
>tfw finally get a sex scene
>it’s with the oldest bag on the show

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Ozark could be so kino if they just explored the clinton shit. Mena airport exists. We all know what happened.

Why do they refuse to have Marty fuck Ruth even though their sexual chemistry was palpable but make this kid fuck a seventy year old woman

is there any other scenes in season 3 or is that it

Ben and Ruth but OPs was unironically ten times sexier.

>uncle ben
Every time

How the fuck did the cartel hitman get to be in the drivers seat of the taxi? Wtf

Dumb women characters ruin everything this season.

God dammit.
Why did I click that . I’m on episode 9

Fuck you
Ruth has been my waifu since she was on The Americans

Same. Oh well.

Still on the first episode
I literally expected Wyatt to fuck the old hag as soon as she paid his bail

fucking US man

i literally just spent 10 hours to resolve absolutely nothing. if i wasnt quarantined i would definitely not have gotten past the first 2 episodes and i loved this show
>also actual spoiler
what a lame way to kill off the lawyer. and the brothers death didnt matter cause he was just annoying. that was supposed to be his character but it was done horribly
pretty boring season 5/10
first two seasons were about a 7 or 8 outta 10

Ben's portrayal of bipolar disorder was so on point it was spooky and we have to watch his disintegration in order to get Shotgun Spider-man. But you're right about the pacing being slow, it felt like we should have got to the same place in four less episodes.

>I'm now affiliated with a major money laundering operation for a mexican cartel
>committing a burglary and teaving my dna all over in a neat openly presented package seems like a reasonable thing to do now
What the fuck is wrong with Mary's wife?

Jason Bateman and Charlie Tahan were relentlessly handsome. Skylar Gaertner is relentlessly handsome.

Took me about 4 hours to get through ep 8 and 9.
What an absolute slog.

I've heard people call the show dumb before but S3 went full retard. How did that schizo have a sub teaching job?

He was bi polar, but still, shouldn’t have been around children

And also, don’t people have patient doctor confidentially. No one knew about that German pilot who flew his plane into a mountain

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I figured Helen would eventually be killed, but didn't expect it to be so sporadically done. Shock aside, it didn't seem like Navarro had a legitimate reason to even kill her off given the fact that she's been competent, Byrd's failures aside, and even still she's fixed up their problems well.

The second half of this season is Bloodline S3 levels of bad.

Who the fuck watches this cheap ass breaking bad knock off? It's so shit.



lol breaking bad was garbage

I don't get the hype for the actress playing Ruth. She seems distractingly bad.

You the showrunner? do better.

Show tries way too hard to be some kind of even grimier Breaking Bad. For me I knew it sucked when the guy accidentally pushes his wife of the road and she falls in the water. Way too many deaths happening and they introduced Ben only so they could kill off someone close without actually killing someone from the main plot.

i watched the first 2 seasons a year ago, too bad i can't remember them well enough to be able to watch season 3. Also, the show isn't good enough for me to rewatch them to remind myself.

She seems to be a pretty good actress playing a fairly over-the-top character

I liked when this show was focus on marty and ruth instead of this feminist power trip. The casino scam scene was full retarded.

Maybe it's the writing for her lines. Just sounds so unnatural.

Jup. I wished Ruth got fucked hard by Marty. Her being so weak and vulnerable adds to it.

alpha marty returned for like 2 episodes after mexico. Then he turned back into a simp. The suspense is nearly nonexistent as well.

to be fair it isn't as scared as breaking bad

Why does it seems marty is doing a side project while filming this show since season 2? His screen time went down from season 1?

imo it was just lazy writing to introduce ben as a charater in the first place - nonetheless Tom Pelphrey did an amazing job - same for Laura Linney

i did enjoy the 1st half of the season way more than the last part of the season.

Take a drink every time a character says "I'm sorry"

Did Jason Batman take a paycut or something? He had like 3 good scenes.
The negress FBI agent was duller than dishwater.
Laura Linney hit the wall hard (must be TDS) but she was ok
Her brother is the worst TV character in years
The second half was a chore to get through.
The reviewers are either feminists or they're delirious from Covid

navarro's desperate

shut fuck

This season is trash and its only ep3. Does that virgin get fucked or not?

no but she has a great bikini shot
and the mexican druglord was a shit villain. not nearly as menacing as snells

fuck you, i like the brother and Laura Linney is a sexy babe

On ep4. When is the moment to drop this show? This season is ass.

when laura linney unplugs the arcade game


Best thing in Iron Fist and good in Banshee. Guess I'll have to get back into this show after getting fed up with it.

He's just trying to make sure his wife gets a Emmy

I'm at episode 5 and have bipolar disorder, didn't notice Ben was supposed to be bipolar
What made it so realistic in your opinion?

>What made it so realistic in your opinion?
not that user but he was insufferably annoying, so maybe that

killing Helen didn't make sense, she was Navaros hand in America, and he killed her because Byrds are more useful in laundering?

he was on meds, you'll see him off the meds and under stress

What makes him annoying? Being annoying isn't a mental illness. A relatively realistic depiction of bipolar disorder was Anne Hathaway in Modern Love (2019), it's all about the mood swings

he went off meds so he could bone ruth

He's either going off his head or crying

she was a yes man. el chapo likes the byrds because they challenge him

Navarro just felt like a copypaste of Del.
Helen got things done and did her job accordingly. Her being killed off just seems like a cheap way to build hype for the next season.

she talked with FBI

I stood up from my chair and clapped. What an insufferable retard he was.

You miss the scene where she was with the purple FBI agent forging a confession for Marty? He needs Marty more than he needed her. She was trying to force them out and got what was coming to her.

God this season sucks.
I felt nothing when something something Ben.
Acting is terrible.