She gives Dan Schneider a special thanks. I feel old. I loved Victorious.
Ariana Grande posts about the 10th Anniversary of Victorious
Other urls found in this thread:
Based Dan in the comments
The gang is all here
>the 10th Anniversary of Victorious
Please fucking stop. Please fucking stop.
Victorious. A legendary show on Nickelodeon. Zoomers missed out.
That WAS a zoomer show you retard. Also Victoria Justice was hot as fuck.
looks like a oldman found Yas Forums again. i wonder what decade old insult this boom boom will be using to save face
Not him but I have zero idea what this is because I was a senior in college when this aired, not because I'm a zoomer.
I’m 25, faggot.
there is that decade old insult i was hoping for
It was for people the age of the characters. Ariana is a 26 old millennial.
God I want to fuck the thicc goth chick so bad
No one watched Victorious past the age of 13.
dan watched it and he was older than 13. plus the other adult costars
>Love YOU
>love U GUYS
>Love YOU
Is Victoria Justice still mad?
>live action
>not a zoomer show
The delusion is very real.
Dan’s also a massive pedo.
it was his pleasure alright
>No one watched Victorious past the age of 13.
VJ is making a comment on Ariana's post. If she was mad she would just ignore.
>implying literal children didn't watch a show whose target audience was literal children
I don't know what the Jews did to this bitch but she's not even a human being anymore, she's some MK Ultra golem.
I want VJ to sit on my face!
>there is that decade old insult i was hoping for
can you zoomjak my reply also?
Ariana just posted them all having a Zoom chat. (That's Dan in the top middle. He lost a bunch of weight)
The absolute state of Ariana's hairline
not a big fan of coalburners who pretend to be black
>racism in 2020
You're a loser
>tfw all those normies saying he's a predator
Has the meme gone too far, bros?
Why do you have this saved then? Looking pretty obsessed there, guy.
what a scumbag
youre replying to a black guy, dumbass.
unless do you think everyone is your peer? just a bunch of jewish teens talking to eachother?
You sound like you crave cock.
Not far enough
Is there any concrete evidence he was a predator though, or is it just shits and giggles? I mean I've seen videos of him being creepy and some questionable behaviour but idk
who hurt you
I bet he indeed had a fantastic ‘ride’
>I told you Ariana, sending those feetpics would launch your career compared to Victorias
>I feel old. I loved Victorious.
If you’re young enough to have watched this shit tier Nickelodeon sitcom, you’re zoomer trash.
The only live action Nick show’s worth a damn were Keenan and Kel and The Amanda Show
Tori and Jade are how I figured out I was gay, they were both so damn hot and still are.
He rode Victorious?
>"my pleasure"
unbelievably based
You think VJ ever sucked Dan’s dick?
Me on the right
she never regretted getting fucked in all of her holes for fame and wealth
>a north african mutt isn't allowed to tan
he can't keep getting away with it
I unironically like Dan, and even if it were true I'd just think he was more based and like him more.
Trips of truth, but Amanda Show always made me annoyed for some reason. Infact all of Nickelodeon was just a huge blue balls
this isn't even cryptic
10 years ago I was way too old to watch victorious but I fell in love with a mexican girl.
You guy said he was going to be taken down. Were all those blind items a lie?
Dan who?
No, but neither was the hush money or the 10 year anniversary posts prepared by a PR hack. It's all real, nigga. Just ask Amanda.
Her tits are horrible and only look good in a bra.
>No my pop culture trash was way better then your pop culture trash
Grow up retard