Will it be kino, Yas Forums?
Will it be kino, Yas Forums?
holy shit alan rickman is back from the dead
no thats keanu chungus
Only if you are a BM/WF BBC cuck fetishist or a feminist.
I dont think Kid Cudi is meant to be a love interest, but rather a way to connect zoomers to the musical aspect of the film.
They better have classic rock in the film.
>Alex Winter
>Director of Smosh the movie
>Kid Cudi
That nigger is still alive? I thought he OD'd in like 2016
George carlin in this?
Hes honestly the only rapper I dont mind. At least its not Lil Yeet or some no-name.
Holy fucking shit. No he didn't, did he?
Oh GOD DAMN IT. I have such a bad feeling about this now.
Yes. They propped his body up on wires and got the people from The Muppets to help record his scenes.
Is that Casey Nestiat?
is that the fag who made ben 10
Looks like big yikes material
Fuck you. Those movies were kino.
You guys are rejecting the fact that Alex Winter isn't directing this. Not only that, no movie studio would let such a big movie such as this be direct-to-video quality like Alex Winter"?'s directing career has consisted of.
it will be if Keanu gets to go full John Wick for a few minutes then slows down and apologises. "Sorry.. I don't know what happened there."
I guaruntee 100% there will either be a matrix or a John Wick reference somewhere in this film. Screencap this.
Honestly, all retarded theories aside, it probably will be kino. I don't think Reeves will sign on to a script that would tank his already very successful career. We all know Winter will take whatever he can get, but Reeves has way too much to lose if this movie bombs.
I laugh how reddit always says how keanu is immortal but in this looks like a fucking old dyke
alex winter actually looks better.
What if Charls Carrol directed
wait i thought they were supposed to unify all mankind with the power of rock & roll music and usher in an age of enlightenment and being excellent to each other. why are they back in the booth? i bet it was that fucking martian faggot. fuck robots, fuck station and fuck the grim janny.
he finally looks like an old boomer bag of shit.
he ded
So are they still gonna act like a bunch of 80's era boneheads? How is that gonna work?
No, the vaginal jew has already corrupted it.
>snape kills hitler
>How is that gonna work?
That's where the humor part comes in
Keanu Reeves is The Doctor?
>Bill & Ted 2 Bogus Journey: They have SONS
>Bill & Ted 3: Now they are DAUGHTERS
Welcome to Current Year Politics And Agendas. All signs point to : Dumpster Fire.
The rough plot is "they are now in their old age and still havent created the song that saves everyone. Uh oh." As far as I can understand from the teasers.
Did you not listen to Kid Cudi's rock album
Looks like so is Angela Lansbury.
Theyll explain this away. Like, mid pregnancy they reveal it was just massive clits that ended up resulting in them actually being daughters. Watch.
They're trannies now.
>I don't think Reeves will sign on to a script that would tank his already very successful career
He's had a lot of misfires in his career, but he always managed to get past them because of the Matrix legacy
I fully expect them to ignore it, or put in a throwaway line about how they were too stupid to notice despite the mothers telling them they were girls from the start.
But the change was 100% due to the Hollywood feminist agenda. Can't follow the adventures of their sons, now can we?
Hes too old. He'll pull a Mike Myers if he signs on to a tanker now. He"s too smart for that.
Are they going to completely do away with the rock utopia the previous two movies established?
Honestly the too stupid line would work. Especially since it was the 90's. Id accept that answer to it. No joke.
>fuck the grim janny
>grim janny
he does, in fact, do it for free
Before last year I would have said no, but now? Inevitable kino.
If they do, itll tank. So lets hope not.
>All along it was Kid Cudi that was supposed to write the song that saves everyone.
Ill walk the fuck out and demand a refund as soon as thats uttered.
>bro, your daughter's fucking a nigger
>*air guitar*
>the Matrix legacy
If anything Matrix 4 will be the tanker
>doesn't like Zillakami
Only thing that will save this movie.
in a surprise twist, bill & ted's daughters (played by billie eilish and grimes) actually create the song that saves the world because bill, ted and rufus (no mention of the evil gym teacher from the second movie though) fucked up the time circuits enough through the first and second movies to create a divergent timeline.
who the fuck still uses a payphone?
It'll get 3 stars at the most, the first two films were average at best
Actually, the daughters are going to be Samara Weaving and Bridgette Lundy-Paine
Dr. Literally Who??
>some idiot running around with an AT-4
i bet he fucking calls it a bazooka, too.
he calls it an "RPG"
>black male
>white female
it's literally every film and tv series.
Black/white interracial marriages in the US are literally less than 1% of all marriages in the US, just in case you want to pretend "i-it's common!"
How do you know for sure this is the situation?
They're actually around 7% of all marriages
Don't be too hard on them, there is a quota
Based on this picture alone, I can tell by their clothing they're going to make rock an "ironic trend amongst the youth" and I dont like that.
the joke is based upon hyperbolic reaction, with a religious end-times tint. antikino, antichrist. right?
so we take this movie, put it under the ironic Yas Forums microscope and come out with something like the above, which is pretty par for the course for Yas Forums and you need to lurk the fuck moar.