Who was the real villain of the piece?
Who was the real villain of the piece?
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Is that Michael Keaton?
you, the viewer
He will play Joe in the inevitable biopic
kek, beat me to it
They trick stupid people like you by introducing a bunch of other shitty people, but in the end the villain was really just Joe.
Literally everyone.
Fuck I've never been ashamed to be American until I saw whatever the fuck this was.
Anyone who gives an answer other than Carol (I refuse to spell it with an "e". Who the fuck spells Carol with an E?) is a faggot.
the only correct answer.
They are all white trash methheads.
There isn't a single person including the woman who is not a villain.
The earrings
Like IASIP or My 600lb Life or I Am Jazz or Cops or Live PD or Intervention or Hoarders or Jeremy Kyle or People's Court or Judge Joe Brown or Making A Murderer?
They are all villains, just Joe was the most likable.
>Implying Joe Exotic isn't the Chesty Puller of zookeeping and thus an American hero
What was Carol actually doing different from Joe?
Murdering at least one husband?
It was kino doc, and i don't think less of americans after this.
t. european
Netflix has this amazing ability to film methheads and then never mention the meth. Making a murderer, this show, that show murder mountain was them trying to criminalize weed growers, when it turns out they were all on crank. It's so obvious.
i really felt bad for the tiger king. he wasnt perfect, but he was totally set up by that jeff guy so that he can have the zoo.
it was just a bad ending. jeff and carole should be in jail.
Trying to prevent other people from owning tigers? Paying her employees absolutely nothing?
I am seriously unsure of that.
The documentary would have us believe that she is trying to create a monopoly and also that her zoo is terrible compared to anyone else's
she just called it a "rescue." branding is everything.
meth was mentioned though
>different from Joe
>Paying her employees absolutely nothing
That Sheriff who talked about how meth goes straight to the teeth forgot to mention meth? LOL
Hey faggot, Joe paid his employees poorly. But he paid them. Now fuck off back to whatever tardhole you got shat out of
whoever burnt the crocodilians
he thinks he's Kenny Powers
btw anyone think Jeff was going to sell Joe's death by tigers on the black market? His crew has definitely made/sold snuff films before.
You should watch the show before commenting. You must be a bong
how can he smart enough to commit one conspiracy to commit arson but not smart enough for conspiracy to commit murder?
>They were boiled alive in a ferno
>They were boiled alive in an infern
>They were boiled alive in a towering inferno of nothing but fire and flame
>did I mention there was a fire?
Jeff had a crew?
Wow you sound like a real smart guy, not like the rest of us morons am I right?
yeah the fat Chucky Doll guy and the bald ex-con
Successfully murdering someone?
Not that Joe ever actually paid someone to murder her. That the was Vegas manlet sociopath.
I'm smarter than you, retard. You're posting on Yas Forums like an absolute brainlet instead of doing something perntinet with your time moronic inbicil
Joe paid his employees in $150 per week along with free board and all of the Walmart truckmeat they could carry
Oh, I thought you meant film crew.
>$100 a week for 12 hour days 7 days a week isn't nothing
Oooooooooh say can you seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Don't forget the meth. I bet that was the bulk of his expenses just behind tiger food
There was a whole segment about how Joe paid his straight twink bfs in meth to keep them around
Why was this guy still there?
Campaign over. go home.
100 is not zero. Europoor education at its finest!
Fuck off, Fed
He was paid off by Jeff after Jeff fed Travis to the lions in a real life snuff movie
They are all equally bad, but the Crazy bitch was worst, at least Joe and that Doc Gigachad were honest about exploiting the animals for money
he’ll be joes next husband, just watch
He is gay and wanted to "technically" have sex with all the feds, so he'd fuck joe for some vape juice
based midwit poster
Did Joe kinda give off Beetlejuice vibes too? Keaton would win an Oscar if he played Joe E.
Presidential campaign and then gubernatorial campaign. I don't think he stayed on after the governor race because Joe was arrested soon after and he didn't answer any interview questions about that time.
Jeff Lowe was the 3rd Disc Boss who ended up getting away with it.
They mentioned that Jeff fired most of Joe's ex-cons only to bring in his own ex-cons.
Yeah, that's not a film crew. Thanks for not reading the thread before replying. Good work.
Well like any sitcom you're kinda there for the ride till your series gets cancelled. And after Joe's arrest and charges the show was cancelled
Dude when people mention a crew they aren't filmmakers. They mean crew as in their gang. Yeesh
He was saying they made a film you fucking blind tard dropping
god damn netflix embarrassing us in front of the eurofags
Jeff is pretty big on marketing and brand image as per his new zoo social media instagram.com
He has probably bullied some director into filming his life for free by now anyway
Yeah, he uses the same kind of lie that Carole does.
>Can't be anything wrong going on here, look, we're certified by this random agency right there
i’m english and we aren’t allowed to own tigers. i’m actually quite envious of your freedom.
Not running a circus. You can make an argument for her philosophy being noble but her actual practice being no different to Joe or any of the others taking advantage.
>omg this netflix propaganda piece made me feel really ashamed about my country
>reddit trash thinks he'll get karma and upvotes from euros for a self loathing anti nationalist sentiment
you tried cuck. Instead they all trashed you. That's what you get for being a cocksucking faggot trying to appease foreigners.
Whoever keep a wild animal captive is a piece of shit and deserves to be locked under the jail. With that in mind I’ll rank who I thought were the worst and best people:
Jeff Lowe, Joe Exotic, Fat investor, Carol Baskin, her cuck husband, the bald meth head who was sent to kill carol and the reality show producer were all white trash pieces of shit who deserve to wither away in prison.
The long haired blonde staff member was a good man caught in a shit show. Joes husbands just seemed like tragic kids who had no idea what was going on. The majority of his employees seemed morally sound.
Doc Antle or whatever the fuck his name is should be euthanized immediately.
You're not wrong, you're just an asshole who got dubs
Travis was the one character to really evoke sympathy in the show. A dumbfuck kid that's so stupid he's borderline mentally retarded getting tricked into being anally raped by an old gay cowboy while high on meth. The scene where he's silently staring at the camera and fighting back tears was pretty strong.
And then he died in the most dumbfuck way imaginable.
No legs was the best staffer. He was always loyle to his capo.