So, let's be honest. How much has everyone pirated over the years?
Piracy Thread
over 300 movies
most of game of thrones
some anime.
Seinfeld and Curb
probably a few teras of Yas Forums
since dialup, too much stuff.
nice try
Nice try FBI
People say TPB is a landmine for COD letters but I've used them all these years and never got one. I don't even use a VPN. How can this be?
I've watched over 500 films over the past 10 years. Didn't buy any of them.
Anyone else getting fucked by their ISP over the past few days?
>Be me pirated since Napster days
>Pirated everything from movies, tv shows, music, pron, games
>I'd say ball park figure if I paid for everything Ive downloaded at full price It'd come close to $1000000
Mfw Ive never even had to pay for Internet
or rent for that matter
I literally pirate everything that can be pirated, movies, music, games. I haven't bought a CD, Movie, gone to a theater, gone to a concert, etc in 15 years.
There is literally no reason to pirate when you have a million streaming services with every possible movie out there.
i bought a music cd once when i was 16, that was 16 years ago
if torrenting was truly a crime i'd be hanged tomorrow
>watching dubs
>inb4 anons fall for this low effort bait
you're canadian?
i am and don't get any letters :)
same for me.
I ratted out my best friend for pirating movies. He had to pick up garbage for 100 hours and pay a $2000 fine. Shit's hilarious.
Almost non stop for 15 years. I never even get around to watching anything
thats funny but if i was him and found out i'd beat the living shit out of you
i guess what i'm trying to say is if your friend knows you did this and you're not seriously injured, you're friends with a pussy
this is why hollywood hates boomers, we don't vote, we don't buy anything, and we don't shower
netflix, etc don't have every movie out there.
and the streaming sites are not native quality, it's all downgraded...
>So, let's be honest. How much has everyone pirated over the years?
I ratted out my best friend for beating the living shit out of me. He had to succ niggers for 9 months. Shit's hilarious.
You'd start swinging angry fists because the tap of free shit got turned off? How entitled. He knew after I told him, but he wouldn't do anything because I'm a head taller than him and muscular. He changed his ways and paid for most things he watched and he said he had me to thank, even if the means to change his outlook wasn't enjoyable.
how is he baiting?
well let's see
Shut the fuck up, you snitch cunt.
It's hard to tell if you're actually faux-angry or you're one of those peabrains whose humor revolves around cramming "fuck" into every sentence.
You wouldn't download a car
about to get stuck in a 40 minute "reply battle"
youre a little bitch
is not that hard to understand
At least a couple TB but I've also spent at least 12k on blu rays
I have a raspberry pi and want to make a torrent box. But I never used private trackers just rarbg and pirate bay. What should I use and how do I get in?
Also what's a good place to get FLAC albums/songs?
How you guys feel about download 4k movies that are like 50GB (For a long term collection) or do you just download the 1080pones that are like 10gb.
I buy things if I want them. No need to steal. Picking up garbage helps instill the work ethic needed to earn money to buy things anyways.
40 minutes starts now
I only pay for videogames.
Every decent person who makes movies is dead.
Time is no object when educating lawbreakers
Hitting the capacity limit of a 20 TB nas right now.
Which was installed only 2 years ago. Kind of sucks that I did not forsee a greater requirement beforehand.
Needless to say, never get tricked into paying for movies or TV shows, there are industry shills in here as we speak.
I pirate whatever I watch. Though thanks to automation, I rarely think about any of it and just watch things as regularly as someone who streams legitimately.
Probably about 300-500 movies, a lot of music, Microsoft office every 3 years, photoshop, and few other things.
Zoomy zoomers and their made up lies lol.
Fucking stool pigeon. Shoot this piece of shit.
It's funny when it comes to kino I feel bad stealing. I only pirate things I know I will later purchase. But when it comes to porn I download everything without an ounce of regret.
youre a little bitch because you need other men (police officers) to rectify your "friend"
What are you stealing?
>tfw you peruse the catalogues of the various streaming services you have subscribed too during your state mandated quarantine
Your friend's only mistake was trusting you.
>tfw you pay over $80/month for streaming services and you remember a movie you saw on le stream service but it got removed this month and now you can't watch it plus it's not available on any other streaming service.
how 2 pirate interbews?
what is the office
The only films i've ever bought were Rocky 4 and Space Jam, both on VHS.
A thief needs to be straightened out somehow
We're closer now than before, actually.
The only thing I really buy is games, but that's only because I can never be bothered to wait and update them with new patches and things.
Even then I'll only buy them if they're on sale or from somewhere like G2A if it isn't on sale.
I would never buy a movie, TV series, or any kind of music though.
No dipshit, I mean what are you stealing when you pirate a movie.
I'd gather boomers that don't understand the internet would be much much more likely to buy stuff than milenials and zoomerinos.
the real question would be, is there any faggot here that don't download movies and actually pay for shit streaming services ?
I downloaded the starship troopers OVA 15 years ago because it wasn't available at the time, and probably still isn't
you could have wrote "much" only once and people would understand your point.
unless you its super super cool for you?