Shows up for five minutes of screen time in the phantom menace

>shows up for five minutes of screen time in the phantom menace
>has one line of dialogue
>is more memorable and has more soul than any sequel character


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By having a double-bladed lightsaber.

Sorry meant to post this

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Because he wasn’t a part of the SW franchise long enough to be ruined


>Cool design that was distinct from what fans of the series had seen before.
>Intimidating but not too scary for kids
>better marketing than the sequel trilogy

He's just peak warrior: athletic, menacing and has a very good weapon. It's made for the audience to like it.
He doesn't need more lines or background because he's being used and once he's 'death' you're left as clueless as the jedi.

It's precisely because he said so little and so little is known about him that he got so popular. He was allowed to remain mysterious.

until they brought him back

Same with bolbous feet

Boba feet, sorry, autocorrect exposing my fetishes...

>Star Wars thread!!

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he strong boi

How come only wh*toids do this shit? I mean, some black niggas do with anime (see picrel), but it isn't to this extent.

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Because he was the first depiction of a young, normal, up and coming Sith and not one who was already an accomplished fearsome overlord like Vader and Palpatine.

kek. jesus dude get it together

His face was on the poster and his fight includes one of the most memorable songs in all films. It's THE Star Wars song, perhaps more important THAN Vader's. So whenever you hear it, Maul comes to mind.

Maul is like Vader in ANH: he doesn't say much, we don't learn too much about him, and he doesn't have a lot of personality, but he's tall, dark, and menacing, and thus serves his purpose of being a scary villain (but not the main villain) extremely well.
Characters like Maul and Vader are also microcosms of what is best about Star Wars: the fact that it doesn't overly explain itself and leaves some things open to interpretation invites the audience to use their imaginations to fill in the gaps. In ANH, it's never explained what a Kessel Run is. You're free to imagine what that entails (until they came out with the Solo movie and explained it and consequently ruined it, which is a part of the reason why people didn't like Solo all that much). It's also why people rejected the prequels, because they'd already "seen" those movies in their heads, and your imagination is almost always going to beat reality. I'm not saying you should never explain anything, but a little mystery is a good thing. Oddly, I think the best part of the sequels is Kylo Ren, who appears to be another mysterious antagonist at first but is quickly given a clear backstory and humanized, and turned into a 3D character (in stark contrast with Maul and ANH Vader). It probably only worked, though, because he's the only character with any kind of depth and real motivation in those movies.

At the moment the second light blade popped out you knew you were watching kino.
I was a kid but i remember ppl at the theater losing they shit.

Kek, m8.

He does get pretty fleshed out in clone wars and is pretty good in it so that helps. But also everything in the sequels feels ridiculously shallow and “temporary”, for lack of a better word.

>because you were 7 when you saw it and suffer from Dunning Kruger

He doesn't need to speak. Everything that needs to be said about who he is gets expressed through body language. The contrast between the calm meditating Qui-Gon, and Darth Maul pacing like a caged tiger.

The only bad thing about TPM was Jake Lloyd

Jake Lloyd was fine. Lucas wanted a clumsy, not-slick take on Anakin. That's why he intentionally went with the actor who flubbed his lines. He brings a fragility to the role.

He's memorable because it was the first time someone had a different kind of lightsaber. They held off on showing that it had two blades until the final fight because they knew doing this would be awesome, and it was.

Attached: Maul lightsaber.webm (1280x544, 1.67M)

He just seemed like a normal kid

Not sure why so many people think his performance was bad. We’re they expecting kid anakin to be some charismatic figure?

His acting was bad

>>shows up for two minutes of screen time in the fellowship of the rings
>>has no line of dialogue
>>is more memorable and has more soul than any hobbit character


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he was made by the original star wars creator george lucas

No. He behaved like a real child, not like an actor. A lot of child actors come across like miniature versions of adult actors "acting" overtly. Jake came across like a sad little boy.

The PT used fight scenes sparingly to convey character personalities. You know a great deal about who these characters are based on how they fight.

I love this creature’s design so much, reminds me of this monster from Summoner.

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Sometimes I can't tell if people on this board are ironic or you genuinely think this is the visual inspiration.

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>Good design
>Shows how incredibly dangerous prime sith are
>Displays enough personality through his fight
>Thows a curvebone towards the heroes' plans
That's more than the sequels ever did.

I didn’t say it was the inspiration, just that it reminded me of it.

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so what is filoni planning to do after this scene?

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Ruin him like Ahsoka.

>had a cool design
>had a nice fight
>impacted the plot in a way that wasn’t shamelessly forced
>didn’t outstay his welcome, but also had enough wasted potential for people to be sad he went early

The Phantom Menace is my favourite jedi, eh duels fates and doesn't afraid of anything

Never thought about this but you are right. The music is a big part of it being a space opera and all.

Sounds like a pretty cool guy

they were probably planning to make a sequel to solo with him if it did well. irrelevant now since it bombed

Should've been Jabba the Hutt in that scene

Enlightened centrism - the character.

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>Reddit the Character

Maul gave us lightsaber kino. What are sequel lightsaber fights if not awkward flubbing around?

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>not loving the inexplicable teleporting knife

>but he's tall
He is like 5 4

aren't jedi's meant to never show affection?
Like when they kept anakin away from his mother and ban relationships

Has one of the best music tracks accompanying his fight.

might as well have never happened. Maul will never be mentioned again. not in this timeline.

You could see the soul and sweat he put into his performance.

Attached: TPM - Prime Of The Jedi.webm (500x280, 2.8M)

Attached: TPM oneshot.webm (640x272, 1.92M)

Attached: TPM Obi vs Maul.webm (1080x606, 2.84M)

Because they are a smaller part of the population at whole and also a minority within a minority. Do you think niggas like Thad were accepted? Basic DBZ knowledge was alright (mainly because of games) but anything else was a gamble on a rough roulette. Most just suppress it but they like the typical western animu shit. Most are never open about any of it outside of DBZ (and maybe SOME Naruto).

Remember Mike hated this kino and probably the sole reason the sequels when for muh unchoreographic .

Phantom Menace unironically has the best lightsabre duels in all Star Wars

That would have made a lot more sense

I actually quite liked his character. He was the only one I wouldn't have mind returning in Ep 9.

it is a bit over choreographed, but way better than the sequels swings and screams

Thank Clone Wars for adults.

As a kid who grew up with ep 1-3, he just looked cool.

A bit overdone but the main problem is there's so many strikes where it's clear they're just acting and it doesn't really look like they're trying to kill each other. To be fair, most movies have this problem and you're not supposed to be watching these scenes again and again with a pause button.
Still far better than anything in the sequels other than that one stormtrooper who fucked up Finn.

>>TFW "over choreographed" even though it was literally apprentices regurgitating training moves.

Only because Solo bombed. He's also been in those shitty cartoons with spider legs and his brother with an equally retarded "Mr Bad Guy" name

>Maul will never be mentioned again. not in this timeline.

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Admit it, there was a lot more wrong with it than just Lloyd. Jarjar is still grating, and there's still a lot of areas where the writing could have been better polished.

Anakin never should have been a little kid in Phantom Menace to begin with. Have him start as a young adult. Makes it easier to get someone who can actually act, lets him form more of a brotherly bond with Obi-Wan since they're closer in age, lets him take a more active role in the story instead of being bumbling around, and makes the start of the Padme romance less pedophilic.

>Star Wars

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>Anakin never should have been a little kid in Phantom Menace to begin with.
He had to be a child for his character to make sense. Dante was about 10 when he met Beatrice.