I never watched this but I've heard it was terrible. What was so bad about it?
I never watched this but I've heard it was terrible. What was so bad about it?
Avatar is overrated.
Year 0 Chinese communist style rape of the lore and world that took 3 seasons to build.
I only watched s1 but they completely failed at responding to the criticisms of the inequality of the bending world by the villain. Literally just went "but benders are good"
the network told them to only make one season because they didn't think it would be successful with a female protagonist. it's also likely that they weren't given money to hire writing staff or for more than 10 episodes. so they did a self-contained story in the first season that introduced everything and killed off their best villain.
then when it was successful, they were basically fucked because they hadn't set up any long-running arcs. they literally got less money to make each subsequent season despite being a ratings success.
It's not terrible. People over reacted because it's not as good as ATLA.
It's perfectly fine. It's very centralized though. It lacks the "adventure" vibe. It has better bending but worse development for core characters (the bros are backseated pretty quick).
Most of the bitterness is from it being a bittersweet sendoff and Korra being sexually ambiguous at the end.
The two series offer different things.
All that aside J.K. Simmons as Tenzen and his start to finish is BASED.
>Amon better than Kuvira
breh.. no.
>absolute lore rape
Avatar Wan episodes were a lore holocaust by comparison though
>worldbuilding rape
Everyone went from bending focused society to New York city in a generation somehow. Also they developed the printing press, radio, car and every technology at the same time LMAO
>characters are fucking bad and written bad
See: every character
>tons of bad dialogue
>tons of terrible ideas (an unironic Dark Avatar)
It's just a fucking disaster
Avatar is like Dragon Ball, or Full Metal Alchemist. Fun adventures, tight lore and word building.
Korra is like Steven Universe, or the later seasons of Adventure Time, where the head writer is cabal of fat dykes from tumblr.
Korra was great.
>Also they developed the printing press, radio, car and every technology at the same time LMAO
They had tanks, zeppelins and submarines in Aang's time. That Bending shit really speeds things along
>Dragon Ball
>Tight Lore and world building
*laughs in Android saga*
1. Explain
2.False. All of the Kingdoms existed still. The central city was Aang's attempt to unite all countries. As for hurr technology -- We're talking over a 100 years here.. Why wouldn't a bending fed industrial revolution not be grandiose?
3. Korra, Tenzen, his main daughter were pretty great.
ATLA is for Yas Forums
Korra is for Yas Forumsmblr
Simple as
You're not getting constructive responses after this looks like. "waah lesbians!!!!!!"
you are so wrong it's hilarious that there are people like you who unironically believe this shit and are here of all places
>bending was developed as a martial art that people learned to do by mimicking the actions of legendary dragons/moles/bison/tides
In Korra:
>people got free super powers from Lion Turtles to hunt animals or something and then I guess they figured out that doing kungfu moves increases your power level for reasons
Pretty cringe
it wasnt too bad. 3>>1>season 3 was very good
It shits on the setting but I want to bang Korra
Its shit. Retards will say its awful because Korra is a dyke. Other more hipster retards will say it's good because nobody will ever say specifically why it's good lel. Retard coomers will say it's good because they wanna fuck Korra. In reality it's just overall bad because the writing is bad.
bait has really lost it's appeal when literally everyone does it in every single thread. it's all so tiresome.
This. The airbenders returning was kino and Zaheer was a great antagonist.
>What was so bad about it?
the protagonist
It doesn't have bets girl in it.
Didn't like it because Korra is a loudmouth dumbass ahole.
>just like us!
Your Yas Forumsbros have pronounced it bad, OP. What are you, some sort of free-thinking anarchist?
The only non truthbender in this thread
That user is right
Korra is not even a dyke in the serie. That shit just came at the end of the show, proving once again how awfully written this show is
For me, it was the absolute obliteration of the lore.
The most blatant virtue signaling I've ever seen at the very end didn't help either.
but 3 and 4 are the best seasons, albeit still shit
The whole premise of "benders bad lmao" completely shit on the spiritual foundations of the original Avatar
>muh bigots
This is Ghostbusters-tier damage control. I dropped at the end of season one when it came out because of how rushed it was. They had the perfect setup for a nice dystopia and they blew it. And this was years before 'muh lesbians'. Other anons have also expressed the problem with character development, world building and bending.
Nothing. The underlying message was that benders are bad, which is true in the show as it is in real life.
Benders are pure degeneracy.
Did you even watch the show while it was airing at all? It was clearly shit from the very first season and was shit throughout, only season three was somewhat interesting
The lesbian stuff was the biggest ass pull ever, it's barely even tied in with the story because they were too scared to go further with it
Go watch it, I found Korra a far more interesting character than Aang. The same can be said about the overall themes of their respective series.
To make matters worse, the first season was originally going to be a 6 or 8 episode miniseries. Nickelodeon increased the episode order to 10 halfway through production forcing the team to fuck up their pacing. Then after the pacing was fucked Nick ordered more seasons meaning they fucked the pacing for nothing.
OP, only Yas Forums thinks the show was terrible and that's mostly revisionism because the series ends with two girls holding hands. The second season was trash but the first and third seasons were pretty generally praised here at the time they aired. And the show is worth watching just for the third season in my opinion.
>Probably got more pussy than Aang judging by the finale
>OP, only Yas Forums thinks the show was terrible and that's mostly revisionism because the series ends with two girls holding hands.
everyone knew it was shit as it was being aired, it has nothing to do with the lesbianism
>The second season was trash but the first and third seasons were pretty generally praised here at the time they aired.
I didn't see anyone praising the first season, some people did with the third but I think we were all just thankful to see something somewhat decent
Bending looks weaker than The Last Airbender.
Korra's version of the avatar state makes her seem weaker than Aang's avatar state by far, with Aang's you knew shit was going down, with Korra it's like a multiplier that's boring to watch.
The first season is maybe worth watching if you're a masochist and hate yourself, but seasons 2, 3, and 4 are dreadful. Don't let anyone tell you season 3 is worth watching, it really isn't.
They also made the MC a lesbain probably as a fuck you to the fans in the last season.
There's no real emotion or stakes in the new show, no real goal, it's pretty boring.
They had no idea what they wanted to do after season 1, I'm pretty sure they were told to make one 12 episode season, and then were told to make a few seasons more and they didn't plan for it.
Aaron Ehasz also wasn't involved, he was the head writer ATLA, it comes off as completely different writers and creators, if you told me it was random people that made it after watching the original I'd believe you.
Honestly for me the entire show shits all over my childhood memories of ATLA, I consider it an insult, I'd rather not have ever seen it.
I just started watching the last airbender season 1. when does it get good?
It could be a total lie but I remember reading that for the first Avatar there was a large team or writers who kept Bryke's more retarded ideas in check, whereas for Korra they had less people interfering and more free reign.
horrible cast, horrible story, GREAT porn
I think the absolute worst thing is how bending completely changed between the series, it went from distinct styles between nations and even individual characters that matched their spiritual and philosophical backgrounds to "who can throw their element the hardest"
It hits its stride toward the middle/latter half of season 1, then gets better from there.
First few episodes are a bit sketchy because they didn't know what they wanted the show to be.
Pandering to the worst parts of their already notorious fanbase without even grasping what made the things they liked good
the s1 finale
Yes, it was damn cool in the first series, people had their own unique style, and then even substyles with the swamp waterbenders and such.
The new one was just pro bending and some magic bending instead of bending using forms.
Season 2 is very good then it goes downhill because season 3 is a repeat of season 1.
Toph explaining and having to teach earthbending is one of the most kino parts of the original series
Korra is just "every element is pick up and throw except airbending which is SUPER hard", and even when she spontaneously learns it she never changes her philosophy or style of fighting with it
Season 3 is still good iirc, although they lose their way towards the ending
Season 1 is a parade of boring fillers and unfortunately season 3 has the same habit.
he said DB, not DBZ
tribalism probably. there's a certain type over represented on Yas Forums that very badly needs to feel like part of a tribe
This. She has one move, punch.
>there are ACTUALLY people in this thread RIGHT NOW who can't recognise TLoK as being the steaming pile of dogshit that it was
What pissed me off the most was, almost as a 'fuck you' to the original series, they kill off all the avatars at the end, making Korra the first avatar, Gen II
Almost as if they were saying "the original series is dead to us. THIS is what Avatar is now."
Doesn't she re-establish her connection to the past avatars somehow?
It's good, just not as good as the first.
Forget the past, kill it if you have to :)