreating the sex that your parents had, or that accident you had ten years ago that left you with a distinctive scar, or all the meals you've eaten over a the past year that have made you a bit fat.